Sasha @ Renaissance (Pacha) - the complete aurel experience

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  • simonr
    • Jun 2004
    • 8796

    Sasha @ Renaissance (Pacha) - the complete aurel experience

    Just reporting for [ms] from Sasha's birthday do on the white isle.

    After a cracking opener from Sander Kleinenberg (the best I've heard him play in ages) Mr Coe started the main event and did not disappoint. 3-hours if amazing music and sonic soundscapes.

    The music was all new and he didn't repeat anthing from The Bomb in May ... I've seen him 5 times this year and his latest sound keeps on developing. Sasha kept a great vibe going - didn't pound it, just a driving club set (circa 1999).

    He then played a futher 2 hours with Sander .... basically Sander would put a track on to throw a spanner in the works, and Sasha would rise to the challenge with a further 3 tunes. Finally crawled out at 7.40 a.m.

    Off to see Cattaneo/Satoshi T tonight .... before Sunday @ Space (just a quiet do really ... Lawler, JZ and Sasha all playing the world famous terrace and the disoteque) ... now there's a download I'd like !

    This release was mastered direct from vinyl at the request of the DJ and as such features natural sound characteristics of this medium such as record surface noise.
  • beto
    Gold Gabber
    • Jun 2004
    • 964

    you lucky bastard....


    • Hos
      Are you Kidding me??
      • Jun 2004
      • 4286

      thanks for the report si! sounds great, i wish i was there.
      black is the new black


      • hypoluxxa
        Are you Kidding me??
        • Jun 2004
        • 3371

        Re:: Sasha @ Renaissance (Pacha) - the complete aurel experi

        Sounds great I can't wait to get there myself for the closing party.


        • Jibgolly
          • Jun 2004
          • 20773

          i hope you hooked a MD recorder up for us?


          • GregWhelan
            Are you Kidding me??
            • Jun 2004
            • 2994

            Sounds like a great do.Sasha is really hitting top form at the moment,after a period of stagnation?


            • j0B
              Getting warmed up
              • Jun 2004
              • 69

              Re:: Sasha @ Renaissance (Pacha) - the complete aurel experi

              I came home last night from the island, what a week! Sander K and Sasha absolutely rocked Pacha. Great night - I did not make it until 7 though!

              Review of my week to follow ...



              • Jerry67
                Addiction started
                • Jun 2004
                • 286

                just missed it..............had to go back! pacha rules on ibiza,


                • phazon
                  Gold Gabber
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 750

                  Sounds like a great night, would love to have seen it. Thinking about heading over there in a couple of weeks for a few days, feel the need for an end of summer party.


                  • simonr
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 8796

                    Re: Sasha @ Renaissance (Pacha) - the complete aurel experie

                    ** Update **

                    Fuck ... I thought the night at Pacha was good - but We Love Sundays @ Space was out of this world. That closing party with Diggers should be amazing.

                    Basically I got there for Lawler (7.00), then Sasha & Zabiela rocked the terrace 9.00 til 12.00 - at the end of the set the owner had the crowd sing a v cheesy happy birthday to Mr Coe - he returned the compliment with another 3 corking tunes .

                    Then after the carnage of the world famous terrace it was on to the discoteque (no rest for the wicked). Lawler was on til 2.00 after which Sasha put together one of the best hours music I?ve ever heard him play. Basically he just got lost in his own world for that period, mixing bending and twisting the amazing tunes into each other.

                    To top it all off the great man turned up next to me at the bar while JZ played his hour (they played back to back after that). When I complimented him on the set he?d just put together he just smiled knowingly and nodded (he knew he?d played a blinder). Finally crawled out out 7.00 am :wink: .

                    A couple of days rest now beckon.

                    This release was mastered direct from vinyl at the request of the DJ and as such features natural sound characteristics of this medium such as record surface noise.


                    • j0B
                      Getting warmed up
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 69

                      Re: Sasha @ Renaissance (Pacha) - the complete aurel experie

                      sweet :-)

                      I was at We Love Sundays @ Space the week before (29.08.04). And I fully agree - Space is awesome. I got there at 5 pm and Harry Choo Choo Romero spun some nice housey tunes on the terrace. At 7 pm Danny Howells got on the decks and did an amazing set - the crowd went completely wild. Followed by Steve Lawler who even topped it.

                      After the terrace though inside it was sort of disappointing. The main act there was Jeff Mills - I am not really into techno so I can not comment on how his set was. Steve Lawler and Danny Howells played in the small room upstairs where there was no chance to get in because it was completely croweded.

                      Finally I enjoyed the rest of the night on the top terrace with some nice chill out music ...


                      • Morgan
                        Platinum Poster
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 2234

                        Re: Sasha @ Renaissance (Pacha) - the complete aurel experie

                        Lucky ppl. enjoy,
                        "Pain is only weakness leaving the body."


                        • djbunny2
                          Fresh Peossy
                          • Jul 2004
                          • 5

                          Re: Sasha @ Renaissance (Pacha) - the complete aurel experie

                          Agree Sasha was amazing last week in Ibiza! Saw him at Pacha and Space and he played amazing sets, wrecking both venues, defo up there in my all time best Sasha gigs and ive been going to see him since 1995!

                          His terrace set even had my us house friends loving him and being amazed by him! He played such a musical and tuneful set here is what i spotted: (he was b2b with jz)

                          Daft Punk - Da Funk (1st tune played by jz)

                          Uknown 3rd tune or abouts (this tune had a guitar/bell riff that was quite hypnotic and groovy, that builds with nice key changes, anyone know what this is? he played this at pacha too)
                          Miss Kitten Distortion (subsky remix, think this was around the 4th or 5th tune)

                          Julian Delfaud, Alex Gopher, & Ettienne De Crecy - Fast Track
                          Stone Roses - Fools Gold (remix uknown)
                          A Studio -Sos (this blew the terrace up)
                          Matrix and Danny J -Vertigo (goltrix remix)
                          Blur (classic blur track remixed)

                          thats all i got but there were lots of other amazing tunes, can anyone else remember/spot them?


                          • djbunny2
                            Fresh Peossy
                            • Jul 2004
                            • 5

                            Re: Sasha @ Renaissance (Pacha) - the complete aurel experie

                            oh he played Nikola Gala - Swing 2 harmony which also had the terrace going mad!!!

                            his last tune was a really old tune that my friend knew (classic but with new housey mix, not a sasha sounding record, more of a terrace one) im sure it had "happy" in the chorus

