pete tong's new show

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  • qwerty2222
    Platinum Poster
    • Jun 2004
    • 1615

    pete tong's new show

    pete is doing a new show on radio1 on thursdays
    taken from

    Pete Tong's new Radio 1 Thursday night show In New Music We Trust will be radically different from the Essential Selection.

    ?It?s totally different from the Essential Selection'" said Tong.

    "It?s another big step in terms of Radio 1 embracing what the BBC has to look like in this century. Its current model of broadcasting programmes terrestrially, at set times, is rapidly moving out of date.?

    ?I hate to use the word, but it is a kind of magazine show. There will be a lot more chat in the show but equally it?s very important that the show is very fast moving. I don?t know how successful the show will be initially but I would imagine within six months the show will sound like radio hasn?t sounded before on Radio 1; that?s our collective ambition. To make some 21st century radio. If you haven?t got time to listen to me on a Friday or don?t know much about dance music, this show is for you, it?s meant to be an entry point.?

    Hugely upbeat about the new show, Pete admitted he?s less than thrilled about losing one hour of his Friday night Essential Selection though was stoical about the new arrangement.

    ?Did I think I?d be on at 6pm for 12 years? No. Change is inevitable but I?ve always seen change as an opportunity.?

    He also defended vigorously his right to play maintream music, pointing out that ?you?re on the radio and you?ve got to be entertaining and we play to an audience that fluctuates around 2million people at the start of the show on a Friday night.?

    ?If you were playing to a stadium of 2 million people you wouldn?t go and play a bunch of minimal techno records at the start of your set. That?s what it?s about- entertainment. I?m not on at two in the morning, I?m on at six, now 7pm. I?ve been really successful at both entertaining people and turning them onto something new, I don?t think I?ve ever gone down the route of lowest common denominator.?

    He also revealed his favourite track of the moment is Ame?s Rej and suggested dance music is changing quickly yet again.

    ?The minimal thing last year was very healthy it introduced a newness. A year down the line minimal has almost disappeared, or rather it?s morphed. I?m still playing a lot of records from Germany but they?re not that minimal. I think records have got more soulful again, a little blacker again. I suppose in a way we?ve had a house music revival,? said Pete.
  • day_for_night
    Are you Kidding me??
    • Jun 2004
    • 4127

    Re: pete tong's new show

    great, more of tong talking...just what the world needs.


    • rubyraks
      DUDERZ get a life!!!
      • Jun 2004
      • 5341

      Re: pete tong's new show

      seriously, how many more shows does tong need?!
      "Work like you don't need the money.
      Love like you've never been hurt.
      Dance like nobody's watching.
      Sing like nobody's listening.
      Live like it's Heaven on Earth."


      • tiddles
        Encryption, Jr.
        • Jun 2004
        • 6861

        Re: pete tong's new show

        ms should host this


        • fletcher
          Platinum Poster
          • Jul 2005
          • 1308

          Re: pete tong's new show

          they have shortened his usual 3 hour essential selection to 2 hours, and given him this 1 hour show on the thursday, so its still the same amount of tong.

          However, i listened to this new show last week and it was turd. An hour of what is apparently popular in the world of electronic music... therefore loads of electro / minimal and a chat with the S-man.


          • chemicalbeavis
            Are you Kidding me??
            • Jun 2004
            • 3607

            Re: pete tong's new show

            Yeah i heard a bit of it, pretty guff really.

