Just returned from the Playa del Carmen region of Mexico -- my wife and I went down to celebrate our first anniversary. Anyway, we stumbled upon a couple of other people from St. Louis while we were there (which was ironic because there were only a handful of Americans in the whole resort) -- a mother and daughter team that exemplified the term "ugly Americans."
The mom, in particular, was tan in the way I've never seen before with skin texture closely resembling a baseball glove. Her voice sounded like that of Burgess Meredith in his role as The Penguin in the old Batman show. We were talking with them after they returned from a shopping trip in Playa del Carmen, when she unfurled this absurd complaint:
"All of these people kept coming up to us and speaking to us in Mexican. I was like, 'Why are you talking to me in that language?' [insert 3 Penguin-like sounds here]."
I shuddered, not just at the fact that she evidently believes that there is a language called Mexican, but that she was annoyed that someone would have the audacity to address her in "Mexican" -- IN MEXICO.
Know why people addressed you in Spanish? How about because you're in a Spanish-speaking country?
And of course, these kncukleheads are always the ones that are most vocal about being Americans when they're abroad. I'd like to add this story to the "Why people hate Americans" discussion that was going on some time ago.
The mom, in particular, was tan in the way I've never seen before with skin texture closely resembling a baseball glove. Her voice sounded like that of Burgess Meredith in his role as The Penguin in the old Batman show. We were talking with them after they returned from a shopping trip in Playa del Carmen, when she unfurled this absurd complaint:
"All of these people kept coming up to us and speaking to us in Mexican. I was like, 'Why are you talking to me in that language?' [insert 3 Penguin-like sounds here]."
I shuddered, not just at the fact that she evidently believes that there is a language called Mexican, but that she was annoyed that someone would have the audacity to address her in "Mexican" -- IN MEXICO.
Know why people addressed you in Spanish? How about because you're in a Spanish-speaking country?

And of course, these kncukleheads are always the ones that are most vocal about being Americans when they're abroad. I'd like to add this story to the "Why people hate Americans" discussion that was going on some time ago.