I'm speechless. I really am. This movie is going to blow me away. I know persians will probably get angry over it but by God, how you can keep such a brilliant looking movie behind closed doors.
Re: 300
I've probably see about 3 pics or so of this movie, other than that, nothing else.
Haven't read anything or seen the trailer and I'm not going to either.
It's a movie I really want to go see so I don't want to ruin it by watchinng the trailer.Comment
Re: 300
I can not wait for this. I have all ready bought the comic book which also is great. mmm. blood.dead, yet alive.Comment
Re: 300
saw the full trailer in the theater for the first time while watching Pan's Labyrinth and it look seriously sick on the big screen .. definitely a must-watch for me for 2007 besides Spiderman 3 and GrindhouseI broke my spoon on the viagra sundae.Comment