Pope insults Muslims

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  • Miroslav
    WHOA I can change this!1!
    • Apr 2006
    • 4122

    Re: Pope insults Muslims

    And they still want MORE apologies!

    I want to slap the shit out of these people, it pisses me off so much...fucking morons. The pope says something relatively benign, and no apology is sufficient to heal their grevious wounds. Meanwhile, their Imams preach murder of all of us infidels daily in their mosques, and we're supposed to be just fine with that. Fuck that.

    We need to remember to demand as many apologies next time another horde of their religious barbarians comes over here and kills another 3,000 of our countrymen (and women).
    mixes: www.waxdj.com/miroslav


    • Miroslav
      WHOA I can change this!1!
      • Apr 2006
      • 4122

      Re: Pope insults Muslims

      In other news:

      Muslims around the world continued today to stage riots, burn churches, and rape and kill nuns in defiance of the Pope's implications that modern-day Islamic practice may be prone to violence. "The rapings and beatings and killings will continue until the Pope grovels like a dog and publicly states that we are really nice and friendly people", said Mehmet Aydin, Turkish State Minister.
      mixes: www.waxdj.com/miroslav


      • KinKyJ
        Platinum Poser
        • Jun 2004
        • 13438

        Re: Pope insults Muslims

        SHOCKING! Yesterday in Hungaria the National TV station was attacked and parts of it set on fire!!!

        by Hungarians enraged because the PM lied about the economic situation of Hungaria. Guess muslims aren't the only fire starters eh?


        • Lorn
          Looking for a title!
          • Sep 2004
          • 5826

          Re: Pope insults Muslims

          ^^hehe...shocking indeed.


          • thesightless
            Someone will marry me. Hell Yeah!
            • Jun 2004
            • 13567

            Re: Pope insults Muslims

            New York City's iconic sports radio station covering the Yankees, Mets, Giants, Jets, Knicks and more. Stream, read and download WFAN from any device on Audacy.

            listen to the sept 20 link, you'll need realplayer. its the president of the catholic league.

            for kinkyJ and the others who arent in america, Imus is a great radio personality, who gears towards politics, but hates everyone equally. one day you''ll get mccain, then tomorrow, you'll get john kerry. he calls out the bullshit and promotes the normal folks a lot. he tries to be fair and hear everyone's side, but wont let them ''preach'' thier buzzwords. his show, normally is histerical. this is the man who told bill clinton that his wife was evil and frigid. but then told clinton, that outside of the lies on TV and the fact he ignored a few things he shouldnt have, he was a great president. it takes balls to tell a man you like him but his wife is a shrew.
            your life is an occasion, rise to it.

            Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
            download that. deep shit listed there

            my dick is its own superhero.


            • davetlv
              Platinum Poster
              • Jun 2004
              • 1205

              Re: Pope insults Muslims

              Originally posted by chemicalbeavis
              What the fuck are these muslims whining about now? that they are not following a vicious and violent religion? Great, so they prove it by burning effigies of the pope and chanting for his death, attacking catholic churches, and even shooting an Italian nun!
              Actually CB what they are proving is that only their religious leaders can come out with derogatory statements about other religons without the world going apeshit.

              The supposed religion of peace has no problems denegrating Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddists even each other on a regular basis. If however you say anything agaisnt them, well, remember poor Rushdie!!!!

              Its about time the world wakes up to the fact, and i've said it before and here it is again, we are on the verge of all out war with these fanatics. This is a religion that, according to its own holy book, kills people who do not convert to their brand of fanaticism.

              Lets remember that some 1400 years ago Islam never existed and now its followers of this vile doomsday cult reaches nearly 2 billion people world wide. Anyone wanna hazard a guess at how many of its members joined up willingly?


