Help us Jon Carry!
Push the envelope, watch it bend.
Wakarusa Dj Winter Classic Mix Submission Feb 2011 -
Re: Help us Jon Carry!
Wow! That's pretty harsh!! Those "dickheads" protect our freedom and way of life. I am no means a Bush supporter but alot of those "dickheads" and their families would rather be home than over there risking their life.Comment
Re: Help us Jon Carry!
those dickheads include people like my family who put the big picture above personal needs, sacrificing years of thier life to attempt to bring stability, doing something that 90% of humanity doesnt have the balls to do.
not everyone who hates john kerry likes bush either, me for example. kerry is a fucking moron who keep track of his head, bush is an idiot who seems to resemble a mannequin puppet.your life is an occasion, rise to it.
Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
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my dick is its own superhero.Comment
Re: Help us Jon Carry!
I don't approve of the invasion in Iraq at all, never have and never will, but I have loads of respect for those men and women, even though I'm not an American. They know they're fighting a wrong war which can't be won better than anyone of us. They were sent there believing they were doing the right thing and all they see is a country falling apart, civilians suffering and themselves as moving targets. Apart from trying to survive each day, I think living with that knowledge is the hardest thing to do. So calling them dickheads who deserve to be "stuk" (sic!) really is way out of line!
Jeez, never thought I would find that kind of disrespect in the post of an American...Comment
Re: Help us Jon Carry!
Ok, Im obviously being taken way out of context, as I thought I would posting such a remark. Maybe I should try to explain myself- By no means am I bashing the amry, our troops, your familes, etc. Im am having a hard time understanding why that group of people would take the time to respond to the comment Kerry made about the war. For one, he openly admitted that he messed his joke up and the the root of the joke was was aimed at the way Bush got us into the whole Iraq mess, rather than saying that if your uneducated, you'll end up in Iraq. Coming from troops, I take it, would rather be at home, with their families than stuck out in some desert hallf way around the world being shot at. Doesnt this photo kinda contradict wanting to come home? Sure, I can understand that they would be upset for being called uneducated, but damn the man, Kerry would of been the one chance to bring'em home. Instead, who really knows when this thing is going to end? Surely not during Bush's presidency will we see the end of this. Im just really confused by the fact that if you really didnt want to be there, how can you be pissed of at someone thats trying to take a stab at the whole reason for war? I truely apologize for using such a harsh word in describing how I feel about this group in the photo, and I do not mean it as a personal stab towards anyone (other than the group in the photo), but I think it sends a fucked up message about what is happening in todays political world.Push the envelope, watch it bend.
Wakarusa Dj Winter Classic Mix Submission Feb 2011Comment
Re: Help us Jon Carry!
Would you consider the soldiers involved in the Abu Ghraib scandal dickheads?Push the envelope, watch it bend.
Wakarusa Dj Winter Classic Mix Submission Feb 2011Comment
Re: Help us Jon Carry!
it's amazing how even on this board you can't say anything critical that even mentions the troops or a few soldiers without being called a traitor...shame on you guys. I thought we were above that fray."Work like you don't need the money.
Love like you've never been hurt.
Dance like nobody's watching.
Sing like nobody's listening.
Live like it's Heaven on Earth."Comment
Re: Help us Jon Carry!
Ok, Im obviously being taken way out of context, as I thought I would posting such a remark. Maybe I should try to explain myself- By no means am I bashing the amry, our troops, your familes, etc. Im am having a hard time understanding why that group of people would take the time to respond to the comment Kerry made about the war. For one, he openly admitted that he messed his joke up and the the root of the joke was was aimed at the way Bush got us into the whole Iraq mess, rather than saying that if your uneducated, you'll end up in Iraq. Coming from troops, I take it, would rather be at home, with their families than stuck out in some desert hallf way around the world being shot at. Doesnt this photo kinda contradict wanting to come home? Sure, I can understand that they would be upset for being called uneducated, but damn the man, Kerry would of been the one chance to bring'em home. Instead, who really knows when this thing is going to end? Surely not during Bush's presidency will we see the end of this. Im just really confused by the fact that if you really didnt want to be there, how can you be pissed of at someone thats trying to take a stab at the whole reason for war? I truely apologize for using such a harsh word in describing how I feel about this group in the photo, and I do not mean it as a personal stab towards anyone (other than the group in the photo), but I think it sends a fucked up message about what is happening in todays political world.
I will say this: shame on the troops in this photo (for making themselves look worse). Since what Kerry said was obviously a joke against Bush and he clarified this, these poor troops are simply making themselves actually look stupid because they 1) don't realize that the remark had nothing to do with them (directly, at least), or 2) they do realize this and they're trying to make Kerry look worse merely for political purposes (which would be partisan, and the troops are not supposed to be partisan).
So either way, making photos like this is probably not the wisest thing to do, because it seems to partially justifiy what Kerry actually didn't say but everyone thought he said.
Let's just bring our boys and girls home.Comment
Re: Help us Jon Carry!
Its Friday FFS-
TGIF Everyone!Push the envelope, watch it bend.
Wakarusa Dj Winter Classic Mix Submission Feb 2011Comment
Re: Help us Jon Carry!
if you people still think he was joking,
1. go look up his history and how he got started in politics,
2. go to and watch the video from IMUS in the morning where kerry refused to apologize and attempted to cover his ass. he wasnt joking, he got the heat, and later, after realizing he did something, pawned it off as a joke. again, just go watch the video, and see yourself. if you havent, dont say he was joking b/c you hold an opinion on the retard in charge...............your life is an occasion, rise to it.
Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
download that. deep shit listed there
my dick is its own superhero.Comment
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