Pataky Pal does exist

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  • hulkhuss
    Are you Kidding me??
    • Jun 2004
    • 3699

    Re: God does exist

    Originally posted by speciale

    A biker walks into a yuppie bar and shouts, ?All lawyers are assholes!? He looks around, obviously hoping for a challenge.
    Finally a guy comes up to him, taps him on the shoulder, and says, ?Take that back.?
    The biker says, ?Why? Are you a lawyer?? ?No, I?m an asshole.?
    wrong thread


    • rubyraks
      DUDERZ get a life!!!
      • Jun 2004
      • 5341

      Re: God does exist

      Originally posted by speciale

      A biker walks into a yuppie bar and shouts, “All lawyers are assholes!” He looks around, obviously hoping for a challenge.
      Finally a guy comes up to him, taps him on the shoulder, and says, “Take that back.”
      The biker says, “Why? Are you a lawyer?” “No, I’m an asshole.”
      That should read, most, not all.....beeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyoooooooootch
      "Work like you don't need the money.
      Love like you've never been hurt.
      Dance like nobody's watching.
      Sing like nobody's listening.
      Live like it's Heaven on Earth."


      • KinKyJ
        Platinum Poser
        • Jun 2004
        • 13438

        Re: God does exist

        7 pages of crap so far... worst thread ever.


        • hulkhuss
          Are you Kidding me??
          • Jun 2004
          • 3699

          Re: God does exist

          God is watching and taking notes


          • Lorn
            Looking for a title!
            • Sep 2004
            • 5826

            Re: God does exist

            Originally posted by KinKyJ
            7 pages of crap so far... worst thread ever.


            • floridaorange
              I'm merely a humble butler
              • Dec 2005
              • 29116

              Re: God does exist

              Look, there is a reason why The Purpose Driven Life sold over 22 million copies and became the best-selling hardcover book in American history.

              I don't think thats because most American's doubt that "GOD EXISTS."

              Or are you trying to convince yourself cowardly dj? Whats the purpose?

              It was fun while it lasted...


              • thesightless
                Someone will marry me. Hell Yeah!
                • Jun 2004
                • 13567

                Re: God does exist

                its more of the fact that you cant prove god is real, you hope he is, but no proof exists.

                all this crap, and yet, not one single solitary verifiable proofable fact.
                your life is an occasion, rise to it.

                Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
                download that. deep shit listed there

                my dick is its own superhero.


                • toasty
                  Sir Toastiness
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 6585

                  Re: God does exist

                  I don't know why I've even considering continuing this absurd discussion, but here goes:

                  CDJ, just because the Bible refers to things that exist in the material world does not mean that it must be 100% true and accurate. IMO, the Bible is primarily allegorical in nature, but even if it were a work of pure fiction, you would still expect it to make reference to the world around it, right?

                  FFS, just because something doesn't read like a Lewis Carroll story doesn't mean it's 100% historically accurate.


                  • djguillermo
                    Getting warmed up
                    • May 2006
                    • 94

                    Re: God does exist

                    Someone once told me that if i wanna be somebody with power should believe in any power so maybe the power is faith, maybe the power is the nature or the music
                    good topic
                    "The anger that began in the air is about to end"
                    Vladimir Navokov


                    • cowardly dj
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 645

                      Re: God does exist

                      Originally Posted by cowardly dj
                      Lets examine why people do not like God for a minute and I am willing to guess that you and many others here will fall into this category. God says do not drink alcohol. People like to drink alcohol so if they were to follow God they would have to give that up. God says do not use profane language. People like to use profanity in their everyday conversations to express their thoughts make jokes etc. People who follow God have to give that up also. How about drugs, dancing, and even promiscuity. That is the biggest problem people have with God. If you follow God you are to have one partner for life. Lets face it, people are not willing to give things up to follow God. Simply put God has rules and prohibitions and most people are tired of rules and prohibitions so they dismiss any and everything about God to ease their conscious. You have rules in your life every second of it and it does get to be tiresome. Do this, dont do that, go here, take this, stop that and whatever you would like to add here.

                      I fail to see how that is insulting others beliefs. That is a statement that I find to be true about the reason people turn from God even outside this forum. It may not be the only reason but sure is one I have run into often times in discussion s with people.

                      Originally posted by rubyraks
                      could you prove to me that in fact the book was written by god?
                      That being the entire purpose of using the Bible's claims to prove themselves. In order for a claim that huge to be true the book itself should be able to have proof contained in its pages. That is the whole thing that I have been going about here, but the more I talk about the Bible the more people get disturbed. I have no problem talking about science and using various means to express my ideas but there are unique things inside the Bible that are undeniable even as far as science is concerned. There are things that are written in the Bible that no man could have possible known while it was written. That is what I keep refering to as scientific foreknowledge.

