Xone Mixed In Key software
"Nowadays everyone is a fucking DJ." - Jack Dangers
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Re: Xone Mixed In Key software
I've been using this program now, and scanned all my tunes. After messing around with it for a month I have to say I can never go back!
I've been doing this DJ thing for 10 years now, clubs and lounges on a regular basis the last 4.
I know about music theory and how it works and how to imply it, but I was never trained in it,so to be able to do it by ear while on the fly is nearly impossible for me. I also have more control this way as I will avoid key clashes, I'm not leaving things to chance anymore. I can now 'raise' the energy of my mixes by going up two semitones, and I have all the tunes that will fit that need at my finger tips.
I don't play music, I create a mood and vibe, and a tune played two semitones lower then my current tune could kill the dance floor, no matter how banging and good it is.
Now I have more control over the dancefloor, and that's always a good thing.Piss off you phucking wanksters!Comment
Re: Xone Mixed In Key software
I've been using this program now, and scanned all my tunes. After messing around with it for a month I have to say I can never go back!
I've been doing this DJ thing for 10 years now, clubs and lounges on a regular basis the last 4.
I know about music theory and how it works and how to imply it, but I was never trained in it,so to be able to do it by ear while on the fly is nearly impossible for me. I also have more control this way as I will avoid key clashes, I'm not leaving things to chance anymore. I can now 'raise' the energy of my mixes by going up two semitones, and I have all the tunes that will fit that need at my finger tips.
I don't play music, I create a mood and vibe, and a tune played two semitones lower then my current tune could kill the dance floor, no matter how banging and good it is.
Now I have more control over the dancefloor, and that's always a good thing.
I know fuck all about music theory, I just play what sounds good, and during the period I used the program, I always liked my own choices better than the ones the program dictated.
And this is coming from someone who?s embraced all this digital DJ?ing stuff from day one. But there?s a point where you?ve got to wonder, where?s the creative input people should be putting into this?
Track selection and programming are sacred for me, a million times more than beatmatching, I?ll never let anything other than my own taste determin that for me.Comment
Re: Xone Mixed In Key software
I agree, but for me I have songs that are interchangable to create said mood and vibe, so I play the one that's in key.
Like I said, I create a mood and a vibe, and being able to control that mood and vibe with more then just playing tracks is a god send!
I guess it depends what kind of tunes you're playing as well. At my lounge gigs I play more downtempo/chill/quasi-ambient tunes, so to be able to make them flow nicely like this is magic to my ears.Piss off you phucking wanksters!Comment
Re: Xone Mixed In Key software
ok i got this the other day so i decided to test it out.. and it failed.. i tested it on tracks i knew the key for so there was no mistake. the tracks i used were all the border community records cause they have the keys on them.. i used each track each mix.. out of 15 tracks i used only 6 were correct.. so this program goes into the bin for me..Comment
Re: Xone Mixed In Key software
Try cutting out a sample of the main melody and then have it sample that. It might be trying to analyze a different part.
It's not the best when it comes to analyzing stuff like Border Community, M_Nus and so on.
But for all my house, funk and disco tunes it's been spot on.Piss off you phucking wanksters!Comment
Re: Xone Mixed In Key software
Yup yup, after every batch I run I choose 10 tracks at random, it's at about 90-95% accuracy right, and that's not to bad considering I ran 6000 tunes through it so far.
The only time it gets iffy is when there's a tune with a VOX and then the Instrumental. it seems the vox take priority when analyzing. So the VOX mix might be in 10A while the instrumental could be in 11A.
Other then that it's been pretty flawless.Piss off you phucking wanksters!Comment
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