Thats right folks we got another comp over at ALDJ, all DJ styles and techniques more than welcome. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

1. 45min DJ mix with a grace period of 1 minute eater side., e.g 44-46 mins in length.
2. Moderators and relatives of Pioneer Pro DJ, Slappa, Novation, Ableton and Dancetracks Digital & ALDJ may not enter.
3. By submitting a mix you agree for your mix to posted in the top 3 on ALDJ.
4. Please mark all entries ALDJ1stBD_Comp in the subject title and add ID3 tags of your name & email the mp3 in192K Mp3 format via - abletonlivedj at [please replace the at with @ and remove the spaces, we have done this to stop spiders (little programs that harvest email addresses) from attacking us with Spam].
5. The competition is open to residents of any country in the world.
6. All DJ styles and techniques are encouraged.
7. Closing date for competition entries is the 31st of January 2007
8. The decision of the judges are final.
1st place

2nd place

1. 45min DJ mix with a grace period of 1 minute eater side., e.g 44-46 mins in length.
2. Moderators and relatives of Pioneer Pro DJ, Slappa, Novation, Ableton and Dancetracks Digital & ALDJ may not enter.
3. By submitting a mix you agree for your mix to posted in the top 3 on ALDJ.
4. Please mark all entries ALDJ1stBD_Comp in the subject title and add ID3 tags of your name & email the mp3 in192K Mp3 format via - abletonlivedj at [please replace the at with @ and remove the spaces, we have done this to stop spiders (little programs that harvest email addresses) from attacking us with Spam].
5. The competition is open to residents of any country in the world.
6. All DJ styles and techniques are encouraged.
7. Closing date for competition entries is the 31st of January 2007
8. The decision of the judges are final.
1st place

2nd place
