Cultured, my ass

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  • toasty
    Sir Toastiness
    • Jun 2004
    • 6585

    Cultured, my ass

    OK, the wife and I went with her sister and brother-in-law to see a comedy show the other night. Comedian was a guy by the name of Brian Regan, if any of you have ever heard of the guy. Evidently, he has quite a following, because the show was completely sold out.

    My wife and I had pretty much the same reaction to the guy -- a decent number of funny moments, but on the whole it was a bunch of fairly obvious jokes, and we were underwhelmed. Her sister and brother-in-law, however -- along with the other dozen people they had in tow and the entire venue -- found this dude to be fucking hysterical, and were totally doubled over throughout the whole show. Regan got no less than three standing ovations during the show, in which we begrudingly participated because her family was so amped about the show, we didn't want to rain on their parade by tipping them off that we weren't as into it as they were.

    A couple of days later, we were talking about it and wondering what happened. We were clearly the odd people out -- it wasn't as if a few people found it funny and everyone else was on the fence, people were in tears at this guy, and we just kinda shrugged and played along. What happened to us, I wondered. We had been to see Lewis Black about a year ago and laughed our asses off, and we love all things comedy, so it isn't as if we have no sense of humor.

    My wife's family and friends are from a small town on the Illinois countryside, and are (and I say this with no disrespect intended) frankly fairly simple people. To give you an impression of what I mean, we introduced these two 30+ years olds to their first taste of bagels with cream cheese and lox over the weekend, and my brother-in-law took a pass because it was too weird. In contrast, we consider ourselves fairly cultured -- we are part of the charity function-attending, show-going, wine-tasting-hosting, yuppie population of St. Louis. We began to wonder if we had just become snobs and couldn't appreciate humor that was geared towards a less-sophisticated audience. And yes, I know how hauty that sounds, but stay tuned.

    I asked aloud, "Have we become too sophisticated" You'll notice that there is no question mark at the end of that question, and the reason is this -- right after asking the question, my ass answered with a resounding "no" with a fart that would blow little birds out of their nests and, ironically, ended with a distinct upward note which made it sound like my butt was asking a question. It was like adding audible punctuation to my speech. I didn't even realize it was coming, but it surged to the surface right on cue to alert me that I wasn't half as cool as I thought I was.

    Funny the way the universe works. We all need a reality check from time to time, regardless of the source. I wasn't expecting mine to come from between the cheeks, but hey, it's all good...
  • day_for_night
    Are you Kidding me??
    • Jun 2004
    • 4127

    Re: Cultured, my ass

    settling for the lowest common denominator of entertainment, art, etc is one of the many problems with society today. demanding more is a good thing, don't appologize for it.

    and tell your brother in law he is really missing out...bagels and cream cheese should be their own food group.


    • Lorn
      Looking for a title!
      • Sep 2004
      • 5826

      Re: Cultured, my ass

      Dude...that is hilarious. "from between the cheeks".


      • JonQPublik
        Gold Gabber
        • Apr 2006
        • 636

        Re: Cultured, my ass


        That was asstacular, to say the least.

        Taste has nothing to do with sophistication. It only becomes haughty if you calculate your tastes intentionally over another.



        • floridaorange
          I'm merely a humble butler
          • Dec 2005
          • 29114

          Re: Cultured, my ass

          I think you are what you are for the most part (regardless of what you would like to think you are, its best to be who you really have always been) , you choose what to laugh at and what not to laugh at...however I will say this, I have whitnessed occasions when people use laughter advantageously. What I mean is, laughter is literally one of those laws in life. If you are too serious, you are literally breaking one of life's rules. So sometimes, people who are clearly less "sophisticated" or "cultured" or "wordly" or "wealthy" or "successful" haha, you get the idea, use laughter as their way of making the playing field even.

          Basically they are essentially saying "I can enjoy myself more, and have fun, and laugh at life, and you can't (as much as me) because you are too busy acting like a yuppie. At the end of the day, laughter is the best argument is simply that real laughter, coming from a authentically joyful feeling is increasingly rare, a lot of people are hysterically crying when they laugh...they use laughter as a disguise for crying. These are just my thoughts

          It was fun while it lasted...


          • toasty
            Sir Toastiness
            • Jun 2004
            • 6585

            Re: Cultured, my ass

            Originally posted by floridaorange
            I think you are what you are for the most part (regardless of what you would like to think you are, its best to be who you really have always been) , you choose what to laugh at and what not to laugh at...however I will say this, I have whitnessed occasions when people use laughter advantageously. What I mean is, laughter is literally one of those laws in life. If you are too serious, you are literally breaking one of life's rules. So sometimes, people who are clearly less "sophisticated" or "cultured" or "wordly" or "wealthy" or "successful" haha, you get the idea, use laughter as their way of making the playing field even.

            Basically they are essentially saying "I can enjoy myself more, and have fun, and laugh at life, and you can't (as much as me) because you are too busy acting like a yuppie. At the end of the day, laughter is the best argument is simply that real laughter, coming from a authentically joyful feeling is increasingly rare, a lot of people are hysterically crying when they laugh...they use laughter as a disguise for crying. These are just my thoughts
            Umm, actually, I just kinda meant that I found the unexpected trumpeting of the ol' butt horn at the moment I was patting myself on the back for being so fucking cultured enormously funny.

            Interesting theory, tho...


            • KinKyJ
              Platinum Poser
              • Jun 2004
              • 13438

              Re: Cultured, my ass

              Same thing more or less hapened to me two years ago (apart from the farting that is). I joined my (ex)gf and her family to a comedy show (theatre play) and I sat there all night thinking "wtf???" when I saw the entire audience piss themselves at stupid obvious jokes (misunderstandings 'n' stuff) and overacting. That was the point when I knew I had to dump that girl. "Stick with your own class of people", my dad has always said. Sounds stuck up, but it's the truth... (as far as relationships are concerned).

              However, I don't think of myself as a yup. This summer I was sitting on a sidewalk terrace having a coffee with Erzina. She was talking away and out of the blue I burped loudly straight into her face. She didn't even wink and kept on talking, which surprised me a lot...

              - Erm baby, I just burped in your face, didn't you notice?
              - Yeah I did
              - Just checking since it didn't interupt you
              - Nah, it didn't
              - Damn woman, you're even more of a peasant than I am

              I love that little bitch

