Not going to post this entire blog post because it is quite long, but it's a great read if you have an interest politics -- not the ideology, but the gamemanship. Check it out:
Here's a preview of the first few paragraphs:
Here's a preview of the first few paragraphs:
In the 2006 election the American people made it clear that they wanted out of Iraq. They replaced 36 Republicans with Democrats in the House and the Senate, and they didn't remove a single Democrat. Yes, there were other factors, but overall, the message was a resounding 36-0 drubbing. The Democrats are right, let's get out of Iraq. It's not working.
So, what did President Bush do? He decided to put more troops in. Genius. I'll tell you why.
Because we're no longer discussing withdrawal, instead we're debating escalation. The Bush people changed the playing field by coming over the top of the Democrats. They moved the discussion from one where they were playing defense to one where they are playing offense.
So, now the Democrats have introduced legislation to discuss, debate and challenge the escalation - and have done absolutely nothing about withdrawal.
Then, the Republicans went on the offense again -as they always do - and charged that the Democrats weren't supporting the troops since they were considering the only thing they could do to stop the war - cut off funding. And for the one billionth time in a row, the suckers fell for it again.
So, what did President Bush do? He decided to put more troops in. Genius. I'll tell you why.
Because we're no longer discussing withdrawal, instead we're debating escalation. The Bush people changed the playing field by coming over the top of the Democrats. They moved the discussion from one where they were playing defense to one where they are playing offense.
So, now the Democrats have introduced legislation to discuss, debate and challenge the escalation - and have done absolutely nothing about withdrawal.
Then, the Republicans went on the offense again -as they always do - and charged that the Democrats weren't supporting the troops since they were considering the only thing they could do to stop the war - cut off funding. And for the one billionth time in a row, the suckers fell for it again.