al gore, hypocrtical bastard.

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  • Lorn
    Looking for a title!
    • Sep 2004
    • 5826

    Re: al gore, hypocrtical bastard.

    He won an oscar...must be true.


    • Jenks
      I'm kind of a big deal.
      • Jun 2004
      • 10250

      Re: al gore, hypocrtical bastard.

      is it a coincidence this came out the day after Gore won an Oscar for his "documentary"?


      • Localizer
        Platinum Poster
        • Jul 2004
        • 2021

        Re: al gore, hypocrtical bastard.

        Originally posted by Kamal
        ^^ while I dont have a phd in global warming, logically, I'm pretty certain rising temperatures will not result in more snow cause its not cold enough to freeze the moisture or rain water on its way down.
        high pressure and low pressure systems my friend. The drastic differences in air pressure are what you should be looking at, not just temperature itself.
        Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so.
        -Bertrand Russell


        • thesightless
          Someone will marry me. Hell Yeah!
          • Jun 2004
          • 13567

          Re: al gore, hypocrtical bastard.

          or you can just watch the video showing the artic ice shelf break. nothign like watching a few thousand square miles of a continent start to drift towards cape town.
          your life is an occasion, rise to it.

          Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
          download that. deep shit listed there

          my dick is its own superhero.


          • palmer
            Retired or Simply Important
            • Jun 2004
            • 5383

            Re: al gore, hypocrtical bastard.

            [insert criticism]

            art direction | design | animation


            • shan
              Platinum Poster
              • Jun 2004
              • 1187

              Re: al gore, hypocrtical bastard.

              Yeah I was disappointed to read that article. I know some of you guys think he is talking out his ass but I'm going with the scientists on this one


              • Kamal
                • May 2002
                • 28835

                Re: al gore, hypocrtical bastard.

                Originally posted by Localizer
                high pressure and low pressure systems my friend. The drastic differences in air pressure are what you should be looking at, not just temperature itself.
                and does that justify more snow ?

                Jib says:
                he isnt worth the water that splashes up into your asshole while you're shitting
                Originally posted by ace_dl
                Guys and Gals, I have to hurry/leaving for short-term vacations.
                I won't be back until next Tuesday, so if Get Carter is the correct answer, I would appreciate of someone else posts a new cap for me


                • DIDI
                  Aussie Pest
                  • Nov 2004
                  • 16845

                  Re: al gore, hypocrtical bastard.

                  Firstly I think I would need a lot more information before I formed an opinion and I would also want to know where the information was coming from. This was in one of our forums,

                  "The Tennessee Center for Policy Research claims to be "independent, non-profit and non-partisan" even though it's objectives sound suspiciously like those of the current US administration:

                  Dig a bit further, and the President of the Tennesse Center for Policy Research, Drew Johnson, used to work at the American Enterprise Institute:

                  The American Research Institute is a conservative think tank which emerged as one of the leading architects of the second Bush administration's public policy:

                  Maybe Gore's mansion uses a lot of power, but I smell a smear campaign. There was an article in the latest Economist that with so many candidates already announced for the 2008 election, the public may soon tire of them all, leaving the way open for a late candidate to make a surprise run, and who better placed than the newly resurgent Al Gore."
                  Originally posted by TheVrk
                  it IS incredible isn't it??
                  STILL pumpin out great set after great set...never cheesed out, never sold out, never lost his touch..
                  Simply does not get any better than Hernan
                  The 'club spirit' is in the soul. It Never Dies


                  • Kamal
                    • May 2002
                    • 28835

                    Re: al gore, hypocrtical bastard.

                    Originally posted by day_for_night
                    i don't have a phd in it either, but i do have an undergrad in earth & atmospheric sciences. as far as it not being cold enough for warming is serious at a rate that wouldn't warm the planet up as much as people think. we've only raised the mean temperature by 1 degree centigrade. its still plenty cold enough for snow, despite all the warming, of which a large portion is going into melting polar ice. and at cloud altitude, it is always cold, and it only needs to be just below freezing for the snow to make it to the ground.
                    yes I read that global warming will affect those areas of the world drastically during the freezing months, where the average temperature year around is below freezing i.e. the Poles and so during the months there's more evaporation, yes there will be more snowfall when it freezes.