                      I am asked to prove the Bible and when I post things about the Bible I get hammered and people say that the Bible can not prove itslef but indeed it can.

                      People have a hard time accepting things that they do not understand. I am well aware that the great majority of the world can not see past their own perception. That is why they continue to deny the evidence in the Bible no matter how undeniable it actually is.

                      There is a statement that I often use.... You can prove the things in the Bible are true.....just not to some people....ever.

                      That is not to say that they can not understand the Bible as it is but that no matter what anyone says they will never accept it. (BTW that is the basis of free will)

                      I can provide evidence from archeology, astronomy, oceanography, and even some medical evidences contained in the pages of the Bible that are clear evidences of the fact that somehow that knowledge was given to the men who penned it without them being able to know outside of some sort of intervention.

                      So what I am saying is basically, the Bible can prove itself.
                      Greatly rejoicing in following God as a freedom not a choice.


                      • BSully828
                        Platinum Poster
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 1221

                        Re: God does exist

                        Alright - I'll give it one more try. CDJ, I know you're inundated with posts, some hostile, some indignant, so I understand if you haven't been able to get to all the questions - but take a moment and respond to the question I asked earlier. You said it would take ages to answer so précis it for me, use short hand, answer it in a brief cartoon staring the Thundercats - whatever, but at least take a stab at it.

                        Tell me how someone whose life is just as honest, loving, and spiritually fulfilled as yours is wrong just because he/she prays to a different God. And please, no Bible quotes, no articles from other sources, tell me in your own words. Tell me why your faith is the correct choice while the faith of another is the incorrect choice.

                        I'm not trying to insult you here - never been my intention - I'm just trying to get an answer without all the misdirection and smoke and mirrors that have been the case up to this point.

                        Imagination was given to man to compensate him for what he is not;
                        a sense of humor to console him for what he is.


                        • Jenks
                          I'm kind of a big deal.
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 10250

                          Re: God does exist


                          • Lorn
                            Looking for a title!
                            • Sep 2004
                            • 5826

                            Re: God does exist



                            • hulkhuss
                              Are you Kidding me??
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 3699

                              Re: God does exist

                              ^^^^^^^^^^this is what the cards play like




                              • cowardly dj
                                • Jun 2004
                                • 645

