Terrorist recruiting and training: support your local extremists

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  • KinKyJ
    Platinum Poser
    • Jun 2004
    • 13438

    Terrorist recruiting and training: support your local extremists

    I started replying to this remark made by chuck, but as I went along, I thought it's actually an interesting element to discuss even though it's often ignored...

    Originally posted by chuckc
    The scary thing is that these islamic extremist are recruiting and training people to be terrorists in different new ways such as the internet.... we are seeing a sudden increase in home grown terror.....look at the bombings in london - all locals. its a scary world we live in...and as much as we all hate war sittin on our ass will not resolve these problems.
    Actually we're the ones to blame for he fact that extremists can recruit so easily on our own turf. For years we've sucked judaist dick (mind you, not an anti-semite statement) and treated the islam like some exotic, not to be taken seriously and utterly retarded religion. We didn't do any effort to even try to understand and when muslims in our countries wanted mosques, we've let them organise themselves themself. Like a state within the state if you want.

    Apart from that (and I speak for the EU now) we've imported a lot of labour from the ME and Africa to do our dirty work (mining etc), but never bothered to try to integrate them into our society, teach them our values, our language, ... On the contrary even: when the mines closed, we've started to treat them like a threat for our own job market.

    Result of the above: a large community living for decades in our countries. Not in our society, but alongside of it. Not geographically spread, but concentrated in "ghettos" in our cities. Not having access to the same job and training opportunities, but in general limited to blue collar work. Not culturally accepted, but socially stigmatised. Combine all these factors and it will come as no surprise that there a group within this community which reacts like: "Oh, even though we've lived here for decades and share the same nationality, you guys still discriminate us and laugh at our habits? Fine, fuck you and yours, we'll stick with our own too." That's what I hear when I talk with friends with Moroccan roots. Especially a lot of young people who have a degree and speak the language fluently react this way because they feel humiliated and betrayed. Frustrations ? gogo in other words.

    And to top it off, all of a sudden an anti-islam mentality gets blasted through the mass media, redefining every muslim as a (potential) terrorist or at least a follower of a "backward religion" in comparison with the superior Western civilisation. That's one of the reasons I always flame those who start generalising in one direction or another. Try to imagine what it feels like to be a social paria for all your life. Are you in that place? Now imagine that you're seen like a sheep humping, sand sucking, suicide bombing retard by everyone around you. Imo this generalising does more damage than we actually realise. For those who understand Dutch: go have a look at the forums on Marokko.nl. A lot of the postings are macho bullshit, but it's shocking to see how some young people see the world around them these days. And once again: that anger and agression has nothing to do with being muslim. On a few occasions I tried to fight them with their own weapons and quoted passages from the Qu'oraan. You'd expect that to have some impact, but no, not at all... It just got ignored. I rest my case...

    There's your potential: angry and frustrated people who have had an education, are litterate, speak the local language and are familiar with the way we do things here. Imo, that's a pool the CIA would love to fish in for inflitrants. But others are catching the fish in the pond and with great ease even. Why? Read on...

    Since we never bothered about "them muslims", we (I mean the state, police, ...) have little or no clue at all of what goes on inside mosques. We don't know even know what an iman actually does and what his "job description" is. Why should we? "Them muslims" are hauling in their own imams from abroad, so we don't have to care about that either. Ignorance is bliss... and fatal in this situation.

    In reality a lot of extremist imans find their way to a "western mosque", which to them is Disneyland. Hardly any supervision and even if there is, speeching in Arabic or Berber prevents locals from understanding what you're telling your fellow believers. Can it get any better than that? I don't think so...

    Mind you, when recruiting in the West, the religion is less important than in the classic recruiting areas. Imo the incentives here are
    - building a propper identity, rather be a social schizo
    - belonging to a powerful community, rather than to the 2nd rank citizens
    - being feared and respected instead of being stigmatised
    - wanting to get even with those who treat you like shit
    - ...

    I'm not saying they're entitled to that or that radicalising is the way at all btw, just pointing out a few things.

