as requested by hashhead:
my new years eve was nice. i made a new dinner for my girl and i which totally sucked. we both hated it. i tried something new oh well. then we went to her apt and got drunk til about 5am. headed to a party my boys were havin a few blocks away and took over the decks for a while. played 2 or 3 or 4 times i forget.. i was twisted.
so here's a recording of the nonsense i got in to, although im not sure which part of the day this came from. maybe around 10am or so.
happy 2007!
my new years eve was nice. i made a new dinner for my girl and i which totally sucked. we both hated it. i tried something new oh well. then we went to her apt and got drunk til about 5am. headed to a party my boys were havin a few blocks away and took over the decks for a while. played 2 or 3 or 4 times i forget.. i was twisted.
so here's a recording of the nonsense i got in to, although im not sure which part of the day this came from. maybe around 10am or so.

happy 2007!