According to our records Jenks is a Penis - Pulling Horse Stalker
According to our records Hos is a Queer - Licking Badger Stalker
According to our records Encryption is a Pants - Worrying Penguin Poker
According to our records palmer is a Sperm - Mincing Ferret Fucker
According to our records chemicalbeavis is a Lesbian - Pestering Dick Muncher
According to our records peloquin is a Penis - Flicking Dick Flicker
According to our records Jenks is a Penis - Pulling Horse Stalker
According to our records Hos is a Queer - Licking Badger Stalker
According to our records Encryption is a Pants - Worrying Penguin Poker
According to our records palmer is a Sperm - Mincing Ferret Fucker
According to our records chemicalbeavis is a Lesbian - Pestering Dick Muncher
According to our records peloquin is a Penis - Flicking Dick Flicker