Twilo, NY Vids

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  • JK224
    Addiction started
    • Oct 2005
    • 372

    Twilo, NY Vids


    Audio quality is absolute shit.
  • liquidsky
    Getting Somewhere
    • Jun 2004
    • 217

    Re: Twilo, NY Vids

    suprised scotto is still around doing lighting in nyc...after he did the nasa reunion @ arc, nyc before it closed and ran off with the money, which db and jason jinx were furious about....amazed he hasn't gone into hiding...he's always been pretty shady...

    here was the incident in 2004 from db's perspective...

    Two years ago in 2002 Scotto (aka Scott Osman self proclaimed lighting genius) called me and asked if I wanted to do a NASA 10 year anniversary party. I asked if he had a venue, and he said no but would find one.

    A year later he called again and asked the same thing and I asked if he had a venue. No, he said, but he would find one.

    6 months ago still nothing had happened, so I approached Mike Bindra at Arc, which is the site of the original club, the Shelter, which held NASA.

    Mike said that he was interested and that we should just simply rent the club from him. I explained that I was pretty sure that Scotto would not have any money & I was not really comfortable putting up the whole thing, especially as I didn’t have regular income from a record company job to support me. Mike came up with a deal - he would pay all the up front expenses and costs & then give Scotto and me a 40% split of the door receipts after all expenses were paid back.

    We agreed and Scotto and I started to organize things. Scotto was given a contract to sign by the club… I didn’t want to sign it because I did not have a LLC (limited liability company) to protect me if something went wrong, and Scotto has a company called Drop. Scotto and Arc kept sending the contract back and forth, negotiating details, till it was finally signed.

    Within minutes of signing, Scotto breached the contract by selling tickets through a ticket outlet not approved by Arc, Ticket Leap. We were informed that those names on will call through Ticket Leap would not be honored unless Scotto produced all the ticket money before the event. Scotto told me not to worry.

    Now, because the contract had been breached Arc would not give us money in advance to pay for flyers and flights for djs, so I personally covered expenses of about $2000, stressing to Scotto that I was nervous about doing this. Again he reassured me everything would be fine.

    On April 3rd, the day of the party, Mike & his lawyer called me at home, saying that they were definitely not going to honor the (now 1100) advance ticket names unless we gave Arc cash or a certified check for the amount of the online ticket sales. When I talked to Scotto he said that Ticket Leap was bringing a check up from Philly. Scotto said that the check wasn’t certified but that the contract did not say it needed to be.

    Arc refused to accept a check 1) from an out of state company that they did not know, 2) that was made out to Scotto who did not have a bank account, and then signed over to them by him.

    Wini, my wife, and I talked and we both agreed that I simply could not let over 1100 people arrive at an event that was produced by me and be told that they could not get in with the ticket they had bought. I knew some people had driven from as far as Florida; I just felt I had no choice. At 9.00 pm, with a line at the door, I did a wire transfer of $10,000 from our personal savings account into the Arc account. This was to be security until the Ticket Leap check, endorsed by Scotto to Arc, had cleared.

    Scotto was furious with me for doing this, saying I had undermined his “plan” (which I knew nothing of) for renegotiating our deal because of the chaos that would ensue at the door.

    The party itself was an incredible success, I saw people who I had not seen for 12 years, and I even saw some crying they were so happy. As a favor to me, Moby came down and spun for half an hour as a surprise guest.

    At the end of the night we all tried to figure out how much money was made and what the split should be. We were all too tired, so we were to get together on the following Monday.

    On Monday the club called me to say that Scotto needed to present the Ticket Leap check that he had endorsed at the bank in person for it to be deposited – this was the check that the $10,000 wire of my personal money was security for.

    Scotto then told me that he was not happy with our split and we should get much more of the door.

    The next thing he did was tell Ticket Leap to cancel the check. By now I was getting very worried… I knew the club was not going to give me back my deposit until all the money was accounted for. Scotto then started getting more and more maniacal, talking about getting 100% of the door, and wanting to sue the club because they tried to steal his mailing list.

    I was getting desperate; it was looking like he was not going to let the club have the ticket money.

