Re: Do you recycle?
recycling is a very expensive process, hats why many cities dont have the motivation to start recycling, they need to spend the money on more important things. i know we have to pay alot in taxes to have our recylceing picked up, maybe becasue i live in california, but every city around here recycles though.
when i was in japan, i saw how there recycling system works, instead of having for example paper cans and plastic, they have like 12 diffenert bins for different kinds of recycling and reusing.
recycling is a very expensive process, hats why many cities dont have the motivation to start recycling, they need to spend the money on more important things. i know we have to pay alot in taxes to have our recylceing picked up, maybe becasue i live in california, but every city around here recycles though.
when i was in japan, i saw how there recycling system works, instead of having for example paper cans and plastic, they have like 12 diffenert bins for different kinds of recycling and reusing.