If you don't, you'd better start liking them. Especially when you live in the US:
Fast-food industry is fattening up its fare & America is eating it up
By Kate Santich
Orlando Sentinel
Posted September 19 2006, 12:10 PM EDT
Surely every American old enough to place his own Happy Meal order knows there's an obesity epidemic in this country. Despite this -- and despite piles of research on the evils of diets high in saturated fat and sodium and low in fiber -- American fast-food chains continue to roll out bigger, fatter, more decadent fare.
Full story

Sorry, but that (Bu(rger King) burger has GOTTA be photoshopped, no? Jeez, that's a friggin grease bomb. My advice to Bin Laden: buy McDo, Wendy's, KFC, Taco Bell and Shake 'n' Bake stocks. That's gonna wipe out the US faster than any plane in any skyscraper
Fast-food industry is fattening up its fare & America is eating it up
By Kate Santich
Orlando Sentinel
Posted September 19 2006, 12:10 PM EDT
Surely every American old enough to place his own Happy Meal order knows there's an obesity epidemic in this country. Despite this -- and despite piles of research on the evils of diets high in saturated fat and sodium and low in fiber -- American fast-food chains continue to roll out bigger, fatter, more decadent fare.
Full story

Sorry, but that (Bu(rger King) burger has GOTTA be photoshopped, no? Jeez, that's a friggin grease bomb. My advice to Bin Laden: buy McDo, Wendy's, KFC, Taco Bell and Shake 'n' Bake stocks. That's gonna wipe out the US faster than any plane in any skyscraper
