i assume that we are all OK in life. but a lot of people arent. why not give 50 bucks to feed a family.
everyone from my firm does this yearly, and you should to. there really isnt any reason not to help out a poor family eat during the winter, even moreso in the week of thanksgiving. look around and thank god that we are all ok, able to travel to family and eat a good meal, but there are plenty of people around us that barely have a shelter to live in.. thakn about that when it is 30 degrees out. what would any of you do if you had to look your child in their eyes and tell them that they wouldnt eat tonight. especially for some of our members who are new parents.
ill challenge our MS DJ friends here... someone get a mix going and offer it as incentive to give 50 bucks.
laugh all you want at me for putting this out there, but remember it when you pass someone lying in the streets or see a family in a car with all thier belongings.
i know we have some college kdis who cant, i understand that. but everyone else.. there isnt any excuse. donate.help.give.
life is more important than anything else.