                                Re: God does exist

                                Originally posted by BSully828
                                I'm just trying to get an answer without all the misdirection and smoke and mirrors that have been the case up to this point.
                                In order to answer this question I am going to have to establish some things first. Bear with me as I know that some do not agree with some of the things that I am about to list but they are essential to the understanding of the answer. Keep in mind that these are the things that I find to be fact in my studies. It is my intention to simply answer the questoin but in order to do that I have to answer it the only way I know how and that is using God and the Bible as a basis or a platform if you will. That must be as the question revolves around God anyway.
                                Here are the things that I am basing my answer on. All of these statements are in strict accordance with the true teachings of the Bible, not anyone's opinion.
                                1) The truth can be determined on anything.
                                2) God exists.
                                3) The Bible is the infallable inerrant word of God.
                                4) God created man and everything we see.
                                5) Jesus is the son of God and was sent to the earth as God in the form of man.
                                6) everyone has the right to chose to do good or evil, to believe or not to believe (free will or free moral agency)
                                7) God is the only true and living god and all other gods are false gods.
                                These are the facts that I will base this on.
                                All that I will be saying here is the truth from a Biblical standpoint and will be in harmony with the teachings of the Bible.
                                God is the creator and we are the created. He is to be given the highest respect a man can give anything because He is our creator.
                                When He made man He made us perfect. Adam and Eve were sinless and there was absolutely no evil in the world. God walked with Adam and Eve in the garden. However God did not want to create mindless robots. He gave us free will. The ability to chose right from wrong and decide what to do with it.
                                God made two trees and placed them in the garden. One was the tree of life and the other was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Adam and Eve were told not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and if they did they would die. The fact that this tree was placed in the garden and they were told not to eat of it is an indication that Adam and Eve knew nothing of evil. God wanted them to stay that way but He also wanted them to love Him by choice not by force of being created that way.
                                If you study the New testament closely you will find that God planned everything before He even began to make the world. When I say everything that includes the plan to bring man back into His good grace if they decided to eat of the forbidden tree.
                                And as we know the story Adam and Eve were decieved by Satan and ate of the tree. Adam disobeyed God and through his disobedience sin entered the world forever.
                                At this point it is important to understand that God did not want man to sin but since He created us with choice it is obvious He wanted His creation to love Him by choice not simply because He could create them that way. Keep this in mind as it plays an important part in the rest of the story.
                                So now we have sin, or evil if you want to call it in the world. God threw Adam and Eve out of the garden. He threw them out of the garden before they could eat of the tree of life. By implication there must have been something important about that tree but that is not important right now I just find that fact interesting.
                                Anyway, here we are evil is in the world because God gave mankind a choice and he choose to disobey. Eve ate of the tree because Satan told her she would not die but she would be like God and have knowledge. That is the reason that mankind is plagued with selfishness. Eve mad a selfish choice and therefore doomed all of mankind to that same temptation of being selfish. If you look at the world today you will see that everytihing is motivated by selfishness. When man sinned he put a gap between God and himslef. A gap that could only be bridged with something as pure as God.
                                So back to the plan God had if man was to choose self over God. Part of that plan included sending His Son to earth to be a perfect, pure sacrifice to bridge the gap that man had put there. Jesus was God. He is part of the trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He was perfect, spotless, sinless and pure.
                                Adam brought sin into the world and through Jesus man would have the ability to have that sin washed away from their record. That cleansing did have stipulations. What would be the point of God cleansing all of man at once and all at the same time. Then you are back to the point where we would not have free will. If God were to cleanse everyone at the same time then He inherently takes away a persons choice to be cleansed or not. That is why you have baptism. Baptism is the single most essential ingredient to getting back into Gods grace. Being baptized is the process of coming into contact (not literally) with the blood that Gods Son shed when he died for us. When one is baptized he is said to be baptized into Christ's death and when we come up out of the water we are a new man, back in the grace of God. We still however have the choice to leave that grace. Do not believe the doctrines that say once you are saved you are always saved. That negates free will to choose to do right or wrong. (the baptists doctrine I speak of here) Do not believe the calvinistic doctrine that people are predestined to either go to heaven or hell before they are born that too negates the choice to follow God or not. Remember that Jesus chose to die for us. He did nothing wrong. He did not sin so his death was soley for our purpose. That is important to remember.
                                So how does all this relate to the man in the bushes of Australia? While Jesus walked the earth he taught that he was the Son of God and that through him all had the ability to return to Gods grace. (On a side note; the Jews rejected Jesus as the Christ and that is why the Jews are destined to be lost.) Jesus commanded his apostles to go into all the world and teach the gospel. That means every person had the choice to believe or not. You can read in the Bible that every man heard of the gospel of Christ. That makes sense because how could God hold a person responsible for believing that Jesus was His son and that through Jesus said person could find redemption if said person was not aware of the fact.
                                Now to narrow it down to the man in the jungle. You have to believe that at one time every man who lives today came from a decendant who was aware of the choice to follow Jesus or not. As stated all were made aware of the gospel at one time. So some did and some did no choose to believe.t. Therefore those who chose not to follow Jesus dismissed the claim and it died when He did. No one will pass on a legacy of Jesus to his children and his childrens children if he thinks it is bogus. Are you with me still?
                                So from the choice made by a distant descendant of the jungle man somewhere along his family line God was forgotten. BTW that is the very reason you find people going out into the world to try to teach these people about the grace of God. It was the main reason for the crusades although the methods employed by the crusaders was absolutely inappopriate and not born of God. God gave man a choice and the crusaders said follow God or die. Not much incentive to truly love God from your heart there is it.
                                Now the man in the jungle who has not heard of God may be a good person. He may be the most honest and clean-living soul in the world today. But the reason why he will be lost is not because God has an ego. Not because God wants to see man tormented. We are told through the Bible that God wants to see all men come to repentance and be saved. The reason why that man in the jungle will be lost is because his ancestors rejected God and he has no redemption because he can not come into contact with the blood of Christ through baptism. Remember that bnaptism is the point where one is put back into the grace of God so no baptism means no redemption.
                                Now you understand why Christians are so adamant about spreading the word. Because every day people die that needed to hear about God and be given the choice to obey the gospel. It is paramount to a sincere loving Christain to help people see that the only way to heaven is through Jesus by means of baptism.
                                I know this was a long read but it was nescesary to paint the entire picture from start to finish.
                                I hope this has cleared things up. If not read it a few times and then feel free to ask any questions.
                                Greatly rejoicing in following God as a freedom not a choice.

