Lost Season 3
Re: Lost Season 3
now, what?????http://www.myspace.com/hernancattaneo
Re: Lost Season 3
Best translation I've seen:
Los Angeles
Man found dead in
downtown loft
"The body of Jo...[unreadable]...[a]ntham of
New York was discovered shortly after 4
a.m. in the...[unreadable]...of Grand
Avenue. Ted...[unreadable]...man at The
Tower...[unreadable]...heard loud
noises...[unreadable]...antham's loft.
[unreadable]... [sa]fety, he
[unreadable]...discovered the
[unreadable]...a beam in the
Re: Lost Season 3
Season 3 was really good and a great ending, but what next? There's still three more seasons to go or 48 episodes. If they're off the island next season, then they're not lost any more. I don't care to watch three seasons of them trying to get their lives back to together.
Here's to hoping the writers have something in mind to keep the story interesting.Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake - Napoleon BonaparteComment
Re: Lost Season 3
Season 3 was really good and a great ending, but what next? There's still three more seasons to go or 48 episodes. If they're off the island next season, then they're not lost any more. I don't care to watch three seasons of them trying to get their lives back to together.
Here's to hoping the writers have something in mind to keep the story interesting.
We are at the mid-point of the series -- 3 seasons down, 3 to go. Does "Through the Looking Glass" suggest that the next three seasons will be the mirror image of what we've seen so far, i.e., we'll still have the on-island action, but will have flash forwards, or perhaps the real-time action will be off-island, and we'll flash back to the island?
The reality is that for most of the characters, the back story has pretty much been told. Would anyone really be excited to see another episode featuring Jack's back story? Or Kate's? Sawyer's? Locke's? Those ships have sailed, AFAIC. I don't think, though, that just because we'll start flashing forward, that means we won't continue to see what happens on the island. The writers are very good at coming up with ways to answer questions while asking others, and I have no doubt they'll figure out a way to keep it all interesting.
Right now, we know that Jack and Kate both make it off the island, but that's it. That still leaves an enormous amount of information to cover. Even if the structure of the show differs from what we're used to, I'm looking forward to it.Comment
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