just when you think 2006 can't get any worse...

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  • Weizy
    MCast Resident DJ
    • Jun 2004
    • 3230

    just when you think 2006 can't get any worse...

    most you that you know have heard the kind of year that i have had. starting in January i was dumped on my birthday prior to her moving in and us getting formally engaged. then on valentine's day i was abruptly laid off from my job which was how i managed to pay for my then only two month old mortgage. a bit later in the year i posted on here that i was back and had finally recovered from the hell of a first half of the year that i had gone through. after a very smooth and fun summer things had started to turn around for yours truly. myself and the old miss have even started to rekindle our past love and have begun to put things together again ever so slowly.

    then two weeks ago my best friend's girl also someone who i have known since kindergarten on plains of south dakota who i have been through a ton of shit with was badly injured in a terrible car accident. her injuries are far too numerous to list here for the sake of decency. to be blunt she has been in a coma since that day three weeks ago. myself and a few close friends and family have been spending literally all of our time at the hospital talking to her and hoping, praying, and hoping some more. i myself have dealt with sudden deaths and slow deaths before, but never a brain damaging coma. i can't describe how hard this has been. i have steeled myself to stay positive and pray, pray, and pray.

    turns out some dumbfuck ran a red and may have very well ended the life of someone who never hurt a fly in her young life. where is the justice? why does this shit happen to good people? why why why?

    she may recover fully. she may become a vegetable for life. not even the docs know a damn thing. i can't tell you all how frustrating it is day in and day out to go and sit through this and not be able to do a god damn thing but hope and support others who are trying to deal as am i.

    i have never been a negative guy, but given the breakup, lay off, coma bullshit and ms+ dying I can't find that silver lining that i wish so much to see. so again i am throwing this out there because i know there are some great folks on this board who truly give a fuck. please any words at all would help a lost soul at this point.

    her name is Jade and please put her your prayers!

    love and respect,

  • DancingQueen
    AVB FanClub | President
    • Oct 2005
    • 4061

    Re: just when you think 2006 can't get any worse...

    Jade and her family and friends are in my prayers. Hopefully she will fully recover

    RIP Steve "Jibs" James - Your footprint is forever on my soul and in my heart xoxo
    RIP Jeff Shewchuk aka DJ Jeff Taylor (day_for_night) - You will live on in my heart forever xoxo

    Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain.


    • peloquin
      Till I Come!
      • Jun 2004
      • 8643

      Re: just when you think 2006 can't get any worse...

      thoughts to her and her family, and you!


      • Hg_addict
        Addiction started
        • Dec 2005
        • 307

        Re: just when you think 2006 can't get any worse...

        Keep your head up and stay strong. Life is hard. We may not all experience the same bad things but we all go through them in one form or another. There are highs and lows in life, the lows are there to make us appreciate the highs.

        I feel for you. I’ve been in similar situations before. These are the things are going to make you stronger and give you character. Yes, its hard, but try and focus on the good things you have and not on what you don’t have or what you've been dealt by whatever higher power there might be. It’s ok to be sad, have bad feelings, be angry or whatever, just don’t dwell on them too long.

        You’re going to eventually look back and say damn that sucked or some other explicative, but you know what, you made it through it and you will do it again. So hang in there, focus on the positive and not the negative. And, Yes, there are people who give a fuck.


        • Gatz
          Are you Kidding me??
          • Jun 2004
          • 4679

          Re: just when you think 2006 can't get any worse...

          I sometimes take a break from fantasy and get back into reality - sorry about you pain and i wish you better luck soon. My sentiments exactly Same as DancingQueen and Peloquin.


          • Yao
            DUDERZ get a life!!!
            • Jun 2004
            • 8167

            Re: just when you think 2006 can't get any worse...

            Goddamnit Weizy, is it ever going to stop??? My thoughts are with you and her, I so hope she makes a full recovery or at least one that'll enable her to pick up her life as much as possible. This is no justice, and I always wonder what it is that makes you take a decision which has such a high risk of ending up in the possible destruction of a life...but the answer is probably total disrespect for another one's wellbeing huh?

            Stay stong bro,

            Blowkick visual & graphic design - No Civilization. Now With Broadband.

            There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -Hemingway


            • Mr.Big
              Platinum Poster
              • Nov 2004
              • 1390

              Re: just when you think 2006 can't get any worse...

              That sucks dude, hope she recovers from that bullshit.

              Everything will turn out alright in the end.
              Pimps up Hoes down.


              • KinKyJ
                Platinum Poser
                • Jun 2004
                • 13438

                Re: just when you think 2006 can't get any worse...

                Weizy, your post hit a chord deep inside of me...

