OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

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  • Huggie Smiles
    Re: OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

    I assume this means your 'seriously wankered' at the time of posting Chunky!!

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  • rainman
    Re: OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

    dont do much any more- pot is a given, but really only get really "wankered" maybe once or twice a year. . . if that. I have kids now and would rather spend time with them than be a junkie.

    was a junkie for along time, but then realized all i knew is drugs. had no other skills or knowledge of anything not related to art, music and drugs. that's when i decided the formula to the perfect buzz wasnt going to make me rich.

    as far as listening to music, there is no better way to listen to northern exposure! i personally do not feel like i have to be smashed to enjoy the music i listen to, but it does sound more intense depending on your state of consciousness.
    Last edited by rainman; December 9, 2006, 11:00:09 AM.

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  • Funky Dredd
    Re: OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

    It' been about 12 years for me. I don't need them to get into the music!

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  • AntonyM
    Re: OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

    Living in Vegas makes it difficult to avoid "the drug circle"
    Drugs are not neccessary, but can be a hell of a lot of fun
    in a Bill Hicks/Hunter S.Thompson sort of way
    But as a lifestyle: junkie, tweeker, pharmie, cokehead
    or worst of all crackhead, the shit just dominates your life
    until that's all there is left. Recreational drugtaking should be
    with your good friends as primitive bonding ritual, something
    to laugh about as the years pass, Unnnkay.

    If I'm going to see Diggers or the Man it's nice to ramp up
    the disco biscuits, just to hit those brain cells that recall
    those dancefloor moments they seem so readily deliver
    But working and partying nonstop is a lot easier in your twenties.
    I can't even handle a christmas party hangover from hell, anymore
    But luckily there's ol MS to wank away on until things get better

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  • lilsensa
    Re: OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

    ^^^im clean!! i dont do anything anymore......

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  • Kamal
    Re: OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

    as long as this convo stays within reasonable limits, it'll stay open.... pls keep it clean.

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  • thesightless
    Re: OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

    no, except pot. but i dont really consider it a drug, unless tobacco and booze count. then i do three types. no hard drugs for awhile now.

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  • tiddles
    Re: OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

    i don't anymore. haven't for a few years now.

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  • chunky
    started a topic OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

    OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

    OK does anyone here no do Drugs

    I'm bored of top favorite Albums, Djs, Singles and so on. Who likes to get seriously wanker-ed on the weekend and who doesnt. Have you really lived until you've listened to Northern Exposure or San Fran in the zone (And i mean eyes rolling to the back of the head job) Or is it soo much beter clean.