who dosn't vote?

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  • Lrn
    Are you Kidding me??
    • Jan 2005
    • 3233

    Re: who dosn't vote?

    the ultra conservatives that formed the initial government,
    i wouldnt call the "founding fathers" conservative, im preety sure they fought long and hard to uphold their declaration of indepence

    but yea i agree with what you said. freedom of speech doesnt mean you have the right to smoke what you want or listen to the music you want and say this contry sucks, it means you have the right to say fuck you government i want change and whos coming with me.

    i just dont think libertarian party has the polical might in this point in american history of winning in the 2 party system this country relys on. A lot of good ideas are blocked by the fact that every complex issue has to be on one side or the other and i do feel strongly that needs to change. But like history shows us it doesnt take much for this to happen, grassroots uprising.. hopefully in my lifetime..

    so like a said before, the elctoral college is bs, and i dont need to vote for a presdent in the state because the winner of californias electoral college is basicallly set in stone.


    • Lrn
      Are you Kidding me??
      • Jan 2005
      • 3233

      Re: who dosn't vote?

      ill stop crushing this thread for a while and let someone else talk

      1.disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change


      • thesightless
        Someone will marry me. Hell Yeah!
        • Jun 2004
        • 13567

        Re: who dosn't vote?

        dude, the people that founded this country put GW to shame. it was just a different era in humanity. they were slave owners who beleived in minimal governmental interference, low taxation, and war to gain goals. they came from old money, from preisthood, slave trade, and military. those 55 men, however, had the idea, not to hold power, but to hand it over.
        your life is an occasion, rise to it.

        Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
        download that. deep shit listed there

        my dick is its own superhero.


        • toasty
          Sir Toastiness
          • Jun 2004
          • 6585

          Re: who dosn't vote?

          Originally posted by anonin
          or who won't vote? and why?

          i don't vote because of three reasons

          a) electronic voting machines are dodgy as fuck
          b) i live in south carolina, which isn't turning into a blue state any time soon
          c) the lines at the voting place are always killer
          dude, I've seen your posts in the politics forum, and I know you keep up with this shit to some extent. There's so much apathy amongst most of the population for things that go on in our government, it is awful to see someone who actually gives a rip opt not to bother to participate in the process.

          The last reason you site is no reason at all. Long lines bug you? Vote absentee or go at an off time. Or bring a fucking book and deal with it. What else do you have to do that's more important?

          As for the sketchy machines, hey, it is what it is and I feel your pain on that. Why a paper trail is not required is beyond puzzling to me. If you don't vote because you think it will be fixed, though, you just make it that much easier for those that think they need to fix your vote. If they're gonna screw you, make 'em work for it, and maybe eventually they'll get caught.

          The futility thing seems like it makes sense, because the truth of the matter is that if you think about it mathematically, voting is totally irrational. That's not the way to think about it, though. Sometimes change doesn't come about in an instant -- sometimes it takes place slowly, over time.

          Think about what happened to Bush. After 9/11, that dude was on top of the world, and for a long time, people wouldn't dare speak ill of him. Eventually, some dissent began to emerge. Once that happened, it was like the rest of the country was given permission to question things, and more and more people spoke out. As momentum built, his popularity slowly dwindled to the point that he almost lost the election to John Freaking Kerry, and if an election were held today, he'd probably get clobbered by a ham sandwich.

          The point is that it has to start somewhere. States change from red to blue or blue to red over time because the unfortunately reality is that some members of the voting public need to be given permission to buck the tide. That Republican rep that won by 10 points last election only wins by 6 points this year. Next time he's up, he's viewed as vulnerable, and that's when things start to happen -- but they happen, as they must, one vote at a time. If you don't vote because you view it as a worthless exercise, you just contribute to entrenching those in power you dislike.

          Also, you're an American, FFS. Vote because its your duty. 'Nuff said.