                11 years ago I graduated from high school. After the celebration night my best buddy - sober like a muslim during ramadan - drove home on his motorbike. On an intersection a few hundred meters from his house some drunk fucker runs him over with his SUV. He wasn't injured that badly, but his helmet got caught on the bullbar of the SUV while his body was clasped under the car. Because the driver was to drunk to notice where my friend was, the strap of his helmet suffocated him. Remco was already dead when the police arrived on the scene and found him...

                At times like these there are only questions without answers, frustration and impotence which runs so deep it even overwhelms the grief and pain.

                I'm not gonna try to make you feel better by rounding up some motivational quotes or whatever. It won't help anyway. However, keep in mind that (sorry for putting it so bluntly) shit always happens for a reason. Jade didn't deserve this happening to her and there is no reason behind fate playing a foul trick on her, that's true. But her suffering - whatever the outcome may be - isn't entirely pointless if it makes you realize that every morning you wake up in good health is a priceless gift, no matter what setbacks you may encounter.

                Even though I don't know you very well, my thoughts are with you, with Jade and with her friends and loved ones. Be strong for yourself and above all for the others. I think that's what she expects from you now.

                As for the amount of blows you've taken this year, just think of it this way: the deeper the carvings of pain and sorrow are in your soul, the more joy your soul will be able to retain in them.

                We're there for you buddy...


                • cowardly dj
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 645

                  Re: just when you think 2006 can't get any worse...

                  Been a while scince I have seen you post. But then again I was without internet for several months. I do remember the breakup dilema though.

                  Knowing that in the grand scheme of things we are all in the same boat of life, I will keep her and those aroundr her in my thoughts.

                  When life keeps kicking your teeth out, just remember that there is always dentures.
                  Greatly rejoicing in following God as a freedom not a choice.


                  • Weizy
                    MCast Resident DJ
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 3230

                    Re: just when you think 2006 can't get any worse...

                    thanks everyone for all of the kind words. seriously it means alot to me. some of you know me and some of you don't, but that really doesn't matter. sometimes i come here for a different kind of support than my immediate friends and family can give me. its just been such a fucked up year that things like being on ms kind of fall by the wayside. i just hope all ya'll know that i appreciate any kind words that are mustered in a topic like this.

                    since this a touchy ass subject i have alot of respect for anyone who has the guff to reply in this topic in an honest way.

                    my personal christian faith allows me to believe that this girl is going to make a full recovery. i can't count how many times i have said the lord's prayer in the past few weeks. its funny how cowardly dj has come back and brought up all of these theological questions lately on this board. it just makes you think about life and all of its many mysteries.

                    on another note if anyone wants to donate to Jade's family for what will be a lengthy and expensive rehab process please visit this site which has been set up by Jade's best friend Elizabeth:

                    this site has been a blessing in its own because it has allowed those who care from all over the planet to stay in tune with what the news is. i can't tell you how difficult it is to take 50 calls a day and have to explain the same news over and over and over all the while trying not to come to pieces.

                    again the kind words from everyone are very much appreciated. my presence on ms will probably be pretty sporatic for awhile but i will continue to keep this thread going maybe cuz it helps me to be able to vent all these fucking emotions that now pervade every minute of every day.

                    today my best friend and Jade's boyfriend are having an all day drinkfest. not healthy but fuck it. we sit around and remember the best not the worst.

                    once again love and respect, yours truly

                    John W.


                    • Weizy
                      MCast Resident DJ
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 3230

                      Re: just when you think 2006 can't get any worse...

                      almost 2500 people have visited the caring bridge site!!!

                      that is love man serious love...


                      • Weizy
                        MCast Resident DJ
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 3230

                        Re: just when you think 2006 can't get any worse...

                        at least i still have this to keep my going:


                        • Kobe
                          I wish I had an interesting User title
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 2589

                          Re: just when you think 2006 can't get any worse...

                          Hang in there Weizy, we love you buddy. Your friend will be in my thoughts.
                          Beats are my crack.


                          • Jibgolly
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 20773

                            Re: just when you think 2006 can't get any worse...

                            i cant say anything these other folks haven't said already. thoughts are with your friend jade, as she certainly doesn't deserve what she's going through. if you believe in karma, as i do, that drunk fucko will get whats coming one way or another. everything always works out. and while i wish your friend a full recovery just keep in mind one thing, you are pretty much at the bottom of the hole bro. there is no place else to go but UP! after the year you've had you should treat yourself to a mini vacation or something nice. again i hope your friend makes it, i hate to hear about such horrible accidents, and even after seeing a terrible car crash recently, i can't get over things like that so easy. tough shell, soft core ya know.

                            all my best to you, jade and her family.


                            • qwerty2222
                              Platinum Poster
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 1615

                              Re: just when you think 2006 can't get any worse...

                              there have been several miracles wich medicine cant explain, i hope your friend will get better, i know, this is the most difficult part, when the doctors cant do nothing and there's only hope, but there were cases when people in brain coma's woke up
                              i believe that things will come to normal in the end
                              my thoughs are to you and your friend, you'll get through this

