dave clarke on vinyl and digital media and more ( interesting )

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  • unkownartist
    • Nov 2005
    • 4146

    dave clarke on vinyl and digital media and more ( interesting )

    “Vinyl is dead, there is no future on a sustainable commercial level,” he asserts.
    “There will be 7inch releases for the odd guitar band and vinyl will be around in Berlin and Germany for a while, but everywhere else it's already history. It's also becoming more and more impossible for the parts to be found for the lathes”

    Skrufff (Jonty Skrufff): When was the last time you played an all vinyl set? And the last time you played a record in a club?

    Dave Clarke:” About three years ago, maybe longer, it was for a boat party, they didn't have the budget for CD players, but that was a rare vinyl set as I’d formally stopped 6 months earlier. A lot of venues don't even have vinyl decks installed anymore either.”

    Skrufff: What are the implications for the DJ world of vinyl disappearing?

    Dave Clarke: “Adapt and survive is the message from evolution . . . that can also be applied to technology. Most DJs I know already have a lot of music on CD, so it's no great shakes, the losers will be the guys with their heads in their sand. For the past five years I have been gearing up to and implementing a digital solution, which means going from vinyl to CD so that all my music is then in the digital domain. Ecologically it also makes sense, I try to be as green as possible within the confines of my work, now I don't burn needless carbon tonnes carting around 30 kilos of vinyl every week. Vinyl is ecologically irresponsible, CDs are better and hard drives are better still on a weight and manufacturing basis. There’s no longer any need to have records driven around to stores or delivered by the postman. The winner is the environment and the DJ for having to learn new skills.”

    Skrufff: Laptop programmes mean every DJ can beatmix perfectly and with not much effort these days, what impact is that process having on the role of the DJ?

    Dave Clarke: “There were always skill-less DJs before, the ones that raise their hands after they pretend to EQ something or put beat-matched CDs in so they don't have to touch the pitch control and that won't change despite the democratisation of music technology. Some DJs talk gleefully about Ableton and some of those DJs couldn't mix before and now don't have too, but they are commercial and stand for nothing. Some other DJs are genuinely creating new musical soundscapes to get excited by. My personal choice is Serato because it allows seat of the pants mixing, Ableton in my eyes is a production tool and not a DJ tool.”
    more here

    anyone care to discuss this ?
  • ShawnD64
    Quickshot the Minute Man
    • Jan 2005
    • 1250

    Re: dave clarke on vinyl and digital media and more ( interesting )

    i think he's dead on. makes me sad that vinyl is going away, but i guess its for the best?
    my dreams of getting a track on vinyl are sprinting away from me. by the time i may be good enough to get there i feel my chances will be gone oh well. thats if i ever get there

    but i have always felt that way with ableton. i use it for dj mixes, cause i dont own cdjs and i dont really dj, i would fucking hate playing out with ableton. keep on with the cdjs and serato


    • supaz
      Platinum Poster
      • Jun 2004
      • 1493

      Re: dave clarke on vinyl and digital media and more ( interesting )

      I personally don't care if one uses vinyl, cds, Ableton, etc. So long as it's good music and it's put together well.

      Sometimes I wonder if the real reason why people object to the "purity" of vinyl is based on insecurity. Matching up beats separates people who can't. I think there's bigger challenges out there for aspiring dj's to overcome...


      • skahound
        Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
        • Jun 2004
        • 11411

        Re: dave clarke on vinyl and digital media and more ( interesting )

        ^ Yeah like the threat of catching Salmonella from Peter Pan brand peanut butter.
        A good shower head and my right hand - the two best lovers that I ever had.


        • Huggie Smiles
          Anyone have Styx livesets?
          • Jun 2004
          • 11836

          Re: dave clarke on vinyl and digital media and more ( interesting )

          who can blame him after vinyl perfomrances like this:

          ....Freak in the morning, Freak in the evening, aint no other Freak like me thats breathing....


          • skahound
            Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
            • Jun 2004
            • 11411

            Re: dave clarke on vinyl and digital media and more ( interesting )

            What's he got against playing the air-saxophone?
            A good shower head and my right hand - the two best lovers that I ever had.