    Imo the only way to stop extremists from recruiting "high profile" terrorists is to treat the religion and its community of believers like we treat any other world religion: with respect and healthy curiousity.

    During the past few years/months the Belgian authorities have been working on the concept of organising official courses for imans in our own country. That way the influx of radical elements is largely blocked and you have a better view of who's spreading what message.

    A few weeks ago I heard that the the members of the EU decided at a summit to follow that example and try to get such a system going in every EU state. Finally our representatives use at least a part of their brains...
  • Lorn
    Looking for a title!
    • Sep 2004
    • 5826

    Re: Terrorist recruiting and training: support your local extremists

    Very well thought out ideas. I think they have much merit. Its a shame the damage has already been done.


    • Miroslav
      WHOA I can change this!1!
      • Apr 2006
      • 4122

      Re: Terrorist recruiting and training: support your local extremists

      Neat post... I definitely agree that much more could have been done with regards to respect and integration, and that this would have helped a ton - and hopefully will still help for the future. But even as we try to right those wrongs with the next generation, we need to not back down even one inch from an aggressive, hard-line approach in the short term when it is discovered that radical ideas have taken root and plots are forming... It seems like a contradiction on some levels, but it's unfortunately necessary.
      mixes: www.waxdj.com/miroslav


      • thesightless
        Someone will marry me. Hell Yeah!
        • Jun 2004
        • 13567

        Re: Terrorist recruiting and training: support your local extremists

        yeah, but this shit doesnt happen anywhere else, because we as a people have elected governments that want to actually help the world. north america, south america, most of asia, russia, europe, some of africa, everywhere there are religious meddling in politics, and a strong conservative agression of hardline islamists, ther eis violence and hatred. iran, iraq, afghan, pakistan, northern half of africa, all have problems, mostly violent problems with people who hold this fucking false worship of deities above all esle, and are willing to die to defend it and kill to spread its rule. so what is the worlds choice> wait for trouble and hit back or agress and change? use lebanon as a decent example. they fought out syria last year and the whole country essentially backed thier eleceted gov't until some asshole with a reliiogus based hatred decided to jump in on isreal while they were dealing with palestinian kidnappings, and kill and kidnap isrelai soldiers, when there was a peace between the nations, finally. then lebanon's gov't, for the most part, stayed out of it and attempted to make its oppostion to hezzbollah somewhat clear, while not going after its own people. still we are waiting on the religous militant group to release the prisoner, but it wont happen. tis the elected government that wants the kids let loose and to move on with peace.
        your life is an occasion, rise to it.

        Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
        download that. deep shit listed there

        my dick is its own superhero.


        • Lorn
          Looking for a title!
          • Sep 2004
          • 5826

          Re: Terrorist recruiting and training: support your local extremists

          Its so difficult to argue issues like this. There are valid points to all sides and all views. The bottom line for me is simple. Actions speak louder than words.


          • KinKyJ
            Platinum Poser
            • Jun 2004
            • 13438

            Re: Terrorist recruiting and training: support your local extremists

            Originally posted by Miroslav
            Neat post... I definitely agree that much more could have been done with regards to respect and integration, and that this would have helped a ton - and hopefully will still help for the future. But even as we try to right those wrongs with the next generation, we need to not back down even one inch from an aggressive, hard-line approach in the short term when it is discovered that radical ideas have taken root and plots are forming... It seems like a contradiction on some levels, but it's unfortunately necessary.
            It only seems like a contradiction because the general perception is that terrorism is "per defenition" attached to the islam. Mainly thanks to political propaganda and stigmatising/generalising in the media. When I rephrase your conclusion to a message that we should try to get across as a society, it sounds a bit like this: "All members of a Western are treated equally, no matter which name your god has or which tone of color you have under your clothes. However, anyone who threatens our society will be hunted down, no matter which name your god has or which tone of color you have under your clothes. Seems pretty logical to me.

