Cosmic Sandwich 'Scatter Realm' Producer?s Contest

Artist: Cosmic Sandwich aka Steve Barnes
Label: My Best Friend (MBF), sublabel of Traum Schallplatten, Cologne, Germany
Track: Scatter Realm (unreleased, from the forthcoming EP 'Battle Twig')
Sponsor: Steinberg (Hamburg, Germany)
What to do: Remix the track 'Scatter Realm' by Cosmic Sandwich
Timetable: Oct. 1 to Dec. 31, 2006, three full months
1st Prize: A release on Cosmic Sandwich?s "Battle Twig Remix EP" which will be out in early 2007. (Optional a second or even third track) plus one Traum Schallplatten 'Best Of' vinyl pack plus a Steinberg Cubase T-shirt sent to your house
2nd Prize: A Steinberg 'Cubase Studio 4' software sequencer (click here for detailed information) plus a Traum Schallplatten 'Best of' vinyl pack plus a Steinberg Cubase T-shirt sent to your house
3rd Prize: A Traum Schallplatten 'Best of' vinyl pack plus a Steinberg Cubase T-shirt sent to your house
4th and 5th Prize: A Steinberg Cubase T-shirt
Material: Get all the stuff you need on www.foem.info
Jury: Jaqueline Klein, Steve Barnes, Riley Reinhold
All the info you need to participate can be found on www.foem.info
Have a good time producing!
the FOEM crew