i was sleeping soundly til around 11 when my neighbor below and across started blaring hip hop. so i moved to the couch where i hear it less only for my neighbor directly below me to start pumping his hip hop too. that shit drives me mad sometimes. happy saturdday.
hip hop phenomena
Re: hip hop phenomena
neighbor below me already took off. blasted that shit for 40 minutes just long enough to wake me up. then he left. i cant even get close to hookin up the amp and 15's here. i'll surely piss off more than just the neighbor below me.Comment
Re: hip hop phenomena
had the same problem a few years ago. i remedied by setting 2 - 15" subs facing the shared wall of the two apartments and beat'em down with 400 watts of drum and bass. funny, because the music was so loud we couldnt take it, so we left, went to a friends house, ate some acid, forgot all about it and went camping for 2 days.
got home to find that the cd had been skipping on track 3 for almost 3 days.neighbors were not home when we got back, there was a helluva fight when they returned tho. nonetheless never had to deal with their shit again.
Re: hip hop phenomena
I remember stuff like that fondly from my days back at my old apartment. I had these neighbors who always had various people driving up in cars and just idling in front of their house for ridiculous periods of time. Come to think of it, they were probably drug dealers. Anyways, it would be 2, 3 in the morning and these fucking douch-bizzles drive up in their custom subwoofer SUVs with their shitty hip hop turned up so loud that you could feel the reverberations through the entire building - from the street. And they'd sit there for about half an hour.
Some people just have no sense of respect.mixes: www.waxdj.com/miroslavComment
Re: hip hop phenomena
rainman thats fucked up. reminds me of that movie Spun when dude leaves his gf tied up on the bed, hits play on the cd player and as soon as he walks out the cd starts skipping. i have a 700 watt amp with two PA 15's. they rumble. when i bridge my amp i get an extra few hundred watts so needless to say if i entered this contest i'd win. but i DO have that ounce of respect so i leave them unhooked.
miro, god i miss living in a house.Comment
Re: hip hop phenomena
had the same problem a few years ago. i remedied by setting 2 - 15" subs facing the shared wall of the two apartments and beat'em down with 400 watts of drum and bass. funny, because the music was so loud we couldnt take it, so we left, went to a friends house, ate some acid, forgot all about it and went camping for 2 days.
got home to find that the cd had been skipping on track 3 for almost 3 days.neighbors were not home when we got back, there was a helluva fight when they returned tho. nonetheless never had to deal with their shit again.