Grass-root Republicans form pro-Kerry group

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  • delirious
    Addiction started
    • Jun 2004
    • 288

    Grass-root Republicans form pro-Kerry group

    Republicans who voted for Bush in 2000 tell their Party?s candidate, President Bush: ?Not This Time? and share their reasons why

    Pasadena California? August 27, 2004. ?NOT THIS TIME? is the rallying cry that a lifelong registered Republican proposed recently for Republicans for Kerry ?04 -- a national group of disenchanted Republicans who are supporting Kerry-Edwards. ?Whether we are moderates or conservatives, we support the ideals that make us Republican: fiscal responsibility, integrity, environmental conservation, personal freedom, privacy, responsibility, small government and the separation of church and state,? the California lawyer who uses the pen name Kasha said. ?The Bush administration has betrayed these Republican ideals, therefore we will not vote for him. ?Not this Time?.?

    Republicans throughout states that Bush carried in the last election expressed similar sentiments.

    Dr. Robert Smith of Kansas City Missouri voted for Bush in 2000 but will vote for John Kerry this year. ?No one wants to be a Republican more than I, ? he said, ?but I can't in good conscience vote to continue this dishonest, arrogant, ignorant and irresponsible administration. I have two beautiful kids, and I'd love to have them grow up in a world where they can take my grandchildren fishing in clean streams, travel abroad without being hated, and (for my son) not have to worry about being drafted into some unnecessary, interminable foreign quagmire.?

    Caleb Copeland, a 22-year old sophomore at Southwest Missouri State University grew up in a Southern Baptist family, and was home schooled until eighth grade. He turned 18 in 2000 and just missed being able to vote in the last election. Copeland said that if he had been eligible to vote then, he would have voted for Bush. But this time he will cast his first presidential vote for John Kerry. In endorsing Kerry online at the Republicans for Kerry ?04 web site (, Copeland wrote that he appreciates John Kerry?s positions on many issues where the Bush campaign has condemned Kerry for "flip-flopping." ?The issues that Senators have to deal with are complex and we are living in a very complex and changing world,? Copeland wrote. ?It is a good thing that Senator Kerry looks at an issue from all sides and decides what's the best way to deal with it at that time, instead of simply always being for or against an issue.?

    Rosemary Glenn, a writer of historical fiction from Nevada, also voted for Bush in 2000. ?I have always voted Republican, and in 2000 I didn?t know W. Bush but I liked his father,? she said. ? I can?t believe that in such a short time he has trampled over this country?s principles like civil liberty and free speech, led the country into a war under faulty pretenses, and 1000 of our brave young men and women have died.? Calling herself a ?Republican sleeper? because crossover Republicans like her are sometimes not reflected in polling data, Glenn believes that Nevada will go for Kerry despite recent polls indicating a statistical tie there. ?Many people like me will not vote along party lines this time,? she said.

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  • Balanc3
    Platinum Poster
    • Jun 2004
    • 1278

    You gonna mention that there are extremely progressive liberals that are voting for Bush because they have a hardon for John Kerry and Tedd Kennedy. Flip-flop you dont stop.
    JourneyDeep .into the sound


    • Civic_Zen
      Platinum Poster
      • Jun 2004
      • 1116

      Hey, good for them.

      Must be nice to be naive enough to think Kerry is a better choice. Ignorance is bliss after all.

      Hate Bush because he isn't true to some things Republican? By all means.

      Decide not to vote for him again in 2004 because of it? Indeed, as I myself wouldn't either.

      But to believe that Kerry is a better alternative? Naive absurdity at its finest.
      "The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws." - Tacitus (55-117 A.D.)
      "That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves."
      - Thomas Jefferson


      • toasty
        Sir Toastiness
        • Jun 2004
        • 6585

        Originally posted by Civic_Zen
        Hey, good for them.

        Must be great to be naive enough to think Kerry is a better choice.

        Hate Bush because he isn't true to some things Republican? By all means.

        Decide not to vote for him again in 2004 because of it? Indeed, as I myself wouldn't either.

        But to believe that Kerry is a better alternative? Naive absurdity..
        It would be tough at this stage to say that Kerry is the better alternative, because we really don't know a lot about the guy. By the same token, it would be equally tough to assail the notion that he might be a better alternative. We'll know better after the debates. There are loads of rational, non-naive reasons for thinking right now that giving someone else a crack at this whole governing thing might not be a bad idea, though. Many people think this country is on the wrong track -- sometimes, change for the sake of change has some value.

        Take my situation, for example. I voted for Bush in 2000. In the past 4 years, Bush has leveled attacks squarely at my livelihood, and tried to villify me and the other people in my profession on a regular basis. Civic, I'm sure you can imagine that if the president were to embrace a policy that computer programmers (or whatever it is that you do) make too much friggin' money and that the government needed to step in to either directly limit it or create an environment that made it difficult for you to prosper, you wouldn't particularly care what the alternative was and you might be more than a little fired up about getting the little fucker out of office.

        At this point, I'm not certain if Bush has pushed me left, or if I've stayed where I was, but Bush has moved so far right that I feel like I've moved left. I do know this: Bush has discarded most of the things that made me a republican to begin with (except lower taxes ), and clings like grim death to the few republican values that I always found unsavory, most of which are held by the evangelical faction of the right. All that adds up to "Anyone But Bush '04!"


        • FM
          • Jun 2004
          • 5361

          I don't think it's a "better"'s really the only alternative. Either that or you don't vote...:?

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          • HoneyBearKelly
            Addiction started
            • Jun 2004
            • 334

            Originally posted by FM
            I don't think it's a "better"'s really the only alternative. Either that or you don't vote...:?
            Who else are you gonna vote for Nader? You might as well vote for Bush then because they are both being funded by the same people.
            Cat formerly known as Cheshire
            *cue imperial death march"