              • malayday
                Getting Somewhere
                • Aug 2004
                • 175

                Re: Pope insults Muslims

                i think the converts to Islam is what has been increasing. I dont know the current figures but im pretty sure it was the fastest 'growing' religion in the west. Implying not forcefull acceptance, but rather a voluntary conversion,
                and i dont understand what you saying homes, you say it is on the verge of an all out war with 'fanatics' which seems to narrow the cross section you adress in the very next sentence of all muslims, 'vile doomday cult' ?...its is a 'religion' that makes people convert to 'thier' brand of fanaticism...i dunno...are you saying muslims are fanatics....or are you saying fanatics exist independant of beliefs...because it seems you adress the 'fanatics' but then immediately generalise to encompass all...im confused....
                the fanatics (i will jump on your boat for this one), of anything should be eliminated, extremism of any form is fuked, but to say that kkk leaders who hide behind 'good' christian stuff..shouldnt mean all christians are kkk crazy mofo's or extremists...seems unfair, to say that the colonial conquests which definately fuked up a lot of people, aboriginal, indian (native american) were triggered by crazy christian fuks is not the same to say all christians thus have a disposition to be crazy murder obsessed power hungry fuks....or to say that the japanese who massacered the chinese with utmost brutality doesnot mean that buddhists are fuked and wanna kill kill kill...or to say that the buddhist who burnt themselves to a crisp in protest is not to say that buddhists in general are suicidal fuks...or the germans who fuked up all the jews...im sure they had some sort of ethnic purification in mind...a belief that was supported and reinforced thorugh christianity is not to say all christians are jew hating crazy fuks...in fact just because those people had christian names, or buddhist names or jewish names (israel was formed after a good deal of 'terrorist' activity) the ira also...one cannot connect them to the faith and then generalise about the faith...and everybody in it....
                about the 'holy book' talking about killing everyone non muslim and making themn convert...horse shit man...taken out of context and please..the quran is written in METAPHORE.....you cant read the bloody translation and think you know what it is saying....
                all im saying is there is a need for a dichotomy...


                • Lorn
                  Looking for a title!
                  • Sep 2004
                  • 5826

                  Re: Pope insults Muslims

                  Well put bro.


                  • davetlv
                    Platinum Poster
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 1205

                    Re: Pope insults Muslims

                    No maladay, what you're saying is that there is need for appeasment, and we know how well that attitude worked in the past.

                    Whether the Koran is written in metaphor or not is not relevant and those fanatics who speak in its name take the words of the koran literally.

                    There are many many muslims around this planet that are peace loving individual, but alas are spineless when it comes to taking on the more extreme vocal elements of their society.


                    • thesightless
                      Someone will marry me. Hell Yeah!
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 13567

                      Re: Pope insults Muslims

                      Originally posted by davetlv
                      No maladay, what you're saying is that there is need for appeasment, and we know how well that attitude worked in the past.

                      Whether the Koran is written in metaphor or not is not relevant and those fanatics who speak in its name take the words of the koran literally.

                      There are many many muslims around this planet that are peace loving individual, but alas are spineless when it comes to taking on the more extreme vocal elements of their society.

                      this is where i am in 100% agreement. no longer can we say sorry because we are afraid of thier reactions. we need to say "this is world, this is how we are, if you do not agree, do not deal with us and ignore us." and if they agress, then we react. and also, the world needs to step up and stop thier poster boys in the various african and middle eastern countries. if anything, its so beyond what iran palestine and iraq is......its the courts union, hezzbollah and hamas, 3 organziations that are essentially the new versions of taleban rule, in that they get into power through peace, then flip and spread thier vile message. poor little ethiopia is feeling thier wrath right now for trying to help somalians against the ICU. thier leadership has been bombed because they oppose an islamic government, as opposed to one void of a strong religious hand. its happening every single day, and no one wants to look, they want to look at why iraq is america's fault, when in fact, its sick religously fueld fanatics bent on chaos who kill thier neighbors. christians in lebanon and gaza (go read have your say on BBC) have been essentially driven into hiding in thier homes after the pope's comments. its so far beyond the few dozen terror voices that we know of, its deep, its driven and its a battle of societies now. there is zero way anyone can deny it. just look around at the last few years. look beyond isreal palestine and iraq.
                      your life is an occasion, rise to it.

                      Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
                      download that. deep shit listed there

                      my dick is its own superhero.


                      • thesightless
                        Someone will marry me. Hell Yeah!
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 13567

                        Re: Pope insults Muslims

                        still not going away....

                        fuck em. the more they do , the less everyone else feels for them, and if they act, it will only bring down the world on the region.
                        your life is an occasion, rise to it.

