For anyone worried about spending an extended period of time with their family over the festive season, fret no more! A helpful proffessor has found out exactly why we fight, and how those fights can be prevented. Mind-numbingly obvious results, and considering this guy was probably paid fairly well to do this, it's no suprise governements have no money left to spend on healthcare
Hmm....I think i'll just get trashed and go to a pub.
Families may want to lay down communication "ground rules" prior to family gatherings that will protect relatives from being attacked. These rules might include:
--Speak using only “I” statements.
--Avoid blame. Instead of blame, ask questions to gain coherence and understanding.
--Don't let relatives to interrupt each other.
--Engage in generous listening instead of treating listening as an opportunity to “reload” during a disagreement.
--Speak using only “I” statements.
--Avoid blame. Instead of blame, ask questions to gain coherence and understanding.
--Don't let relatives to interrupt each other.
--Engage in generous listening instead of treating listening as an opportunity to “reload” during a disagreement.