OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

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  • FM
    Re: OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

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  • chemicalbeavis
    Re: OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

    Originally posted by MJ
    everything in moderation.

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  • JK224
    Re: OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

    I discovered the music years before I tried anything. I booze on the weekends every once in a while. I get wonky once a year at most; the amount of time it takes me to recover is too long for my taste. I will admit though, sometimes if I see a dj that rocks it until 9am Saturday and I've been up because of work/ school since 6am Friday, I need a boost to make it through the night.

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  • rainman
    Re: OK does anyone here not do Drugs?


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  • Kat
    Re: OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

    Last edited by Kat; January 18, 2011, 03:58:37 AM. Reason: different lifetime

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  • AndyH
    Re: OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

    17-25 bang on the usual - beans, coke, weed with occasional mushrooms and v rarely LSD (never out of control though). However they say that when the bad times out weigh the good its time to stop and 3/4/5 day comedowns are pretty rubbish, so its all pretty much being phazed out these days. I think that really u know if u are doing to much or it is affecting u negatively and so thats when u need to sort it out. Have occasionally got a bit too friendly with one drug or another over a period of time but I have always realised what is happening and sorted it out. NO regrets though, have had a ridiculous amount of fun and have some great stories. Like that time at that club.. erm, whats it called again..? You know, when that geezer was playing.. err.. who was it? You know, It was when wothisname pulled that minger.. Or was that the other time..?

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  • demonAfro
    Re: OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

    Never done anything apart from alcohol. I suppose only drinking to get drunk doesn't sound too good, but won't drink alone or without reason. I also feel a lot happier giving up caffeine, but it does make me go loopy if I have any nowadays.

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  • DIDI
    Re: OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

    Originally posted by floridaorange
    Decided to toss this into the mix

    Ectasy Rising with Peter Jennings : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yt6PHhOZ32g
    Thank you!!! I've just had the time to watch it all and it was so good to see all the little bits and pieces that I've found over the years put together so well. Shame they didn't show Oprah making a fool of herself though

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  • DIDI
    Re: OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

    The major thing about the legals is that you know exactly what is in them and it's comparatively easy to find out how they affect you .

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  • srbbnd
    Re: OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

    I love erowid. I like the user experiances.

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  • day_for_night
    Re: OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

    erowid is by far the best source for info on the net, for all those interested in learning more about things they may or may not be using.

    Erowid is a non-profit educational & harm-reduction resource with 60 thousand pages of online information about psychoactive drugs, plants, chemicals, and technologies including entheogens, psychedelics, new psychoactive substances, research chemicals, stimulants, depressants and pharmaceuticals. This includes traditional, spiritual, and responsible use, info on health, effects, experiences, images, research, chemistry, law, media coverage, bibliographies and a whole lot more.

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  • unkownartist
    Re: OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

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  • unkownartist
    Re: OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

    Originally posted by DIDI
    At one stage last year a New Zealand company started marketing these in Australia and our governments quietly banned them.

    its getting the same in the uk, i,m kinda close with a guy that has a site that markets these products and he says that there is one manufacturer in the eu and they wont distribute them to the uk untill the legalities of them are 100% confirmed...i,ve tried these and the effects are 90% the same as mdma, imo they are god dam awsome but like a sensible guy i worry about how they are effecting my body, in NZ the law was changed to make BZP ( the main ingredient ) a safe substance, i still wonder

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  • unkownartist
    Re: OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

    this will make u think about taking cocaine again

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  • DIDI
    Re: OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

    Originally posted by red1

    m8 if u live in the uk then u'd be best to do it legally, u get legal pills that do the same job in the internet @ leat u know what ur getting

    try london underground xxx

    much safer

    p.s. i dont do drugs
    At one stage last year a New Zealand company started marketing these in Australia and our governments quietly banned them.

    It worries me that people are still separating alchohol from drugs, IT"S A VERY BIG DRUG!! I will put up that article from the Uk . It is a really interesting read.