                        Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
                        download that. deep shit listed there

                        my dick is its own superhero.


                        • speciale
                          Are you Kidding me??
                          • Dec 2005
                          • 3728

                          Re: Pope insults Muslims

                          Originally posted by thesightless
                          still not going away....

                          fuck em. the more they do , the less everyone else feels for them, and if they act, it will only bring down the world on the region.

                          Religion will end the world. Its a shame.
                          Originally posted by Miroslav
                          It's not like he grabbed his balls and sucked his dick. It's not like he gave the Saudis the original copy of the Constitution to use as toilet paper. It's not like he gave away the secret recipe to the Colonel's chicken. .
                          No Soup for You


                          • geoffgulley
                            Platinum Poster
                            • Apr 2005
                            • 2002

                            Re: Pope insults Muslims

                            Originally posted by thesightless

                            ... i rarely, if ever, write my opinions on stuff like this as i tend to take a "live and let live" stance in life but this is seriously starting to ruffle my feathers. quoting the article above: "the clerics and religious scholars -- who gathered in the eastern city of Lahore from across the country -- in a joint statement claimed that the pope had never apologized."The Pope has neither accepted his mistake, nor apologized for his words," it said."

                            what the hell ever... believe what you want to believe. he could say he's sorry a million times over and they'll never except it... he's qualified his remarks to no avail. well then, if you think his remarks are bad then stop, drop and roll cause you're not going to like this...

                            i, geoff gulley from cincinnati ohio usa and who's easily found walking the streets of my fair city could give a rats ass about you, your religion and/or beliefs. to be more precise, i don't believe in your religion nor do i beleive in your supposed "prophet" or this book of "metaphor's". that being said however i do respect your right to practice this supposed "religion" unless it turns into fanaticism along the lines of crazy christians who blow up abortion clinics in the name of "God". yes indeed, what a wonderful and great "religion' you have... like the way you treat your women as if they are nothing more than a breeding family dog, who if not clothed correctly, say and or do the wrong thing at the wrong time etc etc you will murder them without penalty (even if you make up what happened). go ahead, continue killing your innocent country men and women who believe exactly what you believe in futile attempts to eliminate the "infidels". I have some sorry news for you my muslim friends. we're not going anywhere. and if you think you honestly intimidate non-believers by your tactics you couldn't be any more wrong. you merely continue to polarize your "religions" detractors. oh yeah, lest i forget, your "victories" i.e., 9/11, British tube bombings, nightclubs in Bali etc etc etc.. you know, the stuff in the name of "allah" merely ruin any credibility you mistakenly think you have left in this world. "peaceful religion" my hairy white ass .... go talk to a buddhist about a "peaceful" religion.... oh that's right, they're "infidels" as well... fuckwits.

                            man do i feel a million times better now....
                            Last edited by geoffgulley; September 21, 2006, 09:40:07 PM.
                            "only dead fish swim with the stream..." Malcolm Muggeridge


                            • malayday
                              Getting Somewhere
                              • Aug 2004
                              • 175

                              Re: Pope insults Muslims

                              how utterly selfish and useless....get over yourself first dood...and second..ther probably not a lot of fanatical fukwited "supposed" muslims who listen to house music and love a good party....so your words really seem to be misdirected because you seem to be talking of such a minute section of these violent people...so about you feeling better for venting your self centered arrogant thoughts here....makes no sense to me..you seem a bit delusional in fact...treat your women...and the general completely misguided examples you use are really better left un said in your little attack on these 'so called peace lovers'...and You have news for your
                              muslim friends..."that we are not going away"...(firstly i doubt youd call any muslims friends) but importantly ...dood who are you talking to?...the mercury server community who all have been brought together for the one purpose of brilliant music?.....or the fanatical insane fuks that are talking a load of shit...cuz im pretty sure those guys arent into the same tunes if ya know what i mean....


                              • Lorn
                                Looking for a title!
                                • Sep 2004
                                • 5826

                                Re: Pope insults Muslims

                                Originally posted by malayday
                                or the fanatical insane fuks that are talking a load of shit...cuz im pretty sure those guys arent into the same tunes if ya know what i mean....

                                haha...good one. I sure hope they don't listen to what we do.