                    So I'll go back and re-iterate what I'm saying.... what Global Warming, its still snowing like a beyotch in NY

                    Jib says:
                    he isnt worth the water that splashes up into your asshole while you're shitting
                    Originally posted by ace_dl
                    Guys and Gals, I have to hurry/leaving for short-term vacations.
                    I won't be back until next Tuesday, so if Get Carter is the correct answer, I would appreciate of someone else posts a new cap for me


                    • hypoluxxa
                      Are you Kidding me??
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 3371

                      Re: al gore, hypocrtical bastard.

                      We all know that global warming is a liberal myth, and that G.W. is the greatest and most honest president the U.S. has ever had.


                      • jarble187
                        • Sep 2004
                        • 2047

                        Re: al gore, hypocrtical bastard.

                        The thing that pisses me off is Gore is such a frontman for the movement. Hes not a scientist and doesnt have all the answers. I am an avid environmentalist- I recycle everything I can, try to implement green ideas and technology- anything to help lessen the burden on the future generations. However, it appears to me that Al just feel into the right "slot". He hopped on the bandwagon and spoke up because nobody else was being heard. The fact that they made him a poster boy and relate his face to environmental movement is just dumb. Somebody else needs to take his place. Someone who practices what they preach and can deliver solid forward progress. Pulling a Micheal Moore with the environment gives people a Fox news something to talk about, which gets us no where. Just keep spinning those wheels.
                        Push the envelope, watch it bend.


                        Wakarusa Dj Winter Classic Mix Submission Feb 2011


                        • jarble187
                          • Sep 2004
                          • 2047

                          Re: al gore, hypocrtical bastard.

                          Originally posted by asdf_admin

                          as i tell people all the time, I litter because it makes people happy to pick up trash and think they are saving the world. Why would I want to rob some body of that joy?
                          LOL, my best friend called me up and left the funniest message on my machine a couple weeks of ago. We had just gotten a major blizzard here in Upstate NY. I sent all my friends pictures of the 2+ feet of snow we got. My friend calls me up and says hes in parking lot down in Atlanta spinning donuts trying to emit as much exhaust as possible in hopes to heat the atmosphere to melt off the snow. I just laughed.
                          Push the envelope, watch it bend.


                          Wakarusa Dj Winter Classic Mix Submission Feb 2011


                          • floridaorange
                            I'm merely a humble butler
                            • Dec 2005
                            • 29119

                            Re: al gore, hypocrtical bastard.

                            Originally posted by DIDI
                            Firstly I think I would need a lot more information before I formed an opinion and I would also want to know where the information was coming from. This was in one of our forums,

                            "The Tennessee Center for Policy Research claims to be "independent, non-profit and non-partisan" even though it's objectives sound suspiciously like those of the current US administration:

                            Dig a bit further, and the President of the Tennesse Center for Policy Research, Drew Johnson, used to work at the American Enterprise Institute:

                            The American Research Institute is a conservative think tank which emerged as one of the leading architects of the second Bush administration's public policy:

                            Maybe Gore's mansion uses a lot of power, but I smell a smear campaign. There was an article in the latest Economist that with so many candidates already announced for the 2008 election, the public may soon tire of them all, leaving the way open for a late candidate to make a surprise run, and who better placed than the newly resurgent Al Gore."


                            It was fun while it lasted...


                            • Lorn
                              Looking for a title!
                              • Sep 2004
                              • 5826

                              Re: al gore, hypocrtical bastard.

                              LOL, my best friend called me up and left the funniest message on my machine a couple weeks of ago. We had just gotten a major blizzard here in Upstate NY. I sent all my friends pictures of the 2+ feet of snow we got. My friend calls me up and says hes in parking lot down in Atlanta spinning donuts trying to emit as much exhaust as possible in hopes to heat the atmosphere to melt off the snow. I just laughed.



                              • jeffrey collins
                                Not cool enough
                                • Jun 2004
                                • 7427

                                Re: al gore, hypocrtical bastard.

                                if i had as much money as that guy has, i'd have a full off the grid home, the only thing that would be connected to the outside would be my phone line and DSL.
                                Jeffrey Collins: Painter
                                My Painting Blog

                                My Soundcloud page.

