This is the story of the monster Hannibal Lecter's formative years. These experiences as a child and young adult led to his remarkable contribution to the fields of medicine, music, painting and forensics. We begin in World War II at the medieval castle in Lithuania built by Dr. Lecter's forebear, Hannibal the Grim. The child Hannibal survives the horrors of the Eastern Front and escapes the grim Soviet aftermath to find refuge in France with the widow of his uncle, mysterious and beautiful Japanese descended from Lady Murasaki Shikibu, author of the Tale of Genji. Her kind and wise attentions help him understand his unbearable recollections of the war. Remembering, he finds the means to visit the outlaw predators that changed him forever as they battened on helpless during the collapse of the Eastern Front. Hannibal helps these war criminals toward self-knowledge even as we see his own nature become clear to him.
Hannibal Rising (2007)
Hannibal Rising (2007)">
All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible.Tags: None -
Re: Hannibal Rising (2007)
agreed!!! running out of ideas!">
All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible.Comment
Re: Hannibal Rising (2007)
so not horror, only for kids!!
and the main actor is like a gay teen, really bad movie!Comment
Re: Hannibal Rising (2007)
yeah i also wasn't too impressed...just seems to not have enough going on sometimes although the story idea is good yada yada yadaComment
Re: Hannibal Rising (2007)
I liked only The Silence of the Lambs of this "series"... but not this one so much... bad acting and boring in general. And when I was in a half of this I decided to get back the SimpsonsIt's all about the progressive!