WASHINGTON - President Bush demanded stiff sanctions on North Korea Wednesday for its reported nuclear test and asserted the U.S. has "no intention of attacking" the reclusive regime despite its claims that it needs atomic weapons to guard against such a strike.
Well why the hell not? Earlier, we attacked a country that had not actually attacked us or even threatened to attack us because of the threat of weapons of mass destruction.
Now we have North Korea, a country that HAS nukes, and IS threatening us:
In its first formal statement since Monday's claimed atomic bomb test, Pyongyang hailed the blast as a success and warned that any act to penalize North Korea would be met with physical retaliation.
"If the U.S. keeps pestering us and increases pressure, we will regard it as a declaration of war and will take a series of physical corresponding measures," the North's Foreign Ministry warned in a statement carried by the official Korean Central News Agency.
"If the U.S. keeps pestering us and increases pressure, we will regard it as a declaration of war and will take a series of physical corresponding measures," the North's Foreign Ministry warned in a statement carried by the official Korean Central News Agency.
Seems to me like we ought to be running into NK, guns a-blazing, right?
Don't misinterpret this as me advocating starting a war with NK. If you had any lingering doubts about whether we actually believed that Iraq had nukes or posed an imminent threat to US security, though, this ought to put those doubts to rest. Clearly, WMDs in Iraq were nothing but a pretext and regardless of why we actually went in -- regime change, oil, revenge, whatever -- and whether it would have been a legitmate basis had it been so stated, it had nothing to do with a cache of WMDs in Iraq.
If anyone disagrees and can explain the obvious inconsistency, I'm all ears.