    Drugs: the real deal
    This is the first ranking based upon scientific evidence of harm to both individuals and society. It was devised by government advisers - then ignored by ministers because of its controversial findings

    Published: 01 August 2006
    1: Heroin (Class A)
    ORIGIN: Vast majority comes from poppy fields of Afghanistan
    MEDICAL: Sedative made from the opium poppy. Can be smoked or injected to produce a 'rush'. Users feel lethargic but experience severe cravings for the drug
    NO. OF UK USERS: 40,000
    NO. OF UK DEATHS IN 2004: 744
    STREET VALUE: ?30-100 a gram
    DANGER RATING: 2.75/3

    2: Cocaine (Class A)
    ORIGIN: Made from coca shrubs from Colombia and Bolivia
    MEDICAL: Stimulant made from leaves of the coca bush. Increases alertness and confidence but raises heart rate and blood pressure and users will crave it
    NO. OF UK USERS: 800,000
    NO. OF UK DEATHS IN 2004: 147
    STREET VALUE: ?30-55 a gram
    DANGER RATING: 2.25/3

    3: Barbiturates (Class B)
    ORIGIN: Synthetic lab-made drugs, used to be prominent in clubs
    MEDICAL:Powerful sedatives. Widely prescribed as sleeping pills but dangerous in overdose and now superseded by safer drugs
    NO. OF UK USERS: Not many
    NO. OF UK DEATHS IN 2004: 14
    STREET VALUE: ?1-2 a tablet
    DANGER RATING: 2.10/3

    4: Street Methadone (Class A)
    ORIGIN: Synthetic drug similar to heroin but less addictive
    MEDICAL: Similar to morphine and heroin and used to wean addicts off these drugs because it is less sedating. Street versions may be contaminated
    NO. OF UK USERS: 20,000
    NO. OF UK DEATHS IN 2004: 200
    STREET VALUE: ?2 a dose
    DANGER RATING: 1.90/3

    5: Alcohol (Legal)
    ORIGIN: Brewed across the world in many different forms
    MEDICAL:Central nervous system depressant used to reduce inhibitions and increase sociability. Increasing doses lead to intoxication, coma and respiratory failure
    NO. OF UK USERS: Most adults
    NO. OF UK DEATHS IN 2004: 22,000
    STREET VALUE: ?2.25 pint of lager
    DANGER RATING: 1.85/3

    6: Ketamine (Class C)
    ORIGIN: Anaesthetic drug popular on club and rave scene
    MEDICAL:Intravenous anaesthetic used on humans and animals which, when taken in tablet form, creates hallucinatory experiences
    NO. OF UK USERS: Unknown
    NO. OF UK DEATHS IN 2004: N/A
    STREET VALUE: ?15-50 a gram
    DANGER RATING: 1.80/3

    7: Benzodiazopines (Class C)
    ORIGIN: Tranquilisers used to beat anxiety and insomnia
    MEDICAL:The most common prescription tranquillisers. Effective sedatives which have a calming effect, reducing anxiety, but are addictive
    NO. OF UK USERS: 160,000
    NO. OF UK DEATHS IN 2004: 206
    STREET VALUE: Prescription drug
    DANGER RATING: 1.75/3

    8: Amphetamines (Class B)
    ORIGIN: Synthetic stimulants snorted, mixed in drink or injected
    MEDICAL:Man-made drugs that increase heart rate and alertness. Users may feel paranoid. Newer form, methamphetamine, is addictive
    NO. OF UK USERS: 650,000
    NO. OF UK DEATHS IN 2004: 33
    STREET VALUE: ?2-10 a gram
    DANGER RATING: 1.70/3

    9: Tobacco (Legal)
    ORIGIN: Most of the leaf comes from the Americas
    MEDICAL: Contains nicotine, a fast-acting stimulant which is highly addictive. Tobacco causes lung cancer and increases the risk of heart disease
    NO. OF UK USERS: 12.5m
    NO. OF UK DEATHS IN 2004: 114,000
    STREET VALUE: ?4.50 a packet
    DANGER RATING: 1.65/3

    10: Buprenorphine (Class C)
    ORIGIN: Can be made in a laboratory
    MEDICAL: More expensive alternative to methadone used to wean addicts off heroin. Preferred by some addicts because it leaves them more 'clear headed'
    NO. OF UK USERS: Unknown
    NO. OF UK DEATHS IN 2004: N/A
    STREET VALUE: Unknown
    DANGER RATING: 1.55/3

