OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

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  • toasty
    Re: OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

    Originally posted by thesightless
    funny thing though, of everything mentioned here in this thread, does anyone realize that pot is the only thing that is 100% natural in nature. i mean, tobacco grows, but is heavily altered and treated, alcohol is a chemical reaction requiring a human element.

    weed, well you pull if off a plant and boom.ready to go.
    Did anyone mention mushrooms? Pretty natural, too -- matter of fact, I always wondered who saw mushrooms growing on a lump of shit way back when and thought, "Gee, wouldn't this be good to eat?"

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  • AndyH
    Re: OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

    Originally posted by thesightless
    alcohol isnt a drug. it is aerobic

    funny thing though, of everything mentioned here in this thread, does anyone realize that pot is the only thing that is 100% natural in nature. i mean, tobacco grows, but is heavily altered and treated, alcohol is a chemical reaction requiring a human element.

    weed, well you pull if off a plant and boom.ready to go.
    True, but only after is had been cross bred etc. I know it does come off the plant but there is nothing natural about some of the skunk you come across. Some of it looks like it should be class A. I have been to the Dam 8 times so am quite good with my skunks, but some I saw just the other day looked like it was radioactive or something and was VERY VERY strong . Hard to say shit like that is natural..

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  • AndyH
    Re: OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

    Originally posted by dannyboy
    nothing else like it.
    not sure if would quite agree with that. Not when compared to hearing a ridiculously good tune on a phat system at a quality night with the crowd screaming and buzzing off ur tits..!

    But, it is def v nice...

    I am actually not suprised at lack of hardcore drug users here. Mainly due to the average age which seems to be around mid twenties or so. Quite a few people have said 'I used to do.. bla bla, but now I just drink/puff' or whatever. A more sophisticed crowd (yeah right) .. I bet if u asked this on trance addicts it would be a different story.!!

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  • dannyboy
    Re: OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

    Originally posted by thesightless
    alcohol isnt a drug. it is aerobic

    funny thing though, of everything mentioned here in this thread, does anyone realize that pot is the only thing that is 100% natural in nature. i mean, tobacco grows, but is heavily altered and treated, alcohol is a chemical reaction requiring a human element.

    weed, well you pull if off a plant and boom.ready to go.
    and yes to that to i likes to smoke my weed another way to unwind and chill.

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  • thesightless
    Re: OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

    alcohol isnt a drug. it is aerobic

    funny thing though, of everything mentioned here in this thread, does anyone realize that pot is the only thing that is 100% natural in nature. i mean, tobacco grows, but is heavily altered and treated, alcohol is a chemical reaction requiring a human element.

    weed, well you pull if off a plant and boom.ready to go.

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  • dannyboy
    Re: OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

    Originally posted by Kamal
    ditto, couple (at most) of glasses of cabernet / merlot with dinner OR beer with dinner just to unwind after a long ass day.....
    same here dude its nice to come home sit down crack a beer and just chill nothing else like it.

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  • Kamal
    Re: OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

    Originally posted by toasty
    As for me, I've pretty much turned the page on that chapter of my life. Still drink -- wife and I normally split a bottle of wine for dinner 2 or 3 nights a week -- but not to excess very often at all, especially as compared to years past.
    ditto, couple (at most) of glasses of cabernet / merlot with dinner OR beer with dinner just to unwind after a long ass day.....

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  • toasty
    Re: OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

    kinda surprised by people's responses, I would have assumed that drug use would be much more rampant here. As for me, I've pretty much turned the page on that chapter of my life. Still drink -- wife and I normally split a bottle of wine for dinner 2 or 3 nights a week -- but not to excess very often at all, especially as compared to years past. I'm not averse to the occasional trip down memory lane with some weed, but I'm definitely not looking to add to my list of substances I've tried at this point and am probably pretty much done with anything any harder than that.

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  • RiseandShine
    Re: OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

    it's fun because out of all these responses, only one persons says that drug access is a problem - makes you think...

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  • threehills
    Re: OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

    edit* nevermind.

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  • algy
    Re: OK does anyone here not do Drugs?


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  • thesightless
    Re: OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

    its weird for me, weed, well, the stuff i come across, i dont smoke crap, never has gotten me "down", sure im been out of it at points, but it isnt a downer for me. i always get silly, and laugh. i can smoke and deal with life without much complaint. i dunno, i learned why it is illegal early on, and always took it for bullshit, so i grew up knowing about it, and using in moderation. someone should have asked why the senator who started the petition to make it illegal was working for DuPont textile, his company was taking a hit from the large scale hemp manufacturers and he got it outlawed.... i mean, when they outlawed the plant, did anyone realize that the president himself had a garden. but ahnzinger (spelling) who was working for the prohibition bureau, had a big problem with the mexican trafficers in the south west, so he pressured congress..... lame.

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  • cm1179
    Re: OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

    never done anything harder than weed in my life and i don't intend to either

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  • threehills
    Re: OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

    I rolled a few times in college (about six years ago), and admittedly, one of those times was by far the most enjoyable night of my life (at an Oakenfold show, before he went all weird). Also, in college I used to smoke pot on a daily basis, but then I got tired of pulling below average grades so I quit for a few years and got my shit in order. Now, I might smoke every few months, but it really isn't as fun as it used to be. I drink, but never to excess. Not that I don't want too, I just hate having to spend $50 to get drunk for all of an hour and then knowing I will be puking it all back up later.

    I would like to roll again, but the electronic music scene in Philly is utterly aweful. The "clubs" are all hip hop and the bars are all hipster. Plus, I have no idea where to even start looking for the stuff anymore. Looking back, it was fun, and I learned a lot about myself, but I'm also pissed. I'd be in my 4th year of medical school rather than just applying now.

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  • Dzone
    Re: OK does anyone here not do Drugs?

    Done pills, coke, MDMA powder, mashrome (never done acid as the idea of being out of control is not my fav) still do odd splif in weekend and might do sniff couple of times a year.
    I think since i have a family now, i have more important things 2 do in my weekend other than being mashed, however every now and then with couple of colse frinds is good fun, again as said before every thing is Moderation

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