my friend just died of an OD....

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  • sammwalk
    Gold Gabber
    • Jun 2004
    • 769

    Re: my friend just died of an OD....

    awful, just awful. same thing happend to a friend of mine a few years back, some bad drugs. same situation; through rehab, everything, and then...



    • shan
      Platinum Poster
      • Jun 2004
      • 1187

      Re: my friend just died of an OD....

      jesus man really sorry to hear that


      • thesightless
        Someone will marry me. Hell Yeah!
        • Jun 2004
        • 13567

        Re: my friend just died of an OD....

        hey thanks shan, that, combined with the fact i was evacutated from my house on saturday are the reasons i never called you back. apologies. i hope you enjoyed our city, its a good one.
        your life is an occasion, rise to it.

        Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
        download that. deep shit listed there

        my dick is its own superhero.


        • threehills
          I heart Lollergirl
          • Jun 2005
          • 3641

          Re: my friend just died of an OD....

          It's always worse when it happens just when you thought they may have turned a corner.
          Sorry for your loss.
          It's never too late to become the person you always thought you would be.


          • rubyraks
            DUDERZ get a life!!!
            • Jun 2004
            • 5341

            Re: my friend just died of an OD....

            Originally posted by thesightless
            thanks guys. ben i have to call you this evening, mike a stacy had a baby boy, noah jacob. one good thing about this week i gather.
            Glad to hear of some good news around you. Hear from you soon
            "Work like you don't need the money.
            Love like you've never been hurt.
            Dance like nobody's watching.
            Sing like nobody's listening.
            Live like it's Heaven on Earth."


            • kassios
              Platinum Poster
              • Jun 2004
              • 1200

              Re: my friend just died of an OD....

              my condolences, so sad to loose a friend.



              • chuckc
                DUDERZ get a life!!!
                • Jun 2004
                • 5459

                Re: my friend just died of an OD....

                yeah that is rough...sorry to hear that....


                • Yao
                  DUDERZ get a life!!!
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 8167

                  Re: my friend just died of an OD....

                  I feel for you Sean, sorry to hear about that. Keep walkin' straightup and try to enjoy life a little more, if only to honour your friend.
                  Blowkick visual & graphic design - No Civilization. Now With Broadband.

                  There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -Hemingway


                  • ShawnD64
                    Quickshot the Minute Man
                    • Jan 2005
                    • 1250

                    Re: my friend just died of an OD....

                    sucks sean, my condolences


                    • chloe harris
                      Platinum Poster
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 1021

                      Re: my friend just died of an OD....

                      soory to hear this. hope you and everyone who was involved in his world are keeping your heads up.

                      pillow humping rules.


                      • day_for_night
                        Are you Kidding me??
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 4127

                        Re: my friend just died of an OD....

                        Sean, my condolences to you and his family. Why is it the good ones always go too soon?


                        • M?M
                          Getting Somewhere
                          • Mar 2006
                          • 143

                          Re: my friend just died of an OD....

                          my condolences to you man ....


                          • evangelion
                            Platinum Poster
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 1999

                            Re: my friend just died of an OD....

                            Damn...sorry to hear that, man.

                            Live your life twice as good now...for him.

                            Stay strong.


                            • dig72
                              Gold Gabber
                              • Nov 2004
                              • 882

                              Re: my friend just died of an OD....

                              My condolences.

                              Spending time with close family and friends will cheer you up and make you realise that nothing in this crazy world is more important.
                              “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”
                              Marcus Tullius Cicero


                              • thesightless
                                Someone will marry me. Hell Yeah!
                                • Jun 2004
                                • 13567

                                Re: my friend just died of an OD....

                                the tough thing about it is that i know a lot of ppl who were friendly with him or knew viz 6 degrees of kevin bacon style..

                                and the hard one for everyone is that we all told him it would happen, many times, and he kept yessing us to death and now that it happened, some of us have talked and its hard not to be angry. its not like he didnt know, hell everyone was concious of it even though he hid it. not once did he ever mention heroin unless we confronted him.
                                your life is an occasion, rise to it.

                                Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
                                download that. deep shit listed there

                                my dick is its own superhero.