          • Lrn
            Are you Kidding me??
            • Jan 2005
            • 3233

            Re: who dosn't vote?

            theres another reason why not to vote


            • thesightless
              Someone will marry me. Hell Yeah!
              • Jun 2004
              • 13567

              Re: who dosn't vote?

              Originally posted by Lrn

              theres another reason why not to vote democrat

              ill finish your sentence.
              your life is an occasion, rise to it.

              Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
              download that. deep shit listed there

              my dick is its own superhero.


              • Lrn
                Are you Kidding me??
                • Jan 2005
                • 3233

                Re: who dosn't vote?


                • Lorn
                  Looking for a title!
                  • Sep 2004
                  • 5826

                  Re: who dosn't vote?

                  I remember in the last presidential election watching the third party presidential debates on C-Span.

                  Wow. What a refreshing thing to watch. THey had the libertarian candidate. The constitutionalists candidate. The green party candidate and the Socialist party candidate.

                  All of them DEBATED. It was fantastic. And the audience really interacted. You got a real feeling to what each mans beliefs were.

                  It gave me hope than one day we will be able to dethrone the donkeys and elephants from their sand castles.


                  • floridaorange
                    I'm merely a humble butler
                    • Dec 2005
                    • 29116

                    Re: who dosn't vote?

                    Voting is important .

                    It was fun while it lasted...


                    • Lorn
                      Looking for a title!
                      • Sep 2004
                      • 5826

                      Re: who dosn't vote?

                      Originally posted by toasty
                      If you don't vote because you view it as a worthless exercise, you just contribute to entrenching those in power you dislike.
                      Amen brother.


                      • Lrn
                        Are you Kidding me??
                        • Jan 2005
                        • 3233

                        Re: who dosn't vote?

                        "a summer day makes a white man lazy"


                        • Lorn
                          Looking for a title!
                          • Sep 2004
                          • 5826

                          Re: who dosn't vote?

                          ^Tis unfortunate.


                          • Jenks
                            I'm kind of a big deal.
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 10250

                            Re: who dosn't vote?


                            • toasty
                              Sir Toastiness
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 6585

                              Re: who dosn't vote?

                              Another reason to vote -- if you're like me, and you're appalled at what has gone on in this country in the last few years and are equally appalled at the way that members of Congress have essentially rubber stamped every draconian thing Bush has wanted to do, right now kinda feels like Christmas Eve. Poll numbers show that the Dems will likely take 6 seats in the Senate, which is enough for control, and if they can take 3 of the 18 House seats that are currently considered toss-ups, they'll control the House as well. Check this site out if you're interested -- http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epo...n_2006-21.html -- it takes the averages of the various polls that are taken and gives a better impression of what people are thinking than just a single snapshot poll would.

                              Anyway, if all goes as planned, the party will officially be over, and we can get back to thoughtful government where there is actually some dialog and discussion rather than just ramrodding bills though because the worst president in the history of our country says so. Blind partisanship will no longer work, and the two sides will have to work together if they want to get anything done. Finally, people get it, and finally, something is going to be done about it.

                              At least that's the way it is supposed to work. With this bit of hope, it's easy to think that your vote doesn't matter and that it's OK to not vote. In fact, the opposite is true. The folks in control will be out this weekend trying to rile up their base and get their people frightened enough to get out and vote on Tuesday. Now is the wrong time to relax.

                              Imagine for a moment what it would be like to wake up Christmas morning when you're expecting a PS3, and instead you get a lump of coal. If you don't relish that feeling, get your ass out and vote on Tuesday.


                              • thesightless
                                Someone will marry me. Hell Yeah!
                                • Jun 2004
                                • 13567

                                Re: who dosn't vote?

                                see my sig folks. take a look at who you are actually voting for this weekend. use your brain. and realize, that there are way more than two parties.

                                vote smart. please. the last 12 years have been utter disasters for ''responsible'' governing.
                                your life is an occasion, rise to it.

                                Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
                                download that. deep shit listed there

                                my dick is its own superhero.

