National Do Not Call list
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Re: National Do Not Call list
that shit doesnt work, I entered my numbers 6 months ago and still get regularly bombarded at home with fuck all calls. Now if the number doesnt show, it doesnt get
Jib says:
he isnt worth the water that splashes up into your asshole while you're shittingOriginally posted by ace_dlGuys and Gals, I have to hurry/leaving for short-term vacations.
I won't be back until next Tuesday, so if Get Carter is the correct answer, I would appreciate of someone else posts a new cap for meComment
Re: National Do Not Call list
if they're conducting survey's, it's legal. So they can swerve around the dnc list just by turning it into a survey. The do not call list only applies to direct marketing.Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so.
-Bertrand RussellComment
Re: National Do Not Call list
one of the things is that if you showed any kind of interest by asking any kind of questions, then, they are legally allowed to call you again or to transmit your informationIf the doors of perception were cleansed, every thing would appear to man as it is: infinite. - William BlakeComment
Re: National Do Not Call list
Urban Legend Alert: Wireless providers Don't Publish or List Customer Numbers
Every six months or so an urban legend pops up via e-mail, claiming that wireless companies will soon release customer numbers to telemarketers, and customers will have to pay for the resulting calls.
This is completely untrue. Wireless providers don't currently publish or list customer numbers, nor have we announced any plans to do so in the future.
This urban legend may stem from a misunderstanding of a Wireless 411 service that members of the wireless industry have been exploring over the past few years. The Wireless 411 service, which doesn't exist at this time, would simply provide wireless customers with the option of making their phone number available to directory assistance (411) callers.
While wireless providers continue to explore Wireless 411 service as a potential future service for our customers, we haven't announced any plans to introduce the service. Moreover, should we offer the service in the future, we would only do so on an opt-in basis and with strong privacy protections in place.Comment
Re: National Do Not Call list
I wish we had something like this here.I get 5-8 calls per week either in the late evening or automatic messages "YOU WON, JUST CALL THIS NUMBER 3.29$ PER MINUTE ONLY
" over the day ending on my answering machine. Every time when I am at home and somebody calls me I give him a hard time as direct marketing and offering a service to somebody you are not in a business relation with is not allowed here but those stupid guerilla marketers give a fuck about it.
I already hate spam in the E-Mail and if you depend on business and also private E-Mails there is a difference if you have to scan 70 E-Mails daily "only" or if you get 120 including spam and other stupid offers.
People calling me at home breaking my private sphere trying to sell something to me where I surely don't start thinking about buying it just because they called me can all kiss my hairy butt. I choose what I need and get in touch with companies I choose on my own. Calling me is a reason to never buy anything from that company no matter if they sell something good or not.
If only those people who actually buy stuff because of a spam call they received would stop falling into the phone trap. If nobody buys anything they will stop on their own but as long as people are curious and fear to dissapoint somebody they don't know, spam E-Mails and calls will live forever sadly.Comment
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