Nick Warren - GU 30 Paris

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  • asdf_admin
    i use to be important
    • Jun 2004
    • 12798

    Re: Nick Warren - GU 31 Paris

    it going to be solid, but not epic. GU is boring as all hell now-a-days.

    dead, yet alive.


    • The One
      Addiction started
      • Jun 2004
      • 385

      Re: Nick Warren - GU 31 Paris

      CD1 is downtempo, rather nice actually. CD2 is more in the vein of his Shanghai album.


      • jeffrey collins
        Not cool enough
        • Jun 2004
        • 7427

        Re: Nick Warren - GU 31 Paris

        why do these guys do downtempo cd's...we buy GU for dance music...not downtempo. If the guys wants to put out downtempo. then get him to do the downtempo/chill cd's that gu puts out.
        Jeffrey Collins: Painter
        My Painting Blog
        My Soundcloud page.


        • The One
          Addiction started
          • Jun 2004
          • 385

          Re: Nick Warren - GU 31 Paris

          Originally posted by jeffrey collins
          why do these guys do downtempo cd's...we buy GU for dance music...not downtempo. If the guys wants to put out downtempo. then get him to do the downtempo/chill cd's that gu puts out.
          His last downtempo disc for GU was very well received, more so than a lot of the other stuff they've put out in the past three years or so, so that would be why.


          • wizard84
            Getting Somewhere
            • Feb 2005
            • 160

            Re: Nick Warren - GU 31 Paris

            GU : GET SOME NEW TALENT!
            they already do that, next january 19th, 2007.

            Adam Freeland - GU032 @ Mexico City.


            anyway. we need new stuffs... ok. but we already have does new talents in the new labels so why are you caring about????

            we knew GU as an Proggressive-Trance label... lets keep it like that.
            the one's we need from GU are 24/7 & NUBREED
            what if fine is not good enough...


            • AndyH
              Platinum Poster
              • May 2005
              • 1786

              Re: Nick Warren - GU 31 Paris

              Originally posted by jeffrey collins
              why do these guys do downtempo cd's...we buy GU for dance music...not downtempo. If the guys wants to put out downtempo. then get him to do the downtempo/chill cd's that gu puts out.
              I have to disagree. I really like the more chilled cd1 and upbeat cd2 format. As long as its not too chilled. For me it shows 2 sides of a DJ's personality and skill. JVM Balance 010 cd1 is taking it too far though!
              [quote=lilsensa '] 'Who wants to sample size my ball sack?'


              • LV-8
                Platinum Poster
                • Jun 2004
                • 1167

                Re: Nick Warren - GU 31 Paris

                I agree CD 1 from Balance 010 was waaaaay to chill.

                regarding, Nick Warren I'm always up to hear what he has to drop, but they seriously can't find someone else to drop a new GU album. Sharams was just commercial Hell imo.


                • GregWhelan
                  Are you Kidding me??
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 2994

                  Re: Nick Warren - GU 31 Paris

                  ^ If it's a decent mix then I don't care who mixes it to be honest.

                  Think GU are concentrating on other aspects of their 'empire' as opposed to the actual 'main' city series.


                  • Geoffers
                    Fresh Peossy
                    • May 2006
                    • 2

                    Re: Nick Warren - GU 31 Paris

                    guys. ok 2 things

                    1. The Nick Warren Paris CD will be GU30.

                    2. The man is a genius.

                    Thankfully he bodyswerved the oppurtunity to work with Justin 'rather have Ebola than stomach more of this' Timberlake and Nelly 'Leave the music to someone else and just get naked' Furtado, like his sellout ex-Cream teammate Oakey.


                    • Geoffers
                      Fresh Peossy
                      • May 2006
                      • 2

                      Re: Nick Warren - GU 31 Paris

                      f****g computers....

                      ....Nick is one of the Godfathers of prog house, the reason he is still banging out the GU sets, is just that....he is a master of all he surveys.

                      The Shanghai set is one my favourite cds in the GU series and all time.

                      The GU series is an advert to the world, that great music crosses boundries.

                      Would be good to hear some new peeps on there, but the nubreeds had been around for a while, and still aren't superstars. There hasn't been a 'groundbreaker' for a while now who would be worth the gamble of a cd release.

                      For popularity, the GU10 is apparently a topseller on itunes, for good reason, quality mix-up.

                      If we didn't have GU, it would be boring, without Nick Warren, it would be lost.

                      And following my thing on Oakey, where did it go wrong for him? Cream was awesome, GU07 was amazing, the EM tour was memorable; but like an old dog, he should be put to sleep for his own good.

                      Roll on February 19th 2007

                      Enjoy yourselves


                      • phil
                        Platinum Poster
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 2319

                        Re: Nick Warren - GU 31 Paris

                        I'm disappointed with GU30 - Paris (received a promo for review). Disc One starts off with one of my all time favorite tracks and then goes downhill. Disc Two is just plain dull, for someone whose put together some great Kiss 100 mixes and GU comps in the past I was hoping for more from a city like Paris, which has so many great artists and labels. It would have been nice to hear some of those influences, instead of the basic progressive sound featured on this disc. The only track I dig is by Damon and Kazell, which is quite dated. Blake Potter played it on MS radio over a year ago. I prefer Disc One over Two.

                        I'll give it a few more listens in case it grows, but I highly doubt it. I don't see much room for growth potential. This coming from a big Warren fan. Loved his Reykjavik album, a masterpiece in nearly every sense. Shanghai wasn't bad as well. Not 'timeless' but still was able to hold its own compared to most of the comps being released last year. I wish they would go back to the Nubreed or 24-7 series again over this. Howells 24-7, Trafik's Afterhours 2 are probably the best things they've released in some time on this label in terms of comps.

                        At least I can count on the good old minimal/french house/IDM comps to keep me satisfied. Prog just doesn't have the consistency it had several years ago imo. Real boring production and nothing that is pushing the boundaries in terms of mixing or compilations besides a few players (Zabiela, etc. who I wouldn't even consider a progressive house DJ).
                        Providing Aural Satisfaction


                        • Kiteless
                          Fresh Peossy
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 26

                          Re: Nick Warren - GU 31 Paris

                          I can't believe it's Nick Warren again. Surely they can get some more newer DJs through


                          • rewing3
                            I really don't care
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 5504

                            Re: Nick Warren - GU 31 Paris

                            Originally posted by jeffrey collins
                            I think that is probably why he went to renaissance. as they are more respected these days for the quality of cd's they put out.
                            I could not agree with you more. Seems like everything renaissance has put out the last 2 yrs has turned to gold. Every mix cd is just fanastic. Smart move on his part.
                            Common Sense is not Common at all.


                            • robprunzit
                              Are you Kidding me??
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 4805

                              Re: Nick Warren - GU 30 Paris

                              I love Warrens style and sound. You all may have heard more than me, but what I have I really enjoy.
                              AT THE FORK, TAKE THE RIGHT DIRECTION



                              • 88Mariner
                                My dick is smaller
                                • Nov 2006
                                • 7128

                                Re: Nick Warren - GU 30 Paris

                                i may be completely alone in this, but i strongly believe nick warren would be better of doing his own compilations under his own label, rather than continuing with GU. Look at what Dave Seaman has done with Audiotherapy. A bit like that, plus I think Nick would have a better range of tunes at his disposal (ie signing, consent to release on al).

                                you could put an Emfire release on for 2 minutes and you would be a sleep before it finishes - Chunky

                                it's RA. they'd blow their load all over some stupid 20 minute loop of a snare if it had a quirky flange setting. - Tiddles

                                Am I the corners of your mind....


