New political movie: 'Uncovered: the War in Iraq'

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  • delirious
    Addiction started
    • Jun 2004
    • 288

    New political movie: 'Uncovered: the War in Iraq'

    Film Review: 'Uncovered: the War on Iraq'

    A highly impressive array of talking heads deliver vivid counterarguments to the Bush administration's rationales for the war in Iraq in Robert Greenwald's documentary, the latest in a seemingly endless spate of politically themed films being released in conjunction with the campaign season.

    Expanded for this theatrical release, via Cinema Libre Distribution, from the 50-minute version previously released on DVD, "Uncovered: The War on Iraq" provides compelling arguments that even those on the right wing of the political spectrum will be hard pressed to entirely refute.

    Eschewing narration and excessive histrionics in its presentation, the film is essentially a series of filmed testimonies from a large number of experts representing the military, diplomatic and intelligence fields, interspersed with news footage recapping the administration's buildup to the war.

    The film begins with the interview subjects stating their names and credentials, and the sheer breadth and volume of them is quite overwhelming. They include Stansfield Turner, former head of the CIA; Peter Zimmerman, former chief scientist of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee; Joseph Wilson, the former diplomat who blew the whistle on the false assertion regarding Iraq's purchasing uranium from Niger; Ray McGovern, a top CIA analyst for nearly three decades; Scott Ritter, the former top U.N. weapons inspector in Iraq; David Kay, who was subsequently appointed by Bush to search for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq; and many, many others.

    These figures, representing a broad swath in terms of philosophies and politics, deliver damning refutations of the Bush team's assertions, which are, naturally, edited for maximum effect. While the arguments obviously will be digested differently according to the viewer's preconceived notions, the impressive credentials of the witnesses, most of them former insiders rather than mere pontificators, give their arguments an undeniable credibility.

  • toasty
    Sir Toastiness
    • Jun 2004
    • 6585

    Has anyone seen this? I understand it is already available on DVD...


    • HoneyBearKelly
      Addiction started
      • Jun 2004
      • 334

      Same people put out a docu called "Unprecedented" very good.
      Cat formerly known as Cheshire
      *cue imperial death march"


      • Jenks
        I'm kind of a big deal.
        • Jun 2004
        • 10250

        here's the link to the movie info.

        i just finished watching this documentary on Sundance Channel.

        I don't quite know what to say except, it's pretty fucked up.

        i wish like hell i didn't hate Kerry as much as i do, because i am going to have a hard time voting for this current Administration, and no, it's not just this one documentary that makes me say this. I've long disagreed with the Bush Administration, but i've always figured, ya know, there's good and bad with every choice. Weigh the cost/benefit and make a choice.

        i really hate both candidates with a passion. never before in my life have i had to make this kind of presidential choice between two people like this...for fuck sake, what country do i live in? :?


        • neur0t0xin64
          Getting Somewhere
          • Jun 2004
          • 248

          Im shocked! Yeah Jenks this ol country you live in its such terrible monster, its the mother beast coming out of its cave to conquer everyone on the planet. What are you guys talking about, i know your not that naive!?? This film is a yet another example of Moore'ish perfidious propaganda. hahahahahahhaha He PUNK'D YOU ALL. First off: Robert Greenwald, the shit for brains behind this film(as well as his previous 'Outfoxed-where he takes a slam against FOX NEWS CHANNEL-but then is 100% biased and didnt have the audacity to bring on anyone from FOX to defend themself! see it here from the Washington Post:

          ,so anyway Mr. shitbrains recieved most of his funding from no one other than Hmmmm very compelling folks. Second: Robert Greenwald is in love with Michael Moore, he would rock his delectables daily if possible. The truth is that Greenwald saw how making an astucious film(such as F/911) that goes against the grain, and wets the liberals punk panties can make a director a large fortune fast. This guy does the exact same thing Michael Moore does, copy and paste, distort the facts, only interview those who support the theme. Its a joke. Here is a quote from the previous article:"He also had conversations with MoveOn President Wes Boyd, and former Clinton White House official John Podesta of the American Progress think tank, both of which helped finance his Iraq film" The guy is trying to create a market for these films, hes selling his product, the guys priority here is to make money, period.
          "In case of doubt, attack." --- Gen. George Patton


          • asdf_admin
            i use to be important
            • Jun 2004
            • 12798

            Re: New political movie: 'Uncovered: the War in Iraq'

            i really hate both candidates with a passion. never before in my life have i had to make this kind of presidential choice between two people like this...for fuck sake, what country do i live in?
            you fucking copycat ... pinko. :wink:
            dead, yet alive.


