Mahmud Ahmadinejad, Iran's President, called President Bush, and told him: "George, I had a strange dream last night. I saw America, the entire country, beautiful landscapes, and all houses hoisting a flag with an inscription"
"What did the text read?" Bush asked.
Mahmud said, "Allah is God, Allah is Great".
"You have to know Mahmud", Bush replied, "I'm very glad you called me. Last night, I had a similar dream. I saw the city of Tehran, magnificent! The city was renewed completely, and each residence hoisted a flag with an inscription too!"
"What text did the flags carry?" Mahmud asked.
"I don't know", Bush responded, "I can't read Hebrew!"
"What did the text read?" Bush asked.
Mahmud said, "Allah is God, Allah is Great".
"You have to know Mahmud", Bush replied, "I'm very glad you called me. Last night, I had a similar dream. I saw the city of Tehran, magnificent! The city was renewed completely, and each residence hoisted a flag with an inscription too!"
"What text did the flags carry?" Mahmud asked.
"I don't know", Bush responded, "I can't read Hebrew!"
