Since Belgium is the political center of Europe (and military as well because the NATO HQ is based here) and since I've been on a European School (info) during primary and highschool, it's safe to say I'm pretty EU minded. That's why it pisses me off that during an international crisis/event, our leaders make us look like fools and/or cowards by failing every single time to get a common policy on paper.
What the hell is wrong with the EU these days? For decades we've been working towards a united Europe. For decades we've been more or less on the same page (except for the UK then) and made progress to achieve that goal. But when the transition was made from a common market (EEC) to what was supposed to become a political and military entity as well (EU), the bubble bursts and the European dream seems to be more distant than ever. The most blatant example of that downfall was the European Constitution tragi-comedy (for those who are not up to speed with that, here's some info:
I don't get it. The way I see it, a strong and united European block reaching from the Atlantic to the Caucasus has nothing but advantages. To sum up a few:
And I can go on like that for a few pages... But it doesn't make any difference anyway. No matter how much Europeans and indirectly the international community would profit from a united Europe, the water seems to be too deep. "Seems", not "is".
So what's keeping us from getting our shit together then? Could it be that:
And I can go on like that for pages as well... But I won't
What the hell is wrong with the EU these days? For decades we've been working towards a united Europe. For decades we've been more or less on the same page (except for the UK then) and made progress to achieve that goal. But when the transition was made from a common market (EEC) to what was supposed to become a political and military entity as well (EU), the bubble bursts and the European dream seems to be more distant than ever. The most blatant example of that downfall was the European Constitution tragi-comedy (for those who are not up to speed with that, here's some info:
I don't get it. The way I see it, a strong and united European block reaching from the Atlantic to the Caucasus has nothing but advantages. To sum up a few:
- instead of being frustrated that even big countries like Germany and France don't matter when push comes to shove on the international scene, we could be one of the top 3 super powers on a global scale.
- instead of being treated by the rest of the world as the reserve troups of the US, we could have had a military which wouldn't be the largest, but certainly one of the fastest when it comes to deployment of means.
- instead of forming a common block with the US against terrorism and wiping out fundamentalism once and for all, our intelligence services fuck up by not cooperating nor exchanging information. Hell, the CIA even uses our territory and airports to detain and transport prisoners and gets away with it...
- instead of teaming up with countries like the US to prevent the Chinese economy to colonize our markets, we waste time on supporting industries which aren't profitable the way they are now (like agriculture for example).
And I can go on like that for a few pages... But it doesn't make any difference anyway. No matter how much Europeans and indirectly the international community would profit from a united Europe, the water seems to be too deep. "Seems", not "is".
So what's keeping us from getting our shit together then? Could it be that:
- Bush made it clear during his first term that he didn't want a united Europe and didn't hide his intentions to slow down or even stop this evolution? He did a great job dividing the union in two camps before and during the war in Iraq by ignoring the European Commission and negotiating one on one with the most influential countries...
- our leaders are ego trippers desperately trying to be the prima donna in the media rather than to take mutual action?
- the organisation of the European institutions isn't democratic enough? The Commission (whose members are not elected by the citizens) has more than once overruled the European Parliament (whose members are directly elected).
- the way the European institutions function isn't transparrent enough? When I drive to work I pass by one European institution HQ after another. Big anonymous glass towers filled with anonymous people. What they do all day? I haven't got a friggin clue and neither has the rest of the Europeans I guess...
- most people still believe that they will lose their own identity in a united Europe? The stereotypical bullshit about the EU becoming the United States of Europe in other words...
- the expansion to the East was too fast, too massive and too soon? I mean, what was the point of admitting for instance Romania as a member anyway?
- the EU actually taking Turkey's request to become a member seriously just to get an anti Arab buffer into place? Yeah, let's just forget about the Turks still occupying a part of Cyprus, violating human rights on a massive scale, suppressing the freedom of speech and press...
And I can go on like that for pages as well... But I won't
