Why do people hate Iran and North Korea?

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  • chuckc
    DUDERZ get a life!!!
    • Jun 2004
    • 5459

    Re: Why do people hate Iran and North Korea?

    The scary thing is that these islamic extremist are recruiting and training people to be terrorists in different new ways such as the internet.... we are seeing a sudden increase in home grown terror.....look at the bombings in london - all locals. its a scary world we live in...and as much as we all hate war sittin on our ass will not resolve these problems.


    • Miroslav
      WHOA I can change this!1!
      • Apr 2006
      • 4122

      Re: Why do people hate Iran and North Korea?

      Neat article on some survey-compiled international opinions on potentially attacking Iran...

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      Now the main question is...what's with those Germans?
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      • srbbnd
        Platinum Poster
        • Jul 2005
        • 1088

        Re: Why do people hate Iran and North Korea?

        Originally posted by chuckc
        the blaming needs to be directed at countries like Iran. There the ones sponcering terrorist and supplying terroists with weapons. who do you think armed Hezzbolah
        I think the U. S. army could be compared to Hezzbolah. The government just sponsors our terrorists or "soildiers" People are no different or more intelligent in other regions, its religion that poisons everyone. We kill in the name of our god and so do they. Not much of a difference except our country is loaded and has better propaganda.



        • chuckc
          DUDERZ get a life!!!
          • Jun 2004
          • 5459

          Re: Why do people hate Iran and North Korea?

          Originally posted by srbbnd
          I think the U. S. army could be compared to Hezzbolah. The government just sponsors our terrorists or "soildiers" .
          you are clueless...are you young people that brainwashed


          • hulkhuss
            Are you Kidding me??
            • Jun 2004
            • 3699

            Re: Why do people hate Iran and North Korea?

            Originally posted by srbbnd
            I think the U. S. army could be compared to Hezzbolah. The government just sponsors our terrorists or "soildiers" People are no different or more intelligent in other regions, its religion that poisons everyone. We kill in the name of our god and so do they. Not much of a difference except our country is loaded and has better propaganda.

            DING DING DING
            we have a winner
            the dumbest comment on the thread!!!!!!!




            • thesightless
              Someone will marry me. Hell Yeah!
              • Jun 2004
              • 13567

              Re: Why do people hate Iran and North Korea?

              well.... he said it. we should now order the 1.2 million that are enlisted to make bombs non stop, dress in civilian attire, hang out in populated areas, kill random people who disagree with our religious views and then blame the jews.
              your life is an occasion, rise to it.

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              • hulkhuss
                Are you Kidding me??
                • Jun 2004
                • 3699

                Re: Why do people hate Iran and North Korea?


                KILLING IN THE NAME OF........

                oh yeah for got to add GOD




                • KinKyJ
                  Platinum Poser
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 13438

                  Re: Why do people hate Iran and North Korea?

                  Originally posted by hulkhuss

                  KILLING IN THE NAME OF........

                  oh yeah for got to add GOD
                  the petroleum industry, the weapons industry and the aerospace industry too


                  • KinKyJ
                    Platinum Poser
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 13438

                    Re: Why do people hate Iran and North Korea?