    On the Wednesday & Thursday of that week I tried emailing & calling Scotto several times to no avail.
    On Saturday Scotto's brother Brooks called me to say, that their father had given him instructions to call me on Scotto’s behalf, to let me know Scotto was in jail on some kind of driving offence.
    I asked Brooks if he knew what had been going between Scotto, the club & me?
    He was quite clear about saying “No & he did not want to know”.

    Mike Bindra, now so sick of Scotto, decided that they would cut their losses, keep my $10,000 and only be out a couple of grand from what their split should have been.

    When I finally talked to Scotto it was Monday, he did not want to tell me why he had been locked up for 4 days.

    So Scotto had $24,000 from Ticket Leap. He told me that he thought that legally he did not have to give me back the money I had spent, but ethically he would do the right thing. Within 24 hours of saying that, he changed his mind and told me I should sue the club for the money.

    I tried to make him understand that if this went to court that the lawyers would quickly use up any money.

    Scotto then told me he had another scheme, he was going to sue the club for $750,000, explaining that he was going to get Mike Bindra to settle out of court, because he had video footage of Arc selling liquor after hours and that Mike couldn’t afford to let this footage be seen because he would go to jail.

    Now it is 10 days after the event.

    With one last desperate attempt to end this, I emailed Scottos parents in Philly, which was where I knew he was staying. He was planning on having the money from Ticket Leap transferred into his father’s bank account. I pleaded with his parents to show compassion & to wire me back my share, thus avoiding any legal action that might now even involve them. I explained that this was our savings & that we have a 3-year-old son to worry about.
    I was offering to just take only the money (12K) I had laid out and walk away, adding that any future money Scotto got from the club would be his. He could look at it as paying me back my outlay, or 50% of the ticket money that he had. Though in fact, he owed me all $12,000 and then fifty percent of any profit from our 40% split. Now I just wanted back the money I had spent out of pocket.

    Either Scotto intercepted the email or his father just didn’t want to deal with it.

    I called Ticket Leap to find out if Scotto had got the money from them. Scotto then left me one last angry message, saying I had interfered with his business again and the ticket company had frozen the money for 30 days, fearful of being sued, he also told me not to threaten his father.

    On April 19th, I finally called a lawyer; he found out from Ticket leap that the money had been transferred the previous week. He then called Scotto and was told by him that I had not been his partner & I was owed nothing, that I was just one of the djs and I had volunteered my services free of charge.

    The lawyer basically explained that I’m fucked. That it’s a really complicated 3 or even 4-way lawsuit (Scotto, Arc, Ticket Leap and myself). The money that is involved would very quickly be consumed and legal fees could easily run into thousands and thousands of dollars. This in addition to the fact that I would have to actually track him down in Pennsylvania to serve him papers.

    So here I am left with nothing but my word & reputation, hoping to get some kind of peace of mind by telling people in our world the truth about what happened.

    DB April 21, 2004


    • Johnson
      Addiction started
      • Dec 2004
      • 256

      Re: Twilo, NY Vids

      what a cunt !


      • JK224
        Addiction started
        • Oct 2005
        • 372

        Re: Twilo, NY Vids

        Definetly seems like one. About the vids though, it was a nice surprise to see Digweed in there.


        • jeffrey collins
          Not cool enough
          • Jun 2004
          • 7427

          Re: Twilo, NY Vids

          you do know that you already had those videos in another thread.
          Jeffrey Collins: Painter
          My Painting Blog

          My Soundcloud page.


          • JK224
            Addiction started
            • Oct 2005
            • 372

            Re: Twilo, NY Vids

            I was just looking for some repsonse/info as to what happened to that Scotto guy. I heard some shady stuff about him myself, just not the above mentioned story. Plus many people probably missed these vids as they were the very last post in the other thread.


            • funky_monkey
              Addiction started
              • Jun 2004
              • 349

              Re: Twilo, NY Vids

              Nice vids, thx for that peace of clubbing history
              --The world is always three drinks behind--


              • geoffgulley
                Platinum Poster
                • Apr 2005
                • 2002

                Re: Twilo, NY Vids

                I had always heard stories about this but had never actually read any of the particulars... all I have to say is "wow"...
                "only dead fish swim with the stream..." Malcolm Muggeridge

