since monday, and thanks to mr. tom alaphant(boston columnist) for this, our house of representatives and senate have voted on ONE bill. the bill.... whether or not to outlaw 4, (FOUR), horse ranches that are killing horses for export. Bo Derek of all ppl was the woman who lobbied this last week. they took 5 days to decide on this. they said no, because agricultural pro's admitted that the horses are starving from lack of food in the wild. HOWEVER, and listen to this..... the opposition to ms derek said, in thier case for killing the horses, ''the horses in these locations are eating the corn which can be used for ethanol production''.
remember. vote responsibly in 60 days. and i dont mean just going democrat b/c the pres's admin is retarded. they are part of this problem we have right now too. research, learn and look at thier voting records. campaign speeches are selling points and sales pitches. look at the product before you buy the commercial.
remember. vote responsibly in 60 days. and i dont mean just going democrat b/c the pres's admin is retarded. they are part of this problem we have right now too. research, learn and look at thier voting records. campaign speeches are selling points and sales pitches. look at the product before you buy the commercial.
