Re: Health Junkies
every morning i drink this shit called "barely green" its basically the juice of young barely plants, shit is the healthiest shit you can drink. Its excellent for overall body nutrition, and great for your skin.
i also have these vitamin b-12 tablets that i put under my tongue every morning which gives me energy and 16,666% of the daily reccomended dose of b-12.
Health Junkies
Re: Health Junkies
An acai smoothie would be a solid breakfast, hmmm. Thanks for the tip lorn, I'm on it.Leave a comment:
Re: Health Junkies
Acai berry juice. I would consider it one of the best sources of antioxidants to date. I drink it everyday and can tell you I am sold on its property's. Check these links out. a comment:
Re: Health Junkies
I've been away from all health eating & working out for nearly a month now (due to work & travel)...feel like shit & was planing to go 2day and i got i gota wait for couple of days till i feel better..... I miss not leading a healthy life style.
But hey back to it soonLeave a comment:
Re: Health Junkies
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Re: Health Junkies
Exactly. Thats why its always a test or experiment. One should be able to feel or determine whether what one eats is good for their body or not.Leave a comment:
Re: Health Junkies
What would happen? I eat everything wheat, lol. Its more important how your body reacts to the food you eat, than what food you choose to eat, if that makes sense...right?Leave a comment:
Re: Health Junkies
Experimenting is the key. Finding out what works for your body and what doesn't. There are so many different body types and what they respond to can vary dramatically.
Eating a lot of one particular thing can cause a food allergy. I use that term in the context that the body will react to that food as if it doesn't like it anymore ie. allergy. Not that one is naturally allergic to a particular food. I would say the same goes for wheat as it does for dairy. Wheat is in most everything people eat these days. Don't eat wheat for a month and see how you feel.Leave a comment:
Re: Health Junkies
it's not a food allergy thing. It's more based on the fact that it has many wide-ranging effects on the body.
i've been a huge dairy consumer for most of my life. and, have, I think, as a result, been a bit on the large side because of it.
anyone notice how fat people from wisconsin can be?
anyways, i stopped dairy. it was really tough cause all i could think of was that glass of milk, or that ice cream, or those nachos, or that pizza.
that first week i thought i was experienceing some form of withdrawal.
but after i got through those first three days, it became a lot easier to avoid it. i was eating pineapple, apples, grapes, tons of brocolli and boil-in-a-bag rice. doing a lot fo asian-oriented (pun intended) cooking. started using tofu as well. since i've quite doing dairy, eating healthier has become a lot easier. and i've lost some really serious weight (about two lbs a week now).
i've read tons of information on why dairy is bad for you. i've always been a skeptic of things, but for me, all that information wasn't enough to convince me. So...instead, i decided to use my body as an experiment. And i'm glad i took on this challenge because it's helped me realize how easy it is to eat healthy, how fun it is to cook clean foods, and seeing the benefits. I won't look to the science and statistics of avoiding dairy products, I just think about how much better I feel and how much better I look because of this habit i've formed...
haven't had a single sinus headache this month...Leave a comment:
Re: Health Junkies
that bio k stuff is pretty entertaining. it's hard for me to fathom putting live bacteria in my body. i didn't know there were "good kinds", but this bio k stuff looks pretty interesting. i take multivitamins and fish oil capsules daily, but thats generally all i take. i might give the bio k stuff a whirl and see how it effects my system. is it expensive?
good thread, btw. intersting topic.
Definitely try it dude. At least for a week and see if you notice a difference. The downside to the bioK is its very expensive. But its the only probiotic on the market that guarantees fully live cultures rather than freeze dried like most of the capsules on the market are.
Anyone with a highly acidic lifestyle (ie. drink soda, coffee eat fast food and sugar) should be taking a supplement like this. It helps to balance the body back towards a more alkaline state which helps the body to combat illness and disease.Leave a comment:
Re: Health Junkies
^good for you bro. There is so much dairy consumed in this country that I'm sure the majority of people have a food allergy to it.Leave a comment:
Re: Health Junkies
as of the second of january i have not had any dairy products. i've not had any soda. i have not had any fast food. i have had no red meat or chicken. my diet has consisted of rice, vegetables, shrimp and assorted varieties of fish, as well as fruits.
technically, i'm now a pesco-vegetarian. but i don't do dairy, too.
i've lost some weight (6lbs since, and not water weight, i drink about 1.25 gallons a day), my workouts are more energetic, and has saved me some considerable money, too.
i'm not a health nut. my choices are my own based on my own observations and inquiry.
it's pushed me to work on new recipes as well, so it's also been intellectually stimulating in that respect.
i highly recommend a 7-day trial.Leave a comment:
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