Here's a fuggin hialrious newspaper article. Seems a reporter from the UK actually visited deepest, darkest Kazakhstan to verify if it's actually the way Borat describes it. The article starts off like this:
Do you have any horse urine on the menu?' I ask, timidly. 'Of course not!' roars the aggrieved waitress Leila, brandishing her menu aggressively. 'You are mad. Stupid. Who would drink p***? Not my people - who told you that?'
Who told her that? We all know who did, and as this reporter finds out, the Kazakhstanis are not impressed.
'Do we look like we'd have a town rapist?' shrieks Zhanar, 30, an immaculately turned-out banker, waving her Gucci bag at me. 'It is complete fantasy - don't people realise? This Baron Cohen man is making a mockery. It is the craziest thing I ever heard. We are a modern society.'
OK, maybe he exagerrated a bit, but I wouldn't say they're modern. Here's an couple of actual Kazahkstani "fun" activities…yes, very modern indeed.
Kokpar, in which eight grown men on horseback fight over a freshly killed headless goat. Oh, and performing the national dance, Orteke, in which you flap your arms, kick up your heels a lot and mimic a panicky goat.
'Don't be daft. He's a bloody Jew,' snapped back Morarv, 34. 'You only have to look at him. And we would never wear our moustache so bushy. It looks most unstylish.
I see….
The reporter goes on to say the people are very friendly, and the food is very bad, but she'd go back to visit any time. I think I'll pass. Read the whole article here.