Here she is. Not many words can explain what I have been through the last week, but this picture can. She is one amazing girl. A real champ.
Everything is fine with her, counted her fingers and toes, and yep there are 20. She does not cry very much, only when she needs Mother's milk or a dry diaper. She eats for 20-45 minutes each hour, frankly I do not know how my wife does it. Every time I hold her it is time to feed again. Changing diapers are fun, esp when there is a blow out. Christ, it looks like she was going 80 when she took her dump. I am the "poo-poo changing pro" in the family. lol. That is my official title besides "household bitch".
For all you that wondered what birth is about, it's a sleepless night full of adrenaline and tears. I cried, and still do when I look at her. I know it sounds fruity, but hey I am a pa-pa now. She likes progressive, I know because on the way home she did a little cry cry , so I put in airdrawndagger and boom she was looking around and quiet. They say what is around her when she is young, is what she is familiar when she is out. I have to report we have another Sasha fan, and most of all a proghead. Could it get any better?
If you get a chance, have yourself a baby. The most rewarding thing in life, is a creation of life. It's amazing watching how you all started and grew up. Remember I love people, so this kind of stuff just jerks me up.

Lova you all,
PS. We are all ready planning for a second ... boy time.