            • Civic_Zen
              Platinum Poster
              • Jun 2004
              • 1116

              Originally posted by Jenks";p="
              i really hate both candidates with a passion. never before in my life have i had to make this kind of presidential choice between two people like this...for fuck sake, what country do i live in? :?
              Yet another enters my world. :wink:
              "The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws." - Tacitus (55-117 A.D.)
              "That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves."
              - Thomas Jefferson


              • Jenks
                I'm kind of a big deal.
                • Jun 2004
                • 10250

                Originally posted by neur0t0xin64";p="
                Im shocked!
                well, you're shocked, there's a fucking surprise.

                if i were a betting man, i would have bet you'd have been OUTRAGED too.

                You must have missed the part where i said, "It's not just this documentary that that makes it hard to vote for this administration."

                It's quite fair enough to hate both candidates. I've long suported this administration, and will continue to do so, that doesn't mean i will blindly go about putting Bush on a pedistal like yourself. He's made a lot of mistakes, and i'm quite certain Kerry will make a mess of the country too. Nothing i hate more than Kerry's wish washy stance on everything. Wait, there is something i hate more, the ideology of the democrats all together.

                "Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and supporting your government when it deserves it." -Mark Twain.


                • toasty
                  Sir Toastiness
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 6585

                  Originally posted by neur0t0xin64";p="
                  Im shocked! Yeah Jenks this ol country you live in its such terrible monster, its the mother beast coming out of its cave to conquer everyone on the planet. What the fuck are you guys talking about?? This film is a yet another example of Moore'ish perfidious propaganda. hahahahahahhaha He PUNK'D YOU ALL. First off: Robert Greenwald, the shit for brains behind this film(as well as his previous 'Outfoxed-where he takes a slam against FOX NEWS CHANNEL-but then is 100% biased and didnt have the audacity to bring on anyone from FOX to defend themself! see it here from the Washington Post:

                  ,so anyway Mr. shitbrains recieved most of his funding from no one other than Hmmmm very compelling folks. Second: Robert Greenwald is in love with Michael Moore, he would rock his delectables daily if possible. The truth is that Greenwald saw how making an astucious film(such as F/911) that goes against the grain, and wets the liberals punk panties can make a director a large fortune fast. This guy does the exact same thing Michael Moore does, copy and paste, distort the facts, only interview those who support the theme. Its a joke. Here is a quote from the previous article:"He also had conversations with MoveOn President Wes Boyd, and former Clinton White House official John Podesta of the American Progress think tank, both of which helped finance his Iraq film" The guy is trying to create a market for these films, hes selling his product, the guys priority here is to make money, period.
                  Let me guess, neuro -- you haven't seen this one, either?

                  I saw "Uncovered" a week or so ago. Pretty interesting show. Yes, it has a message, but equating it with F9/11 is just incorrect. Totally different feel and thrust, and not near as sensational as F9/11.

                  I've always been surprised that the outing of a CIA operative who was married to a Bush critic (which is discussed in the film) by Bush stooge Robert Novak hasn't received more press. The response to a CIA operative being outed ought to be, "Holy Shit," followed by concerns about the security of sensitive information, safety of other operatives, etc. In addition to effectively ending her career, it could put her at personal risk, for fuck's sake. Instead, the Bush reaction was, "Gee, I doubt we'll ever find out who leaked this" coupled with opposing an investigation into who leaked the information.

                  It honestly makes me sick to my stomach to think that this guy might be leading us for another 4 years if Kerry doesn't get his shit together and start running a more focused campaign.


                  • toasty
                    Sir Toastiness
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 6585

                    Originally posted by Jenks";p="
                    "Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and supporting your government when it deserves it." -Mark Twain.


                    • Jenks
                      I'm kind of a big deal.
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 10250


                      Twain is most definitely my favorite literary person. Spent a semester in deep Twain study for my major. A great liar, a great orator, and his writing wit was spot with societal issues coming from his deep rooted hometown missouri heritage.



                      • Civic_Zen
                        Platinum Poster
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 1116

                        "I have never let my schooling interfere with my education."
                        "In the first place, God made idiots. That was for practice. Then he made school boards."
                        my favorites.

                        "To cease smoking is the easiset thing I ever did. I ought to know, I've done it a thousand times."
                        And one that coincides with my life as of late. Had this in my sig for a long time. Such a true statement.
                        "The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws." - Tacitus (55-117 A.D.)
                        "That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves."
                        - Thomas Jefferson

