OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

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  • chunky
    Re: OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

    Originally posted by DIDI
    Well I am going to have to disagree with you NOTHING makes crap music sound good.
    Have you ever taken it.

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  • Kat
    Re: OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

    Originally posted by DIDI
    NOTHING makes crap music sound good.

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  • trick12
    Re: OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

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  • i!!ustrious
    Re: OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

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  • DIDI
    Re: OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

    Originally posted by chunky
    I would have to disagree with you there. Taking Extacy changes the way your brain interprets sound and them sounds are amazing. I mate once said to me "If you have good music you don't need drugs" It's a totally idealistic opinion. Everyone will agree Northern Exposure is an amazing CD. But you listen to it when you have done Extacy is on a whole different level. I spent many a weekend round my house with some mates doing Extacy and just listening to music, it had nothing to do with self-consciousness, it was all about that sound.

    I will also point out that Extacy also makes crap music sound good.
    Well I am going to have to disagree with you NOTHING makes crap music sound good.

    Some scientific proof of ecstasy changing your aural perspective?? It has been scientifically proven to release inhibition which is why they are doing trials to treat PSTD .

    Btw it's not an opinion if it is an experience

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  • DIDI
    Re: OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

    @ Kinetic That definitely shouldn't happen , it's not the way mdma works . The more you have the less it works as serotonin is used up. I would say there were additives in there. These posts make a great case for testing

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  • Haziel
    Re: OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

    Originally posted by ganjamo

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  • ganjamo
    Re: OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

    A couple of years back i used to do E a once or twice every weekend, it was a really fun time. But everyone has to settle down after so much mayhem, i havent touched a chemical substance in a couple of years now and i dont even feel the need to do it anymore.

    I had those blurs you guys are talking about a couple of times hehe, I remember once I started talking to some guy thinking he was my friend and after like 5 mins of chatting it only took a asian grin to really focus and see who the hell i was talking to. I just lol'd and left.

    Its fun, but its not something you can/should do forever IMO, and also the older you get the harder it hits you the next day...

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  • chunky
    Re: OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

    Originally posted by DIDI
    For me it's not a matter of making anything better, because absolutely EVERYTHING is better stone cold sober. It's probably about getting over that initial self consciousness . I really love to dance, and I really love to totally dance.
    I would have to disagree with you there. Taking Extacy changes the way your brain interprets sound and them sounds are amazing. I mate once said to me "If you have good music you don't need drugs" It's a totally idealistic opinion. Everyone will agree Northern Exposure is an amazing CD. But you listen to it when you have done Extacy is on a whole different level. I spent many a weekend round my house with some mates doing Extacy and just listening to music, it had nothing to do with self-consciousness, it was all about that sound.

    I will also point out that Extacy also makes crap music sound good.

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  • Kinetic
    Re: OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

    Originally posted by Shpira
    or a lot more...I had hallucinations before quite a few times but nothing like that.
    Its caused by the rise in body temperature...similar like a fever and by pupil dilation...so your eyes have difficulty focusing on things and as you look it all blurs so your brain does its best to decipher all the information under the influence. Pretty mental...but good fun.
    Yeah, last time I actually did a bit more of it, it started with seeing the air positively melt around me, feeling that my arms were strangely long and the club was a LOT bigger than I thought, it seemed positively huge, then going to the bathroom and hearing those hand-drier-ventilator thingies in a loop in time with the music, and looking at a mate and thinking his head had been substituted by a pig´s head. But nothing quite like what gizze described

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  • Shpira
    Re: OK does anyone here not do Drugs?


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  • DIDI
    Re: OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

    Originally posted by Shpira
    And neither have but I know that
    Love that line

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  • Kat
    Re: OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

    no drugs on my list! maybe one beer and loads of water for a night on a dancefloor

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  • Shpira
    Re: OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

    Originally posted by Haziel
    "My attorney had never caught on to the notion espoused by some former drug users that you can get a lot higher without drugs than with them..."
    And neither have but I know that

    once you get locked into a serious drug-collection, the tendency is to push it as far as you can.

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  • Shpira
    Re: OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

    or a lot more...I had hallucinations before quite a few times but nothing like that.
    Its caused by the rise in body temperature...similar like a fever and by pupil dilation...so your eyes have difficulty focusing on things and as you look it all blurs so your brain does its best to decipher all the information under the influence. Pretty mental...but good fun.

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