            Originally posted by thesightless
            yeah, but this shit doesnt happen anywhere else, because we as a people have elected governments that want to actually help the world. north america, south america, most of asia, russia, europe, some of africa, everywhere there are religious meddling in politics, and a strong conservative agression of hardline islamists, ther eis violence and hatred. iran, iraq, afghan, pakistan, northern half of africa, all have problems, mostly violent problems with people who hold this fucking false worship of deities above all esle, and are willing to die to defend it and kill to spread its rule. so what is the worlds choice> wait for trouble and hit back or agress and change? use lebanon as a decent example. they fought out syria last year and the whole country essentially backed thier eleceted gov't until some asshole with a reliiogus based hatred decided to jump in on isreal while they were dealing with palestinian kidnappings, and kill and kidnap isrelai soldiers, when there was a peace between the nations, finally. then lebanon's gov't, for the most part, stayed out of it and attempted to make its oppostion to hezzbollah somewhat clear, while not going after its own people. still we are waiting on the religous militant group to release the prisoner, but it wont happen. tis the elected government that wants the kids let loose and to move on with peace.
            You might have a point Sean, but it's beside the topic of this thread. I agree that fundis should be wiped off the face of the earth, but that's an external policy. I was talking about the internal policy: which signal to give to segments within our own society.
            so what is the worlds choice> wait for trouble and hit back or agress and change?
            Right now we're focussing all the time on the threats coming from the ME, ignoring the threats that are building up in our own cities and neighbourhoods. So if you ask me, we're not waiting for trouble, we're asking for it. And trust me, that trouble will make Iran et all look like futilities...

            Just ask yourself this question: who do you fear the most? Some flipped out radical illiterate peasant who marches from the Afghan hills to our door with a bomb belt strapped to his waist. Or a deeply drustrated and alienated guy who has been living in your street for all of his life, who has the same nationality and ID like you, who has been to one of our universities and who speaks three or four languages ...

            The more we generalise and bash the islam, the more ennemies we'll create within our own society and the less credible we are when we say we want to help.

            So yeah, we should act towards our own people too and change things. Not by agression and asociality, but by closing the gap which devides us and creating mutual respect.


            • thesightless
              Someone will marry me. Hell Yeah!
              • Jun 2004
              • 13567

              Re: Terrorist recruiting and training: support your local extremists

              here, most people are so beyond sick of it. you feel bad watching shit happen, and then get shit when someone acts. catch 22.

              just wait until the UN actually grows a pair and sends troops to darfur. someone will blame the US even if we dont send troops. same shit for the situation in ethiopia and somalia with the ICU, you are a reporter, remind me how nice it is living under the islamic courts union.
              your life is an occasion, rise to it.

              Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
              download that. deep shit listed there

              my dick is its own superhero.


              • KinKyJ
                Platinum Poser
                • Jun 2004
                • 13438

                Re: Terrorist recruiting and training: support your local extremists

                Originally posted by thesightless
                here, most people are so beyond sick of it. you feel bad watching shit happen, and then get shit when someone acts. catch 22.
                I think that reaction is pretty normal when you get that sort of shit over you when you put your foot down. But can you blame those who give you shit? The only reason why the US is hated in the ME and not trusted anymore in large parts of the EU is obvious. Just rewind to the lies that have been spread to justify invading Iraq against the will of the UN and you'll get the picture. Pretty obvious some nations/segments of the population bite in the hand that reaches out to help them.

                Originally posted by thesightless
                just wait until the UN actually grows a pair and sends troops to darfur. someone will blame the US even if we dont send troops. same shit for the situation in ethiopia and somalia with the ICU, you are a reporter, remind me how nice it is living under the islamic courts union.
                Imo that anti-US mentality could change when Bush and his neo-con crooks move out of the White House and the new team (no matter if they're dem or rep) spend some effort on setting out a different foreign policy. If that policy is based on cooperation between allies to fight a common enemy instead of solo actions, the US won't be demonised to the extent as it is now.

                Or to say it with a Dilbert quote: "The biggest advantage of team work is diverting responsability."

                But to get back on topic again: it doesn't matter how many reporters you liberate from islamic courts unions. If we don't change our internal marketing, fundamentalists will keep on recruiting operatives amongst our fellow countrymen with the same ease... Maybe even easier.

