My understanding is that the votes have been counted in Virginia and Montana, and that Webb & Tester have more votes. I get that because the races are so close, there may be recounts, etc. to confirm the count, but if they have more votes than their opponents, why not call the race? I get that people are gunshy about calling a race before the votes are all in after the Florida debacle in 2000, but if the votes have, in fact, been counted, and Webb & Tester have won, announce it as such and let the losers take whatever steps they deem appropriate.
Am I missing something? Why are these results being treated differently? Montana isn't even within the spread where Burns would get an automatic recount.
I guess I'm just anxious to pop the champagne...
Am I missing something? Why are these results being treated differently? Montana isn't even within the spread where Burns would get an automatic recount.
I guess I'm just anxious to pop the champagne...
