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  • jeskao3
    Fresh Peossy
    • Dec 2006
    • 2

    Re: woooohoooooo!

    thank god I havent had any root canals, 4 wisdom teeth pulled out at once was harsh,and the dentist gave me a "pain reliever" that was sickening !!! Ya good luck and floss often!


    • peloquin
      Till I Come!
      • Jun 2004
      • 8643

      Re: woooohoooooo!

      Originally posted by picklemonkey
      what i've found is that my insurance company gives root canal free of charge... because it's periodontal work(I think that's what it was classified as) they covered it and didn't deduct it from my total premium. you may want to check out how they handle root canals. if you're lucky it may not get deducted from your total allowed insurance.
      hm, the dentist chick had checked my insurance... she said i had a little under $400 left after the RC and crowns... ill have to check further into it... i assume thats per 12-month period from when i use it...?


      • GregWhelan
        Are you Kidding me??
        • Jun 2004
        • 2994

        Re: woooohoooooo!

        Jesus sod all that, I've had about 6 root canals in the past 5 years, all came to about £150 in total (I have a very good dentist!). Didn't need any medication afterards, I was right as rain as soon as the anaesthetic wore off (although a little tender).

        Toothache is a pain in the arse though, I cannot stand it.


        • picklemonkey
          Double hoodie beer monster
          • Jun 2004
          • 15373

          Re: woooohoooooo!

          Originally posted by peloquin
          hm, the dentist chick had checked my insurance... she said i had a little under $400 left after the RC and crowns... ill have to check further into it... i assume thats per 12-month period from when i use it...?
          I was real worried because when I got my first root canal beause it put me at -400 in my insurance... but after 2 months of not receiving a bill and the website still showing I had a huge credit of like 800, I realized that they cover some work and never count it toward your premium. may not be the case for all insurance companies, but you might want to call them and specifically ask if they cover anything for free, e.g. root canals not applied toward your premium. worth checking out. if so you should hurry and get those other fillings done before the end of the year so you can take the most advantage of your 07 money


          • FM
            • Jun 2004
            • 5361

            Re: woooohoooooo!

            thank god too..just 4 widoms pulled...the anasthesia and novocaine though felt very nice afterward (even if I couldn't eat very well)

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