            • lilsensa
              DUDERZ get a life!!!
              • Jun 2004
              • 6675

              Re: dave clarke on vinyl and digital media and more ( interesting )

              he likes serato....I love serato
              RIP ~ Steve James


              • Miroslav
                WHOA I can change this!1!
                • Apr 2006
                • 4122

                Re: dave clarke on vinyl and digital media and more ( interesting )

                Regarding vinyl:
                It's hard not to agree with him. Everyone is watching it die. I still do all vinyl, but that's primarily because I have so much going on right now in my life that I haven't had time to invest in evolving and updating my technology. Vinyl will always be special to me, though...I got an immense joy out of digging through stacks at record stores and really actually having to search for stuff, not knowing what I would find and how I would end up using it. It forced a kind of patience and respect for the craft, and it really made me love it. I'm not so sure that folks who DJ now and never experienced the art before Beatport know anything about that.

                Regarding Ableton and beatmatching:
                Kinda agree with him here, too. I don't see Ableton and cd/vinyl sets as equivalent in terms of how I critique them. It's not that one is inherently better than the other, they're just two very different animals. Yes, it's ultimately about the track selection and the music, but the form and craft of the discipline is something I just can't discount. It's central to the art. The Ableton guy can edit and layer up 50 tracks in an hour, and that can come out sounding really cool if done well...but I'll look at someone differently who also carries on the task of beatmatching and cueing up on the 1s and 2s while doing track selection, building a tight progression, etc. It's like 2 different sports in the olympics.
                mixes: www.waxdj.com/miroslav


                • Localizer
                  Platinum Poster
                  • Jul 2004
                  • 2021

                  Re: dave clarke on vinyl and digital media and more ( interesting )

                  LOL huggie that was awesome.
                  Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so.
                  -Bertrand Russell


                  • unkownartist
                    • Nov 2005
                    • 4146

                    Re: dave clarke on vinyl and digital media and more ( interesting )

                    i,ve been using ableton recently and i have to say its not exactly and exact sience, things run out of time, dont get me wrong ts good but i agree with what he said about it, its not really a viable dj tool, its good for programming sets yea but to go out live and perform a live dj set on it would be a total nightmare, the windows small and u have to have good experience in knowing what wave is what sound ( although i,m not using it with a multi out soundcard @ the moment )

                    with regards to serato this is gonna cut me up by saying this but this is what i firmly believe will happen over time, serato is the new vinyl of the digital age, over time it will die just like vinyl is begining to as more and more up and coming dj's are now using this auto sync beat matching that certain programs provide, i honestly think this is the start of nthe end of the dj as we know it as technological advances will soon take the hard work out of having to manually match beats

                    vinyl has been dieing for a long time and its not just because its bulky and heavy to carry, vinyls bandwidth cant compete with todays digital media


                    • KinKyJ
                      Platinum Poser
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 13438

                      Re: dave clarke on vinyl and digital media and more ( interesting )

                      Originally posted by Huggie Smiles
                      who can blame him after vinyl perfomrances like this:

                      Dave Clarke is a douchebag, really.


                      • Huggie Smiles
                        Anyone have Styx livesets?
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 11836

                        Re: dave clarke on vinyl and digital media and more ( interesting )

                        no hes not. He just needs to stick to playing pounding techno - instead of being a jackofalltrades and failing miserably! He should just do one thing well (techno).
                        ....Freak in the morning, Freak in the evening, aint no other Freak like me thats breathing....


                        • unkownartist
                          • Nov 2005
                          • 4146

                          Re: dave clarke on vinyl and digital media and more ( interesting )

                          Originally posted by KinKyJ
                          Dave Clarke is a douchebag, really.
                          jan thats blasphemy

                          dave clarke is the shit m8


                          • KinKyJ
                            Platinum Poser
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 13438

                            Re: dave clarke on vinyl and digital media and more ( interesting )

                            Duders really, he might be good at techno, but he's a fecking stuck up mofo


                            • unkownartist
                              • Nov 2005
                              • 4146

                              Re: dave clarke on vinyl and digital media and more ( interesting )

                              he can be yea i agree there but his performance out weighs that for me