    11: Cannabis (Class C)
    ORIGIN: Plant is easily cultivated in temperate climates
    MEDICAL: Leaves of the cannabis sativa plant or resin can be smoked or eaten. It is a relaxant but stronger forms can also cause hallucinations and panic attacks
    NO. OF UK USERS: 3m
    NO. OF UK DEATHS IN 2004: 16
    ?40-100 an ounce
    DANGER RATING: 1.40/3

    12: Solvents (Legal)
    ORIGIN: Organic compounds found in glues, paints, lighter fluid
    MEDICAL: Includes glue, gas lighters, some aerosols and paint thinners. Produces euphoria and loss of inhibitions but can cause blackouts and death
    NO. OF UK USERS: 37,000
    NO. OF UK DEATHS IN 2004: 53
    STREET VALUE: ?9.99 a tin of paint
    DANGER RATING: 1.35/3

    13: 4-MTA (Class A)
    ORIGIN: Amphetamine derivative; similar effects to ecstasy
    MEDICAL: Amphetamine derivative, similar to ecstasy, and also known as 'flatliners'. Popular dance drug, producing feelings of euphoria
    NO. OF UK USERS: Unknown
    NO. OF UK DEATHS IN 2004: N/A
    STREET VALUE: Unknown
    DANGER RATING: 1.30/3

    14: LSD (Class A)
    ORIGIN: Hallucinogenic, synthetic drug more popular in 1960s
    MEDICAL: Man-made drug that has a strong effect on perception. Effects include hallucinations and loss of sense of time. A 'bad trip' can cause anxiety
    NO. OF UK USERS: 70,000
    NO. OF UK DEATHS IN 2004: N/A
    STREET VALUE: ?1-5 a tab
    DANGER RATING: 1.25/3

    15: Methylphenidate (Class B)
    ORIGIN: Medicine, similar to amphetamines
    MEDICAL: The chemical name for Ritalin, the stimulant drug used to treat children with attention deficit hyperactive disorder which helps them concentrate
    NO. OF UK USERS: Unknown
    NO. OF UK DEATHS IN 2004: N/A
    STREET VALUE: Unknown
    DANGER RATING: 1.20/3

    16: Anabolic Steroids (Class C)
    ORIGIN: Hormones used by bodybuilders and sportsmen
    MEDICAL: Synthetic drugs that have a similar effect to hormones such as testosterone. Used by body builders to increase muscle bulk
    NO. OF UK USERS: 38,000
    NO. OF UK DEATHS IN 2004: N/A
    STREET VALUE: ?7.99 a tablet
    DANGER RATING: 1.15/3

    17: GHB (Class C)
    ORIGIN: Synthetic drug, sold as 'liquid ecstasy'
    MEDICAL: The date rape drug, Gammahydroxybutyrate, is a sedative that has a relaxing effect, reducing inhibitions, but can lead to stiff muscles and fits
    NO. OF UK USERS: Not many
    NO. OF UK DEATHS IN 2004: 3
    STREET VALUE: ?15 a bottle
    DANGER RATING: 1.10/3

    18: Ecstasy (Class A)
    ORIGIN: Synthetic drug in tablets; popular in dance scene
    MEDICAL: MDMA or similar man-made chemicals. Causes adrenaline rushes and feelings of wellbeing but also anxiety and high body temperature
    NO. OF UK USERS: 800,000
    NO. OF UK DEATHS IN 2004: 33
    STREET VALUE: ?1-5 a pill
    DANGER RATING: 1.05/3

    19: Alkyl Nitrites (Legal)
    ORIGIN: Liquid, better known as 'poppers'; inhaled
    MEDICAL: Gives a strong, joyous rush and a burst of energy for a few minutes which quickly fades and can leave a powerful headache
    NO. OF UK USERS: 550,000
    NO. OF UK DEATHS IN 2004: N/A
    STREET VALUE: ?2-6 for 10ml
    DANGER RATING: 0.95/3

    20: Khat (Legal)
    ORIGIN: Green-leaf shrub grown in region of Southern Africa
    MEDICAL: Natural stimulant, its leaves are chewed to produce a feeling of wellbeing and happiness. Popular with the Somali community
    NO. OF UK USERS: 40,000
    NO. OF UK DEATHS IN 2004: Not many
    STREET VALUE: ?4 a bunch
    DANGER RATING: 0.80/3

    There are some surprising results as well.

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