Just curious to get peoples' thoughts on all things related to track selection... Do you have any semblance of a method you use in your approach? How long do you spend working on your sets before you release them? What's the longest time you've spent on a demo? How does your approach to track selection translate from a planned out demo mix to a live on-the-fly mix?
Given that I have limited time these days and that I'm a perfectionist, I like to devote my time to well thought out demos.... 1.5 months in, and I've got about 5 tracks pieced together for my upcoming demo. My method is pretty painstaking, and I will sometimes shelve a series of tracks for a mix until I find the one or two more records that really make it come together. No formula beyond that, just have to hear it a bunch of times and see if it moves me or if I get bored with it...
Given that I have limited time these days and that I'm a perfectionist, I like to devote my time to well thought out demos.... 1.5 months in, and I've got about 5 tracks pieced together for my upcoming demo. My method is pretty painstaking, and I will sometimes shelve a series of tracks for a mix until I find the one or two more records that really make it come together. No formula beyond that, just have to hear it a bunch of times and see if it moves me or if I get bored with it...