Hey guys,
Next Wednesday August 22th is the 1st Anniversary of der Schall and we have very special guests for this very special occasion… HOT HOT HOT...!
Starting the session with a dj mix recorded live this week with two of my favourite american djs playing together: Brian Ffar (www.brianffar.com) and Daniel Mnookin (www.danielmnookin.com)
Continuing the show, bringing you guys the best vanguard of the Berlin’s underground sound with an EXCLUSIVE LIVE PA from PAN-POT. They propose a new way in music and I always include this form in my sessions.
Also you will be able to listen to an interview with the guys from Pan-Pot, completely exclusive for der Schall.


2003 In Berlin three ambitioned friends share their love for minimal techno, house grooves and artificial sounds. Tassilo Ippenberger (SFAX), born at lake Chiemsee in Bavaria, is a passionate DJ, meets Thomas Benedix, from Templin. Both new to Berlin, they sign up at SAE taking electronic music producer classes. Since music not only to be produced, but also to be played, they start out with their own series of parties, where at one night Marco Resmann a.k.a. DJ Phage plays his set. Marco, from Berlin, has a flaming, passionate love for house and is well known in the scene. Marco has been producing music since 1998, in 2002 he released Volkspark EP on Martin Landskys Label Intim Recordings. With his DJ Partner Norman Webber, Marco Resmann also forms the project Luna City Express with the amazing releases on Moon Harbour since April 2005. Marco Resmann is a team worker, but also the mastermind of his many projects, among others of Phage & Daniel Dreier, a project they released the first EP on Highgrade. One afternoon all three of them meet in Marco Resmanns Audio Gain Studio and the project Pan-Pot is born. Pan-Pot is the perfect symbiosis of three ambitioned electronic musicians who share a passion for music. The huge variety in their musical influences and the professional background allows them to find their very own groove quickly. Strongly influenced by the origins of house and the omnipresent minimal techno a great variety of sound creations comes into being.
Hope to see you there
Next Wednesday August 22th is the 1st Anniversary of der Schall and we have very special guests for this very special occasion… HOT HOT HOT...!
Starting the session with a dj mix recorded live this week with two of my favourite american djs playing together: Brian Ffar (www.brianffar.com) and Daniel Mnookin (www.danielmnookin.com)
Continuing the show, bringing you guys the best vanguard of the Berlin’s underground sound with an EXCLUSIVE LIVE PA from PAN-POT. They propose a new way in music and I always include this form in my sessions.
Also you will be able to listen to an interview with the guys from Pan-Pot, completely exclusive for der Schall.


2003 In Berlin three ambitioned friends share their love for minimal techno, house grooves and artificial sounds. Tassilo Ippenberger (SFAX), born at lake Chiemsee in Bavaria, is a passionate DJ, meets Thomas Benedix, from Templin. Both new to Berlin, they sign up at SAE taking electronic music producer classes. Since music not only to be produced, but also to be played, they start out with their own series of parties, where at one night Marco Resmann a.k.a. DJ Phage plays his set. Marco, from Berlin, has a flaming, passionate love for house and is well known in the scene. Marco has been producing music since 1998, in 2002 he released Volkspark EP on Martin Landskys Label Intim Recordings. With his DJ Partner Norman Webber, Marco Resmann also forms the project Luna City Express with the amazing releases on Moon Harbour since April 2005. Marco Resmann is a team worker, but also the mastermind of his many projects, among others of Phage & Daniel Dreier, a project they released the first EP on Highgrade. One afternoon all three of them meet in Marco Resmanns Audio Gain Studio and the project Pan-Pot is born. Pan-Pot is the perfect symbiosis of three ambitioned electronic musicians who share a passion for music. The huge variety in their musical influences and the professional background allows them to find their very own groove quickly. Strongly influenced by the origins of house and the omnipresent minimal techno a great variety of sound creations comes into being.
Hope to see you there
