Help us Jon Carry!

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  • Miroslav
    WHOA I can change this!1!
    • Apr 2006
    • 4122

    Re: Help us Jon Carry!

    Originally posted by jarble187
    Ok, Im obviously being taken way out of context, as I thought I would posting such a remark. Maybe I should try to explain myself- By no means am I bashing the amry, our troops, your familes, etc. Im am having a hard time understanding why that group of people would take the time to respond to the comment Kerry made about the war. For one, he openly admitted that he messed his joke up and the the root of the joke was was aimed at the way Bush got us into the whole Iraq mess, rather than saying that if your uneducated, you'll end up in Iraq. Coming from troops, I take it, would rather be at home, with their families than stuck out in some desert hallf way around the world being shot at. Doesnt this photo kinda contradict wanting to come home? Sure, I can understand that they would be upset for being called uneducated, but damn the man, Kerry would of been the one chance to bring'em home. Instead, who really knows when this thing is going to end? Surely not during Bush's presidency will we see the end of this. Im just really confused by the fact that if you really didnt want to be there, how can you be pissed of at someone thats trying to take a stab at the whole reason for war? I truely apologize for using such a harsh word in describing how I feel about this group in the photo, and I do not mean it as a personal stab towards anyone (other than the group in the photo), but I think it sends a fucked up message about what is happening in todays political world.
    Believe it or not, there are also plenty of people in the military who feel honor bound to perform their military duties and are not trying like hell to get out at any cost. Don't assume that they've all turned into Democrats.


    • srbbnd
      Platinum Poster
      • Jul 2005
      • 1088

      Re: Help us Jon Carry!

      Originally posted by thesightless
      those dickheads include people like my family who put the big picture above personal needs, sacrificing years of thier life to attempt to bring stability, doing something that 90% of humanity doesnt have the balls to do.
      Why do people always have to use that "card". Followers of Hitler said the same thing. I have no proof, but I bet they did...


      • jarble187
        • Sep 2004
        • 2047

        Re: Help us Jon Carry!

        Originally posted by superdave
        No matter how you word it or your intention- calling soldiers dickheads is inappropriate.
        You are absolutely right superdave, it was a gut shot. Childish, immature, foolish, or down right embarrasing all would have been a better, more politically correct choice. However, I share your feelings of inappropriate- as my comment to the photo of the soldiers is inappropriate, their response to a botched joke with a hooked on phonics ad is also very inappropriate, hence my name calling.
        Last edited by jarble187; November 6, 2006, 10:05:48 AM. Reason: Had to be P.C.
        Push the envelope, watch it bend.

        Wakarusa Dj Winter Classic Mix Submission Feb 2011

