Why do people hate the USA

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  • sakio pod
    • Jun 2004
    • 6034

    Re: Why do people hate the USA

    Originally posted by speciale
    Everyone hates the fact that we get invloved in every matter. But what I don't get, is that when we don't get involved, we are then hated for that too. Its a no win situation.


    • Kinetic
      Platinum Poster
      • Jun 2004
      • 2227

      Re: Why do people hate the USA

      Originally posted by anonin
      it really isnt that hard to see, the u.s. is new to the world scene yet acts like its been running shit forever, overcomsumption abounds, most of the people are super ignorant, the government has no political philosophy anymore except to stack as much paper as possible (this can be said for alot of gov'ts tho), our policies in africa/3rd world countries, the abundant arragonce of the average american, the list goes on and on, the united states is the greatest social and governmental experiment in the history of the world and will always be remembered, but when you take a step back and look at things around you its dead obvious "why people hate the USA" and it isnt because "they're jealous" or "they hate our freedom".

      i think you'll find that most people hate the usa because of the potential america possess yet what it uses that potential to do.
      Wow, that post completely nailed it!

      That?s exactly what I meant what I said that many people over here admired the way your democracy is set up and even your justice system. Of course, the practice doesn?t match the theory, a lot of the times.
      "I play music at people" - Surgeon



      • Bululu
        Gold Gabber
        • Jun 2004
        • 810

        Re: Why do people hate the USA

        I thank god that people like you still live in the US anonin.


        • floridaorange
          I'm merely a humble butler
          • Dec 2005
          • 29116

          Re: Why do people hate the USA

          I forge the name of the book, but it shows the numbers, GDP, exports, industrial growth, standard of living index, etc... Needless to say, the USA pretty much dominates by a very large scale...World Book of Facts 2006, or something.

          It was fun while it lasted...


          • labmonkey
            Addiction started
            • Apr 2005
            • 352

            Re: Why do people hate the USA

            Here is why people hate the USA
            "Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted"


            • Miroslav
              WHOA I can change this!1!
              • Apr 2006
              • 4122

              Re: Why do people hate the USA

              Speaking of superpower status and that which it entails...check this out:

              The Soviet Union, Marxist Leninism, the Evil Empire and their ugly metaphor, the Berlin Wall, crumbled and collapsed almost 17 years ago.

              Interesting perspective on what being a superpower has meant for the US. I don't agree with many things Lou Dobbs says, but he raises some valid points in this one.
              mixes: www.waxdj.com/miroslav


              • lilsensa
                DUDERZ get a life!!!
                • Jun 2004
                • 6675

                Re: Why do people hate the USA

                Originally posted by thesightless
                1. NASCAR. just watch the people who go to NASCAR races.
                where's jibby?
                RIP ~ Steve James


                • sakio pod
                  SALAD TOSSER
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 6034

                  Re: Why do people hate the USA

                  more like bryanw24


                  • e808
                    Getting Somewhere
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 138

                    Re: Why do people hate the USA

                    The same reason people hate the Yankees in baseball...


                    • Kat
                      A pretty fn good milkshake
                      • Mar 2006
                      • 4695

                      Re: Why do people hate the USA

                      I dont hate the USA
                      I've also never been there so..
                      but what botheres me is that this freedom that you have been exposing does not seem to go in hand with the responsibility which is the thing our cuntry is rapidly learning since we have been given that option 15 years ago!

                      Tha fact that you can get a permit to have a weapon at home is incomprehensible, cannot find anything I would wote for on this matter (leaving out the circumstances where it would be good to have one - cause of that matter imo)

                      In general theres a slight mock to ppl who come from america but that view is made by tv influence couse the fact is that shows like jerry springer and fat ppl and ... are shown a great deal more thean some other real things happening in the us ...

                      I want to visit usa soon, actualy I'll be going to Canada first - I've been wondering what the deal is with teasing canadians constantly - is it becouse they were french whores and drunks before they came to canada??
                      ♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪• אין סוף •♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•

                      Music is essential for the expression of non material ideals and energies. Music colors our surroundings with emanations from the highest vibrational fields. It allows us to escape all limitations in our thinking and very existence.


                      • res0nat0r
                        Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
                        • May 2006
                        • 14475

                        Re: Why do people hate the USA

                        ^^ all of the dumb lowbrow stuff that comes from hollywood and tv doesnt help our image elsewhere in the world you are right. the whole gun thing is people taking the constutition literally back from when the country was founded as a right to bear arms, so it is a persons right to have a gun in their home legally. unfortunately this is why we have the greatest homicide rate anywhere also.
                        we just make fun of canada i think because again since we are the superpower and canada pretty much just sits up there quietly and doesnt do much. but i dont have a problem with that, i wouldnt mind living in canada..


                        • speciale
                          Are you Kidding me??
                          • Dec 2005
                          • 3728

                          Re: Why do people hate the USA

                          Originally posted by e808
                          The same reason people hate the Yankees in baseball...
                          sooo true
                          Originally posted by Miroslav
                          It's not like he grabbed his balls and sucked his dick. It's not like he gave the Saudis the original copy of the Constitution to use as toilet paper. It's not like he gave away the secret recipe to the Colonel's chicken. .
                          No Soup for You


                          • Kobe
                            I wish I had an interesting User title
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 2589

                            Re: Why do people hate the USA

                            What these people don't know is that I have a 24 hour drive through Dunkin Donuts/Baskin Robbins around the corner from my house, I can get a goddamn vanilla shake at 4:30 am. Best damn country in the world.
                            Beats are my crack.


                            • res0nat0r
                              Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
                              • May 2006
                              • 14475

                              Re: Why do people hate the USA

                              ^^ dont forget steak'n'shake....frisco melts at 4am are the best.


                              • Jibgolly
                                • Jun 2004
                                • 20773

                                Re: Why do people hate the USA

                                i am currently defecting to canada. goodbye nascar my love, goodbye.

